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Best5Zach's Predictions for ASU


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I'm reading a lot about "our defense wasn't that bad" like i was dogging all of it. Far from the truth. The only thing i have to say is: LB play was consistently suspect and our upper class men d line still hasn't done anything.....aside from sanders....who is a hero of mine.

I've been telling people all week that it seems as if the young guys are hungrier than the vets. So I agree with you about the vets on the dline.
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I will say that CEJ was playing to stop the pass, particularly the big pass (the 4 vertical routes of the AirRaid). We consistently played the DT between the gaurd and tackle, leaving the middle of the D vulnerable to the draw play (which was WSU's best run play). The linebacker play was not good. Cass spent the game on the sideline primarily due to extensive use of the Dime package to stop the deep threat. Frost was just as bad as Jake Saturday, I'm hoping its bc WSU was stretching our D to the limit with the 4 WR packages. We played the safeties extremely deep most of the game, leaving the underneath zones open, crossing routes are hard to deal with (Montana to Rice should jog everyones memory, along with Manning to Welker last night). CEJ was willing to concede short plays, hoping WSU would make mistakes if we made them drive the field, which they did often enough for us to win. WSU QB did not hold the football often, when he did we put pressure on him. We had some good production on the DL last Saturday, the rush fell off in the second half bc CEJ had the DEs fall into the flat to cover the RB when they trailed out of the backfield, leaving a 3 man rush. This adjustment was necessary bc WSU hit that route often in the first half while putting WR across the middle to hold the LBs. We need to get mean on the DL (I think Bradley and Adams both possess this quality) and I think CRG will make the others play with more intensity or they will not play. I do not think he will let kittens onto the field, he expects and demands Tigers. I think we win Saturday but it will be close early and our deep RBs will make the difference. Hopefully I am wrong and Marshall comes out hot and we can start looking forward to MSU before halftime. WDE!!!!

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Not sure if it's been mentioned, but ASU's secondary will consist of two starters who were RB's last year. That can't be good. Hopefully our WR's can take advantage of it.

Rocky Hayes, recruited as a CB by Malzahn, is so fast that he was used extensively on sweeps and "spread" run plays last year. However, he was still recruited to play defense and was a back up CB (natural position) behind a senior. Malzahn just liked him so much, he "stole" him for offense. @6:22 of vid below

@ 5:36 of this vid...

The other is Frankie Jackson, was recruited by some schools as a DB but only played RB here. Takes over the rover linebacker postion that was vacated by 7th round selection Don Jones from last year. IMO, he's still looks a litte green on defense.

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Auburn simply has a T O N more talent (No debate-no doubt) and a far better-more experienced coaching staff (no debate-no doubt).......Game MAY be close for a half.....maybe....

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Auburn simply has a T O N more talent (No debate-no doubt) and a far better-more experienced coaching staff (no debate-no doubt).......Game MAY be close for a half.....maybe....

I'm not sure who you're trying to convince here....me or you...?

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Auburn simply has a T O N more talent (No debate-no doubt) and a far better-more experienced coaching staff (no debate-no doubt).......Game MAY be close for a half.....maybe....

I'm not sure who you're trying to convince here....me or you...?

Really?...think about it..There really shouldn't be any convincing required

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I don't know about the game. It takes more than talent to win football games. I do know the talent level at both schools isn't really comparable. I mean the bottom line is, if ASU could switch rosters, would they? If ASU could go back in time and take Auburn's signing class over their own, would they? The answer to both is an unflinching and emphatic YES. That's not trying to "convince" anyone. That's just a fact.

As for the game, Auburn is still learning how to win, how to compete for four quarters, and how to stay focused throughout. ASU has the edge there. No question. As Gus said, those guys have won games, and they expect to win games. That mindset matters. There will be some adversity during the game for Auburn. At some point, ASU is going to make plays and give Auburn a bloody lip (so to speak). If Auburn reacts like 2011 or 2012 Auburn, ASU will probably win. If they react like they did in 2009 or 2010 or Game 1, Auburn probably wins. It's a long game with lots of possessions. If Auburn plays with a level head, they win 9 out of 10. If they panic, the odds go way down.

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I looked at their roster and game stats from APB and their front 7 is smaller, particularly the DTs (the DTs higher on tackles list from first game all weighed around 265). I didn't see a receiver over 6' and with our secondary looking more physical this year I think if we can slow down their running game in the first half they'll have to start throwing to catch up in the second.

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Auburn simply has a T O N more talent (No debate-no doubt) and a far better-more experienced coaching staff (no debate-no doubt).......Game MAY be close for a half.....maybe....

I'm not sure who you're trying to convince here....me or you...?

Anyone with at least half a brain......Again....No doubt....No debate......none.

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"This team is ...coming off back to back Sunbelt Championships"

Would love to know how this is possible if they were bottom of the conference the year before CGM arrived and conf champs with him, especiallly knowing that CGM was only there for 1 year????

"ASU, on the other hand, has a handful of players that could play anywhere. What's more, they have proven themselves against competition where as Auburn's talent has yet to do so."

Seriously?? Since when has Arkansas-Pine Bluff ever been considered competition? I have never even herd of them before now.

before I start getting blasted because he may be talking about last year; Last year is over, every year is different, every team is different. so last year doesn't count twards proving anything to me.


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You hit it. The point is: ASU is very capable of winning.

uater much? :bananadance:

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"This team is ...coming off back to back Sunbelt Championships"

Would love to know how this is possible if they were bottom of the conference the year before CGM arrived and conf champs with him, especiallly knowing that CGM was only there for 1 year????

"ASU, on the other hand, has a handful of players that could play anywhere. What's more, they have proven themselves against competition where as Auburn's talent has yet to do so."

Seriously?? Since when has Arkansas-Pine Bluff ever been considered competition? I have never even herd of them before now.

before I start getting blasted because he may be talking about last year; Last year is over, every year is different, every team is different. so last year doesn't count twards proving anything to me.


100% correct

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WSU does have breakout players - just ask Corey Grant #20 is an all conference player and he will play on Sundays. They also had some pretty big fast and athletic receivers with NFL pedigree. The defense performed well enough, the offense just could not string together some drives and Clark punted a lot more than I anticipated, therefore WSU had more chances with the ball. Unecessary Holding penalty eliminated 7 pts. 2 stalled drives ended in 3 pts each - people keep picking on the defense from the WSU game, IMO the offense just did not click, if it was moderately on then we are discussing a 17pt win instead of 7. There are differing opinions on the the how, why, and way AU won against WSU but the bottoms line is they won. Peyton Manning said something interesting last night that I think applies to AU - he said they (Broncos) have a lot of new players, new OC, he felt it will take time for them to adjust to playing with one another but while they are waiting it's important that they focus on winning games in the process. This team is not clicking on all cylinders yet but when they do I anticipate more consistent performances and hopefully great wins in the process.

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Not sure if it's been mentioned, but ASU's secondary will consist of two starters who were RB's last year. That can't be good. Hopefully our WR's can take advantage of it.

Rocky Hayes, recruited as a CB by Malzahn, is so fast that he was used extensively on sweeps and "spread" run plays last year. However, he was still recruited to play defense and was a back up CB (natural position) behind a senior. Malzahn just liked him so much, he "stole" him for offense. @6:22 of vid below

@ 5:36 of this vid...

The other is Frankie Jackson, was recruited by some schools as a DB but only played RB here. Takes over the rover linebacker postion that was vacated by 7th round selection Don Jones from last year. IMO, he's still looks a litte green on defense.

Can't pretend ol Rocky isn't impressive...

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Against la-Lafayette I would look like a football player......... :hellyeah:

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You hit it. The point is: ASU is very capable of winning.

uater much? :bananadance:/>

Lol. Did I just get called a Bammer? That, Seriously, is one if the funnier things I have read. If you read my articles....at all.....

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"This team is ...coming off back to back Sunbelt Championships"

Would love to know how this is possible if they were bottom of the conference the year before CGM arrived and conf champs with him, especiallly knowing that CGM was only there for 1 year????

"ASU, on the other hand, has a handful of players that could play anywhere. What's more, they have proven themselves against competition where as Auburn's talent has yet to do so."

Seriously?? Since when has Arkansas-Pine Bluff ever been considered competition? I have never even herd of them before now.

before I start getting blasted because he may be talking about last year; Last year is over, every year is different, every team is different. so last year doesn't count twards proving anything to me.

Pretty sure ASU had just as good a record under Hugh Freeze (the year before Gus arrived) as they did under Gus so I seriously doubt they were at the bottom of the conference the year before Gus arrived..


Folks go look at their record from the last two years. They have won some against the La Monroe and North Texas teams. Last year they played two BCS teams and were beat by over 3 touchdowns in both of them. We did have a bad year but a lot of that was due to mental colapse suffered by CGC's non-sense. AU might not score 60 against them because we will sit Dee and Justin and some others to get them 100%, but this game will not be in jepordy. I know that there are some bammers ouit there that are getting worried, especially after their offense pooped on theirselves last week, but let them smolder in their own crap. WE COMING. Write it down. WDE.

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You hit it. The point is: ASU is very capable of winning.

uater much? :bananadance:/>

Lol. Did I just get called a Bammer? That, Seriously, is one if the funnier things I have read. If you read my articles....at all.....you would take your words right back. Come find me in section 35 tomorrow and call me a Bammer.

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Hey Best5Zach, enjoyed the original post and agree with you as well. Folks, I think we all love Auburn, and we never like to hear anything negative about our Tigers. But the truth remains that both the offence and defence have some room for improvement from last weeks game. I am not worried however as it was the first game of the year and we had some key players missing from the defence. That being said Zach is correct in that our LB play the last few years has been anything but steller. I think the game is close going into the 2nd qtr, but feel we will start to use our size advantage and we start to pull away going into the half. Well hope to see some you guys at the game tomorrow and hopefully we will all be in a great mood after the game. By the way, I have a few extra tickets for the game tomorrow as both my kids are sick and wont be coming with me. Don't want alot for them just don't want them to go to waste. Pretty good seats too, Sec 8 Row 16.

As always my friends, War Eagle!

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Hey Best5Zach, enjoyed the original post and agree with you as well. Folks, I think we all love Auburn, and we never like to hear anything negative about our Tigers. But the truth remains that both the offence and defence have some room for improvement from last weeks game. I am not worried however as it was the first game of the year and we had some key players missing from the defence. That being said Zach is correct in that our LB play the last few years has been anything but steller. I think the game is close going into the 2nd qtr, but feel we will start to use our size advantage and we start to pull away going into the half. Well hope to see some you guys at the game tomorrow and hopefully we will all be in a great mood after the game. By the way, I have a few extra tickets for the game tomorrow as both my kids are sick and wont be coming with me. Don't want alot for them just don't want them to go to waste. Pretty good seats too, Sec 8 Row 16.


As always my friends, War Eagle!

Darren Bates and Josh Byrnes say high from the NFL. SMDH. LOL at the bamerites

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Bammerite!! buddy you could not be farther from the truth if you took a plane, train and automobile from the truth. Not trying to get into an arguement with anyone on here as we are Auburn fans and therefore family. However I do take offence to being called a bammer! I will be at the game tomorrow and would love to talk some Auburn football with ya and drink a cold one.

As always my friends, War Damn Eagle!!

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Guest jojo1515

Bammerite!! buddy you could not be farther from the truth if you took a plane, train and automobile from the truth. Not trying to get into an arguement with anyone on here as we are Auburn fans and therefore family. However I do take offence to being called a bammer! I will be at the game tomorrow and would love to talk some Auburn football with ya and drink a cold one.

As always my friends, War Damn Eagle!!

Sorry, gotta be the spelling police....its offenSe, not offenCe, same with defenSe. Ok, you can go back to calling each other bammers lol

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You hit it. The point is: ASU is very capable of winning.

uater much? :bananadance:/>

Lol. Did I just get called a Bammer? That, Seriously, is one if the funnier things I have read. If you read my articles....at all.....you would take your words right back. Come find me in section 35 tomorrow and call me a Bammer.

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