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Evidence shows Obama is responsible for epidemic


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There is no such thing as coincidence - Gibbs rule # 39

Large influx of unscreened illegals, which the Federal govt scatter all across the country, which is followed by a large uptick in a deadly strain , all across the country.

Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck....

The rise in global temperatures is related to the reduction in the number of pirates. :rolleyes:

You take that goofball rule from a character in an unrealistic crime drama pretty seriously.

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There is no such thing as coincidence - Gibbs rule # 39

Large influx of unscreened illegals, which the Federal govt scatter all across the country, which is followed by a large uptick in a deadly strain , all across the country.

Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck....

The rise in global temperatures is related to the reduction in the number of pirates. :rolleyes:

You take that goofball rule from a character in an unrealistic crime drama pretty seriously.

"Coincidentally", I just saw this stat the other day myself, but don't remember the article/source. Even if one wanted to make a causal connection between the two, it still begs the question of which caused which? Do rising temperatures suppress pirate activity, or do pirates have a cooling effect on the planet? Perhaps global warming scientists should look into this. :big:;)

Joking aside, I still vividly recall the example my high school teacher used over 4 decades ago in explaining the fallacy of assuming that correlation implies causation:

According to him (admittedly I never bothered to check on his source for these stats--that was pre-internet and pre-google.), during the Dickensian-Victorian period in England, when pastors' salaries rose, alcohol sales also rose. Does that mean English clergymen were a bunch of drunks or a significant factor in alcohol market? A coincidence or not? Looking and quacking like a duck?

No, the explanation generally accepted by sociologists and economists is that clergy salaries rose during periods of economic prosperity for the same reason that other wages, consumer purchasing power, and recreational spending in general (e.g., alcohol purchases) rose during those prosperous periods.

I don't know Gibbs or his rule, but of course there is such a thing as coincidence! To argue otherwise reflects a loss of touch with reality, in my opinion. Speaking of which, I gave a test today. Wonder how many other tests were given in other college classrooms today? Did I cause all that, or is it a coincidence? For that matter, can we even call it "coincidental", since I'd guess that it was highly probable that some other profs gave a test today, if we calculated the odds.

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There is no such thing as coincidence - Gibbs rule # 39

Large influx of unscreened illegals, which the Federal govt scatter all across the country, which is followed by a large uptick in a deadly strain , all across the country.

Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck....

....thinks like a duck?

First, you start with a wacko right wing source (there's lots to chose from) to identify the problem, then you look for evidence to support it.

Got it. :rolleyes:

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I know this post was started about Ev-D68, but to me the bigger picture are all the diseases Americans are being exposed to due to open borders. Just like Dr. Frieden said.

I don't think what you're linking says what you think it says. That's a letter from Representative Phil Gingrey (R-GA) to Freiden.

Good catch. I didn't even notice that.
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It just occurred to me that a goose looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and sounds like a large duck with a slightly lower vocal range due to its greater size...but obviously isn't a duck!

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There are plenty of things to disagree with Obama about. Believe me I disagree with him almost 100% of the time. But to blame his lack of border security for this epidemic with out Scientific Study based on Scientific fact hurts people who disagree with Obama as it makes it looks like we are not informed enough to make an intelligent decision.

I stand by my statement even if there turns out to be a cause and affect between the Illegals entering and the Epidemic. Because at this time there is no scientific backing for this conjecture. In the Science world this article is an hypothesis and not even a very good one as other than timing there is no direct tie-in. This would be something a scientist would say there might be something here I need to do a study and then after the study they would publish something either confirming, refuting or deciding that more study is needed.

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And there is no direct evidence yet connecting Obama to:

Fast and Furious

IRS targeting

Beghazi lies and cover up

NSA spying

Etc etc etc.

To call you people sheeple is being nice!

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And there is no direct evidence yet connecting Obama to:

Fast and Furious

IRS targeting

Beghazi lies and cover up

NSA spying

Etc etc etc.

To call you people sheeple is being nice!


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I found this to be a pressing issue:


Ha,ha! I'll admit I find it interesting myself.

But I also suspect Freud might suggest that your use of the word 'pressing' could reflect a subconscious desire to have some 'things' pressed against you. :rolleyes::poke:

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