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Even The Trump Administration has a case of the 'But Obama'

"Scores of Syrians, many of them women and young children, were killed Tuesday in one of the deadliest chemical attacks of the country’s six-year war, according to doctors, rescue workers and eyewitnesses.

Airstrikes on the northwestern town of Khan Sheikhoun began just after daybreak, delivering an unidentified chemical agent that killed at least 58 people and filled clinics across the area with patients foaming at the mouth or struggling to breathe.

In a White House statement, President Trump said the attack was “reprehensible and cannot be ignored by the civilized world.” But he blamed the Syrian regime’s “heinous actions” on the Obama administration’s “weakness and irresolution,” a reference to President Barack Obama’s failure to back an earlier ultimatum over chemical weapons in Syria with military action."



But you know, they are just Skittles:


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3 minutes ago, AUUSN said:

Even The Trump Administration has a case of the 'But Obama'

"Scores of Syrians, many of them women and young children, were killed Tuesday in one of the deadliest chemical attacks of the country’s six-year war, according to doctors, rescue workers and eyewitnesses.

Airstrikes on the northwestern town of Khan Sheikhoun began just after daybreak, delivering an unidentified chemical agent that killed at least 58 people and filled clinics across the area with patients foaming at the mouth or struggling to breathe.

In a White House statement, President Trump said the attack was “reprehensible and cannot be ignored by the civilized world.” But he blamed the Syrian regime’s “heinous actions” on the Obama administration’s “weakness and irresolution,” a reference to President Barack Obama’s failure to back an earlier ultimatum over chemical weapons in Syria with military action."



But you know, they are just Skittles:


He never planned to win. Never planned to be accountable.

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7 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

He never planned to win. Never planned to be accountable.

And as he blames Obama, let's take a trip down twitter lane:


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15 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

No one respects Trump. Except the useful idiots that still support him.

That is blatantly false.  The Russians love Trump.

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This mess was caused by years and years of bad leadership in D.C. Trump just took advantage. 

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12 minutes ago, autigeremt said:

This mess was caused by years and years of bad leadership in D.C. Trump just took advantage. 

Bush  fault. Barry always deferred, Trump defers. It was Bush.

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Trump's response to this attack showed absolutely no empathy or compassion for the victims. Instead he chose to defend himself by blaming his predecessor. He is a disgusting human being who cares about nothing but his own self interests. The fact that people actually believe he want to better this country for the good of our citizens continues to baffle me. 

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I don't know who to blame for Syria. I would love to hear Mattis open up about it all if he were allowed to. 

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