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Suprised Noone Put This Up Yet


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Cop just lost his job on that.

Why does a middle school even have a cop ?

Why are girls fighting ? W. T F is wrong here ?

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He was not a city police officer. He was a school police officer hired by the San Antonio Independent School District. I'm not sure how well school districts train the officers they assign to their schools. This one however has already been fired for use of excessive force.

If schools are so wild that they need fully time police assigned to them, I would not want a child assigned there.

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Lot of brown looking students in San Antonio you know. Gotta watch em with all those backpacks.

And keep an eye out for those home made clocks, in brief csses.

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Lot of brown looking students in San Antonio you know. Gotta watch em with all those backpacks.

And keep an eye out for those home made clocks, in brief csses.


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Would be unfair of me or anyone to play the ' post a pic ' game using Muslim terrorists. Just far , far too many.

As for the cop ? That was ridiculous. Hope he faces charges.

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Why don't we put up ever stupid thing that anyone does? Stupid topic. There are bad people in ever profession. What's the point of this.

One cop is evil, ALL are, and there's no debate about that.

However, millions of Muslims engage in or support Sharia law, and or violence, in the name of allah, and hey... no judging !

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Why don't we put up ever stupid thing that anyone does? Stupid topic. There are bad people in ever profession. What's the point of this.

One cop is evil, ALL are, and there's no debate about that.

However, millions of Muslims engage in or support Sharia law, and or violence, in the name of allah, and hey... no judging !

Two sentences, two idiotic statements.

That's par for you.

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Why don't we put up ever stupid thing that anyone does? Stupid topic. There are bad people in ever profession. What's the point of this.

Have you read this forum? That is the very nature of it lol. You know how many of these threads are based off of someone being bad at their profession? 90% of the threads are probably about Obama and his professional career.

Perhaps since I'm from Texas, and I'm moving back to Texas, then things like this concern me.... just like all the Gus and Lashlee and Garner etc etc threads in the football section of this forum are about them being bad or doing poorly in their profession. Which is a concern for Auburn football fans.

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