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Pruitt to FSU as DC


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Looks like the rumors of Pruitt to FSU became true. Do you think that any other coaches might jump ship with Pruitt? I believe he was also their best recruiter wasn't he?

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Has he ever been a DC? Cue the gnashing of the teeth at the prospect of a major university hiring someone with no previous coordinator experience!! :)

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Friends of mine told me they read on BOL that Burton Burns and Lance Thompson are rumored to be going with him....and I think Sunseri is joining him as well as an assistant. Apparently some are "worried" with these coaches making lateral moves (aside from Pruitt) that it could mean that there "may" be more to the Saban/NFL stuff than we know.....who knows?

I think it is a weird hire because Pruitt has been involved in running a 3-4 but Jimbo is apparently wanting to stick with a 4-3, and with Pruitt's limited experience in college can he successfully make that switch and run the defense? Only time will tell I suppose....you can't blame Pruitt for taking the job but its head scratching that he is Jimbo's choice.

Add to that I think Pruitt has only been an "on the field coach" for Bama for a couple of years, and is only a few years removed from coaching at Hoover.

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Isn't Pruitt real good about getting high school seniors' grades changed? Wasn't he the one involved in the Hoover High incident a few years ago, and with the kid down in the Pensacola area this year? Maybe Jimbo needs more recruiting help than just D. Craig.

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Isn't Pruitt real good about getting high school seniors' grades changed? Wasn't he the one involved in the Hoover High incident a few years ago, and with the kid down in the Pensacola area this year? Maybe Jimbo needs more recruiting help than just D. Craig.

^^This is the only answer, IMO. Why would Jimbo call on a guy to run his defense that is only a couple of years removed from being an asst coach at high school? Pruitt hasn't had time to prove much as a college coach. Jimbo must be hard up for some Alabama high school talent, and see's Pruitt as his key to getting them. Weird hire - very weird for a program of FSU's caliber.
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Isn't Pruitt real good about getting high school seniors' grades changed? Wasn't he the one involved in the Hoover High incident a few years ago, and with the kid down in the Pensacola area this year? Maybe Jimbo needs more recruiting help than just D. Craig.

^^This is the only answer, IMO. Why would Jimbo call on a guy to run his defense that is only a couple of years removed from being an asst coach at high school? Pruitt hasn't had time to prove much as a college coach. Jimbo must be hard up for some Alabama high school talent, and see's Pruitt as his key to getting them. Weird hire - very weird for a program of FSU's caliber.

AL has a few real studs the next couple of years.

The phone call: JP: Hi, this is Jeremy Pruitt. I am calling about Johnny's grades there at Hoover. We need to work on this like old times.

Hoover Secretary: Hi Mr. Pruitt! Sure, how are things down in Tuscaloosa?

JP: Well, I am at Florida State now, but still love some crimson tide.

The AL.com headline the following morning: "FSU DC, Jeremy Pruitt, tied to grade changing scandal at Hoover"

JOX has Scarbinsky on to talk about what a wonderful Christian man he was before leaving uat.

2 days later PF has Sheridan on to claim AU paid Hoover to change grades for FSU.

AL.com the following week: "NCAA finds no reason to investigate Pruitts history - sends enforcement staff to AU"

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Isn't Pruitt real good about getting high school seniors' grades changed? Wasn't he the one involved in the Hoover High incident a few years ago, and with the kid down in the Pensacola area this year? Maybe Jimbo needs more recruiting help than just D. Craig.

^^This is the only answer, IMO. Why would Jimbo call on a guy to run his defense that is only a couple of years removed from being an asst coach at high school? Pruitt hasn't had time to prove much as a college coach. Jimbo must be hard up for some Alabama high school talent, and see's Pruitt as his key to getting them. Weird hire - very weird for a program of FSU's caliber.

AL has a few real studs the next couple of years.

The phone call: JP: Hi, this is Jeremy Pruitt. I am calling about Johnny's grades there at Hoover. We need to work on this like old times.

Hoover Secretary: Hi Mr. Pruitt! Sure, how are things down in Tuscaloosa?

JP: Well, I am at Florida State now, but still love some crimson tide.

The AL.com headline the following morning: "FSU DC, Jeremy Pruitt, tied to grade changing scandal at Hoover"

JOX has Scarbinsky on to talk about what a wonderful Christian man he was before leaving uat.

2 days later PF has Sheridan on to claim AU paid Hoover to change grades for FSU.

AL.com the following week: "NCAA finds no reason to investigate Pruitts history - sends enforcement staff to AU"

:roflol: Crackin me up!!

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Isn't Pruitt real good about getting high school seniors' grades changed? Wasn't he the one involved in the Hoover High incident a few years ago, and with the kid down in the Pensacola area this year? Maybe Jimbo needs more recruiting help than just D. Craig.

^^This is the only answer, IMO. Why would Jimbo call on a guy to run his defense that is only a couple of years removed from being an asst coach at high school? Pruitt hasn't had time to prove much as a college coach. Jimbo must be hard up for some Alabama high school talent, and see's Pruitt as his key to getting them. Weird hire - very weird for a program of FSU's caliber.

AL has a few real studs the next couple of years.

The phone call: JP: Hi, this is Jeremy Pruitt. I am calling about Johnny's grades there at Hoover. We need to work on this like old times.

Hoover Secretary: Hi Mr. Pruitt! Sure, how are things down in Tuscaloosa?

JP: Well, I am at Florida State now, but still love some crimson tide.

The AL.com headline the following morning: "FSU DC, Jeremy Pruitt, tied to grade changing scandal at Hoover"

JOX has Scarbinsky on to talk about what a wonderful Christian man he was before leaving uat.

2 days later PF has Sheridan on to claim AU paid Hoover to change grades for FSU.

AL.com the following week: "NCAA finds no reason to investigate Pruitts history - sends enforcement staff to AU"

:roflol: Crackin me up!!

Funny and has some truth to it. The only thing left out is somehow get Auburn involved.

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