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Help needed/greatly appreciated


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I apologize that this isn't AU Football related.

This is here in my hometown and I was hoping someone would see this and be able to help or get it in front of someone that could help.

Mods move this wherever you need to. Thank you & War Eagle!


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Id say they need to call Allstate or Nationwide

Insurance can take awhile to sort out. I would think Auburn could step up to help. Surely we have the resources

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I can't help but believe that Under Armor or Nike would be willing to help. UAT or Auburn Athletics Dept. should be able to put them in touch with the right people.

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Sent an email to Jacobs, Gogue and Keeter (public affairs director):


I am sure you are aware of the bus fire involving the Concordia College (Selma, AL) football team that destroyed most of their equipment this past weekend. Concordia's athletic department has chosen to try and complete their season, but are in desperate need of assistance. They are currently borrowing gear from some high schools in their area, but I can imagine that those resources are woefully limited. I would challenge the Auburn athletic department to step up and be huge in this situation. I'm hopeful we already have. Here's a link to one of the numerous stories circulating:


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Sent an email to Jacobs, Gogue and Keeter (public affairs director):


I am sure you are aware of the bus fire involving the Concordia College (Selma, AL) football team that destroyed most of their equipment this past weekend. Concordia's athletic department has chosen to try and complete their season, but are in desperate need of assistance. They are currently borrowing gear from some high schools in their area, but I can imagine that those resources are woefully limited. I would challenge the Auburn athletic department to step up and be huge in this situation. I'm hopeful we already have. Here's a link to one of the numerous stories circulating:


Well done and War Eagle!

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Sent an email to Jacobs, Gogue and Keeter (public affairs director):


I am sure you are aware of the bus fire involving the Concordia College (Selma, AL) football team that destroyed most of their equipment this past weekend. Concordia's athletic department has chosen to try and complete their season, but are in desperate need of assistance. They are currently borrowing gear from some high schools in their area, but I can imagine that those resources are woefully limited. I would challenge the Auburn athletic department to step up and be huge in this situation. I'm hopeful we already have. Here's a link to one of the numerous stories circulating:


Well done indeed! Thank you very much! My high school donated some of their equipment to the team. War Eagle!

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Post again if you get a response. Thats my home town,

it is a small school, As a kid I use to ride my bike on the campus because it has some great hills and what not to jump off of, The football team has always looked like they have borrowed highschool uniforms, I'm hoping Auburn and/or Under Armor will step up and cover these kids with new gear and equipment. I would hate to see anyones season get cancled on account of an accident like this. Hell Under Armor could even write it off as a charity also makes for great publicity.

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Well, I've tried social media to get Auburn Football & Jay Jacobs to do something. Yeah yeah yeah, I know it's just some random student handling their Twitter profiles but I tried :)

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I have high hopes that Auburn and one of its retailers will step up. I see where people have sent things to Jay Jacobs but I also see where somebody says that students monitor these type communications. On the chance the students who monitors this does not realize the importance of getting this information to Jay ASAP. If anybody on this board knows him in person a quick phone call explaining what has occurred might speed things up. I don't travel in those circles but some of you might.

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Thankful everyone was ok, glad to see they are getting support from around the country.

This was not a random catastrophe, it may have been preventable and predictable.

Tire explode when they get hot. They get hot when they are underinflated, old, or the tread wears to the belts. May have picked up a puncture but the fact that they blew moments apart suggests the tires were in substandard condition. I see this happen frequently with trailer tires.

Check your tire pressures, replace them when the reach the wear marks. If you carry a heavy load or driving long distances pay extra attention to inflation pressures and be certain you have not exceeded your load rating. If you tow a trailer be certain the hubs have been serviced, the tires are less than 5 yrs old and the trailer and tow vehicle have been loaded correctly. Don't even think about pulling a U Haul.

Put my son on a bus for a grade school trip to the Smokies years ago. Noticed the bus tires were badly worn. I should have yanked him off the bus and called the local police to prevent the bus from leaving the school.

This may not have been an accident, it may have been negligence.

Read the rules before you go

Little doc

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Having been in insurance claims for many years, I just emailed Coach Lee on some ways to maybe cut through the red tape and get insurance money quickly to replace the equipment.

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I will give credit where it's due, our guys do actually read their email (good and bad). Here's the initial response from yesterday morning:

"We were saddened to hear this news from last weekend. I'm in touch now with Athletics Dept. officials to see how we can help. Either I or someone else will be back in touch soon.


Brian C. Keeter

Director of Public Affairs

Auburn University"

I responded by asking him to go big and make us proud.

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Thank you for the efforts all of you have put in!

Here is the latest newspaper article from Selma about the situation: http://www.selmatimesjournal.com/2013/09/25/area-schools-companies-help-get-hornets-back-on-the-field/

Seems several schools, high school & college, as well as, companies have stepped up to help. From everything I've seen and heard, Concordia Selma has been doing some great things in the community and for it's students outside of athletics.

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Hope these guys get to where they play as good as they look now. There was a lot of love shown over the last two weeks. Ultimately Adidas next day aired everything but the helmets. Rawlings had already taken care of that. Even the NFL Packers sent their game uniforms. Haven't heard if our good AU athletic department made so much as a phone call. Pht.


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So glad they've been helped. I'd like to know what our involvement was if any. I'd be very dissapointed if a rep from AU didn't at least reach out to these guys being we're in the same State and not very far off at that.

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