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Texas fans want Malzhan


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Probably turd fans posing as UT fans to get the AU fans stirred up. They are the masters at deflection.

Yep! I love how this comes out the week of the Iron Bowl. They have more to worry about than we do. Their coach is all about the mighty dollar and Texas has more of it than the Turds.

They probably considered floating the rumor that Auburn paid Nick Marshall $180k but someone realized folks might remember the last time they tried that with an Auburn QB.
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If coaching at UTx were such a slam dunk, Mack would not have been there to begin with....and would not be on the hot seat now. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence and most coaches have figured out that after a certain salary level, chasing more money is not a good career plan.

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I agree AU64. Kinda like the talk of Kevin Sumlin to USCw....why leave a place where they love you to go to a place that you'll have to start over (somewhat) with recruiting, staff, etc? CGM will get a nice raise at AU, he will have a more mature team next year and some great recruits lined up. He is at a place where, I hope and think, that he is well liked. Coaching in the toughest conference in the country. Just doesn't make sense to make a jump like this so soon....I'll believe it when I see it.

CNS however could try to win a MNC at a third school. No buyout on his contract. Maybe getting a little bored in Tuscaloosa. That move makes more sense but it's probably just wishful thinking!

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Consder all of the rumors about Gus leaving a little payback from the gumps for saying saban is leaving for the past 7 years

Right on with this. Gus isn't going anywhere. This is nothing but a feeble attempt to get in our heads by the bammers. It's just their MO. I really had a chuckle when I read it. They are soooooooooooo obvious.
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My son's friend has close friend who lives in Austin who just told him that Saban bought a house in Austin a few days ago. The realtor is a close family friend.

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Probably turd fans posing as UT fans to get the AU fans stirred up. They are the masters at deflection.

Hammer meet nail! Guarantee its a troll tide checking out the UT message board cause of the fear his beloved coach is leaving. Started believing all he was reading and used his best defensive measure. Exactly how they work.

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Probably turd fans posing as UT fans to get the AU fans stirred up. They are the masters at deflection.

Yep! I love how this comes out the week of the Iron Bowl. They have more to worry about than we do. Their coach is all about the mighty dollar and Texas has more of it than the Turds.

They probably considered floating the rumor that Auburn paid Nick Marshall $180k but someone realized folks might remember the last time they tried that with an Auburn QB.

A prime example of them at work was the 180k. Wasn't that the exact same amount of money in the Albert Means case.

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Probably turd fans posing as UT fans to get the AU fans stirred up. They are the masters at deflection.

Yep! I love how this comes out the week of the Iron Bowl. They have more to worry about than we do. Their coach is all about the mighty dollar and Texas has more of it than the Turds.

They probably considered floating the rumor that Auburn paid Nick Marshall $180k but someone realized folks might remember the last time they tried that with an Auburn QB.

A prime example of them at work was the 180k. Wasn't that the exact same amount of money in the Albert Means case.

No. Means was 200K

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Actually, former MSU player and street agent Kenny Rogers asked MSU boosters for 200k. 180 was supposed to go to Cecil Newton and the ohter 20 k (10%) was Rogers' fee for doing the legwork.

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Actually, former MSU player and street agent Kenny Rogers asked MSU boosters for 200k. 180 was supposed to go to Cecil Newton and the ohter 20 k (10%) was Rogers' fee for doing the legwork.

I thought Rogers said that UT had offered 200K, but since he was an MSU alum he was going to let them have him for 180K? Of course that was all bs because UT did not even offer Cam a scholly much less 200K.
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From what I have gathered CGM isn't about money. He turned down 3 million while he was our OC to become HC at Vandy. He is about the game. He recruited pretty much all the players we have on our team right now. He has things set up the way he wants them at Auburn and he loves it here. I don't see him wanting to start over at TX. Also, I doubt he would get Garner and Craig, two of his best recruiters, to go with him over there. They are home now and do you think they want to go to TX just for more money? FSU threw lots of money at Craig to stay but he wanted to come to Auburn because this is where he played. Malzahn isn't an ego maniac nor a green eyed monster like that other coach across the state. Gus and co will get a nice raise at the end of the season for their great work this season. Texas might be a better job than Auburn according to some but you also have a bigger target on your back to win.

YES. And it will be both the intangibles at Auburn (that most coaches don't even care about or pick up on...) PLUS our capacity to keep those intangibles front and center as a fanbase that will inspire Gus to stay at Auburn as long as he personally feels LED...not "fed"...to do so. I am sure there is a deserved pay raise in there somewhere...but Gus is cut of a different cloth. Those with eyes to see in 3d...it's pretty awesome, isn't it? :wareagle:
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Actually, former MSU player and street agent Kenny Rogers asked MSU boosters for 200k. 180 was supposed to go to Cecil Newton and the ohter 20 k (10%) was Rogers' fee for doing the legwork.

I thought Rogers said that UT had offered 200K, but since he was an MSU alum he was going to let them have him for 180K? Of course that was all bs because UT did not even offer Cam a scholly much less 200K.

Rogers was broke at the time, had bad checks floating and some very bad people were after him for money. Of course, I have no first hand information but I think it's doubtful that he would waive his "fee" under those circumstances.

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The midget in west Vance is headed to Austin. Bank it!!!!!!!

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My son's friend has close friend who lives in Austin who just told him that Saban bought a house in Austin a few days ago. The realtor is a close family friend.

He sure is battling us like crazy for recruits, for a guy that knows he's leaving? Strange?
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Of everything I have read about ms terry, not once did she say they WERE NOT going toTX, only that they were happy in ttown. Seems to me that would pretty much say the door is open. If anybody knows different, enlighten me.

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My son's friend has close friend who lives in Austin who just told him that Saban bought a house in Austin a few days ago. The realtor is a close family friend.

He sure is battling us like crazy for recruits, for a guy that knows he's leaving? Strange?

funny how posers are SO active here. REAL fear.......
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My son's friend has close friend who lives in Austin who just told him that Saban bought a house in Austin a few days ago. The realtor is a close family friend.

He sure is battling us like crazy for recruits, for a guy that knows he's leaving? Strange?

1. Shouldn't he, to keep up the façade, if there is one? 2. Would it be a "parting-gift-consolation" to set them in decent stead for at least one year in his departure? He's close, but not a complete mercenary. Most departees in any occupation want to leave things running as "smoothly" as possible...
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My son's friend has close friend who lives in Austin who just told him that Saban bought a house in Austin a few days ago. The realtor is a close family friend.

He sure is battling us like crazy for recruits, for a guy that knows he's leaving? Strange?

1. Shouldn't he, to keep up the façade, if there is one? 2. Would it be a "parting-gift-consolation" to set them in decent stead for at least one year in his departure? He's close, but not a complete mercenary. Most departees in any occupation want to leave things running as "smoothly" as possible...

Or maybe he thinks he can flip the ones he needs................
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Do you remember "Hotel California"? "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave..." Maybe continuing to recruit is both his best alibi and his best chance out. And I agree that he can flip players (and coaches) and take them anywhere they could stand to go with him. Should continue to be very interesting. :wareagle:

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