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  1. Liberty up now by a TD. Heard that Pavia (NMSU QB) is out for the game with an elbow injury. He's a big reason they beat us, imo
  2. Awesome pickup! Gonna go out on a limb and say not better than Bo Jackson.
  3. NMSU gonna get me again?! I picked Liberty in TD Auburn Bowl. 😂
  4. This is both true and the rational way to look at this game. I still want someone to PAY for that loss.
  5. This is honestly one of the worst games I've ever seen us play.
  6. FPI predicts Arky win. If the they play like they did against MSU, we win easily. If they play like they did against Ole Miss, LSU, Bama, or Florida, Arky could win. Unfortunately, I think Arky has figured something out on O. Fortunately, I think we are getting even better on D and improving marginally on O. AU 34- Arky 31
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