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Bombing Iran Is a Terrible Idea


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Their well rounded history (in areas related to funding terror and supporting it) along with their desire for power in the name of radical religion (the leadership for sure) is proof enough.

And therefore.....?

Therefore you refuse to see the light in the distance coming at you......while you stand on the tracks. ;)

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Their well rounded history (in areas related to funding terror and supporting it) along with their desire for power in the name of radical religion (the leadership for sure) is proof enough.

And therefore.....?

Therefore you refuse to see the light in the distance coming at you......while you stand on the tracks. ;)

homie, like most liberals, is evidently perfectly fine facilitating Iranian hegemony in the ME. All I can say to that is, they wont stop there. Their theocratic mission wont allow it.

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Walker and Iran Hawks’ Phony Concern for Nonproliferation

Rejecting any achievable nuclear deal with Iran seems to be the latest litmus test for Republican presidential candidates. Scott Walker told Hugh Hewitt that he would repudiate a deal that the U.S. made that permitted Iran to retain some enrichment:

HH: Would you reject that deal if you took the Oval Office?

SW: Absolutely, on Day One. I mean, to me, it is, the concept of a nuclear Iran is not only problematic for Iran, and certainly for Israel, but it opens the doors. I mean, the Saudis are next. You’re going to have plenty of others in the region. People forget that even amongst the Islamic world, there is no love lost between the Saudis and the Iranians. And so they’re going to want to have a nuclear weapon if the Iranians have a nuclear weapon.

It’s almost funny how hawks that are dead-set against a nonproliferation agreement pretend to care about nuclear proliferation in the rest of the region. If they were genuinely concerned about nuclear future proliferation by U.S. allies and clients, you would think they would be eager to reach an agreement with Iran that significantly limits Iran’s nuclear program. If one assumes that there would be a wave of proliferation as a result of an Iranian bomb (which has strangely failed to happen for fifty years since Israel acquired its nuclear weapons), imposing restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program through a negotiated deal would seem to be imperative in order to stop that future proliferation.

Then again, I doubt that there are any hawks that really believe this will happen. If they did, they wouldn’t so cavalierly propose the idea of attacking Iran, as John Bolton does again today in The New York Times, since such an attack would push Iran to acquire nuclear weapons, and, if the hawks are to be believed, that would then prompt Iran’s neighbors to do likewise. If onewanted to “open the doors” to future proliferation, tearing up an agreement made in good faith with Iran regarding its nuclear program is a good way to start. Walker and Rubio have both committed to doing this if they become president, which is another excellent reason why neither of them should be allowed to hold that office.

Once again, Iran hawks oppose the means that has the best chance of ensuring that Iran will not acquire nuclear weapons while many of them demand military action most likely to make the Iranian government want to have them. They feign concern about future proliferation while vowing to repudiate an agreement that has a good chance of preventing it. They claim to be interested in preventing a nuclear-armed Iran while doing everything in their power to make that outcome more likely.


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The fear mongering is reaching epic levels.

Not even close to those ready to throw the chicken switch.......
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The fear mongering is reaching epic levels.

Not even close to those ready to throw the chicken switch.......

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The fear mongering is reaching epic levels.

Epic? No, the fear mongering with Iran has been in place since the late 70's. It's called a track record. Hawks or not, a nuclear Iran would only fuel an arms race in the Middle East and put them in a powerful place and make it even harder for their civilian population to one day rise up (if they chose to do so) against the Mullahs.

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The fear mongering is reaching epic levels.

I don't know. They've been at epic levels for so long, epic kind of feels like the new normal.

Like I've said, Defense contractors want their return on investment. The GOP needs to deliver them a war.
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Their well rounded history (in areas related to funding terror and supporting it) along with their desire for power in the name of radical religion (the leadership for sure) is proof enough.

And therefore.....?

homie, your eagerness to align with the biggest state sponsor of terrorism is not only not surprising AT ALL but, it is also rather quite in keeping with the liberal pedigree who have a storied history of somewhat eagerly aligning with America's enemies. Never mind Iran funds Hezbollah, Hamas AND provides safe harbor to Al Qaeda operatives, there's hardly anything for a liberal quite like teaming up with a rogue state, such as Iran, that has so many irons in the fire working against the home team...."we owe them", right? :-\ What an absolutely pathetic comment!

Typical BlueVue straw man tactic.

I don't advocate "aligning" ourselves with anyone. I advocate reaching a negotiated agreement with Iran that will at least delay their being able to produce a bomb for 10 years or more. (Who wouldn't? After all, things can change over 10 years.)

This straw man habit you've got is BS. It's also transparently boring. Try something else.

The rest is just typical wingnut ranting.

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Their well rounded history (in areas related to funding terror and supporting it) along with their desire for power in the name of radical religion (the leadership for sure) is proof enough.

And therefore.....?

Therefore you refuse to see the light in the distance coming at you......while you stand on the tracks. ;)

Would you continue the current attempts to reach an agreement or give up on them?

A simple yes or no will suffice.

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Their well rounded history (in areas related to funding terror and supporting it) along with their desire for power in the name of radical religion (the leadership for sure) is proof enough.

And therefore.....?

Therefore you refuse to see the light in the distance coming at you......while you stand on the tracks. ;)

homie, like most liberals, is evidently perfectly fine facilitating Iranian hegemony in the ME. All I can say to that is, they wont stop there. Their theocratic mission wont allow it.

Would you continue the current attempts to reach an agreement or give up on them?

A simple yes or no will suffice.

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The fear mongering is reaching epic levels.

I don't know. They've been at epic levels for so long, epic kind of feels like the new normal.

Like I've said, Defense contractors want their return on investment. The GOP needs to deliver them a war.

War is the Republican form of economic stimulus. Works great for some. At least over the short term.

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The fear mongering is reaching epic levels.

I don't know. They've been at epic levels for so long, epic kind of feels like the new normal.

Like I've said, Defense contractors want their return on investment. The GOP needs to deliver them a war.

War is the Republican form of economic stimulus. Works great for some. At least over the short term.

Deficit spending is only 'honorable' as long as its paying for a war...
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The fear mongering is reaching epic levels.

I don't know. They've been at epic levels for so long, epic kind of feels like the new normal.

Like I've said, Defense contractors want their return on investment. The GOP needs to deliver them a war.

War is the Republican form of economic stimulus. Works great for some. At least over the short term.

Deficit spending is only 'honorable' as long as its paying for a war...

It's apparently far more patriotic to 'go shopping' that to raise taxes during war.

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The fear mongering is reaching epic levels.

I don't know. They've been at epic levels for so long, epic kind of feels like the new normal.

Like I've said, Defense contractors want their return on investment. The GOP needs to deliver them a war.

War is the Republican form of economic stimulus. Works great for some. At least over the short term.

Deficit spending is only 'honorable' as long as its paying for a war...

It's apparently far more patriotic to 'go shopping' that to raise taxes during war.

republicans seem all to eager to engage in war. dont seem to matter who the enemy is or what the reason. if you dont align then you have no balls or hate america.
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The fear mongering is reaching epic levels.

I don't know. They've been at epic levels for so long, epic kind of feels like the new normal.

Like I've said, Defense contractors want their return on investment. The GOP needs to deliver them a war.

War is the Republican form of economic stimulus. Works great for some. At least over the short term.

Deficit spending is only 'honorable' as long as its paying for a war...

And war deficits don't matter. Domestic deficits, OTOH...

Why can't one party or the other develop some fiscal consistency? I couldn't care less which one.

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The sewing circle gals are marching in lock step and spinning at warp speed. Too funny!!!

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The fear mongering is reaching epic levels.

I don't know. They've been at epic levels for so long, epic kind of feels like the new normal.

Like I've said, Defense contractors want their return on investment. The GOP needs to deliver them a war.

War is the Republican form of economic stimulus. Works great for some. At least over the short term.

Just like Wilson, FDR, Truman, Kennedy, and LBJ?

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The fear mongering is reaching epic levels.

I don't know. They've been at epic levels for so long, epic kind of feels like the new normal.

Like I've said, Defense contractors want their return on investment. The GOP needs to deliver them a war.

War is the Republican form of economic stimulus. Works great for some. At least over the short term.

Just like Wilson, FDR, Truman, Kennedy, and LBJ?

The PNAC crew currently infesting the GOP are the ideological heirs of Wilson and FDR. Notice how despite the partisan divide, they never have anything bad to say about those two. The GOP would do well to kick them to the curb and tell them to go back home.

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