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A Trip to Tuscaloosa?


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I got a call from a guy I was in the Navy with last night inviting me to go with him and his son to Tuscaloosa Saturday for Junior Day. His son is a 6-3 296 pound offensive line prospect from Neptune Beach FL and will be a senior next year.

My first reaction when he asked me was of course a nauseating feeling. I mean, a whole day in Tuscaloosa listening to their coaches spiel, and taking the tour and all that?. Can my system handle that. Would my good buddy WarTim shun me for decades, only receiving me back in the fold after I did God knows what for penance. The only bright spot is the tickets to the Bama basketball game against South Carolina.

This guy is a huge Auburn fan and I'll never forget the season of 83 we spent in the Mediterranean and Indian Oceans, culminating on a starry midnight listening to Jim Fyffe call the Sugar Bowl game against Michigan via Armed Forces Radio. We knew when Del Greco's last field goal went through that we had clinched a MNC only to find out a week or so later it was not to be.

I was kind of shocked that he would even have accepted their invitation actually. But he explained to me that where his kids were concerned he would let them call the shots as to where to get an education and he wanted them to enjoy the whole recruiting voyage. His oldest son was a standout freshman linebacker at Charleston Southern this year and is looking to transfer to a bigger school as soon as he gets his grades in order.

Anyway, I've done this before and had good luck following the WEN community's advice. So should I go with them and enjoy the company of a life-long friend during this exciting time in their lives and keep track of just exactly how much money they offer him. Or should I make up some excuse and do what my stomach tells me and stay the hell out of Tuscaloosa. Any input would be greatly appreciated.(They will be here Sunday all day too, so the Saturday trip won't be my only chance to see them)

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I got a call from a guy I was in the Navy with last night inviting me to go with him and his son to Tuscaloosa Saturday for Junior Day. His son is a 6-3 296 pound offensive line prospect from Neptune Beach FL and will be a senior next year.

My first reaction when he asked me was of course a nauseating feeling. I mean, a whole day in Tuscaloosa listening to their coaches spiel, and taking the tour and all that?. Can my system handle that. Would my good buddy WarTim shun me for decades, only receiving me back in the fold after I did God knows what for penance. The only bright spot is the tickets to the Bama basketball game against South Carolina.

This guy is a huge Auburn fan and I'll never forget the season of 83 we spent in the Mediterranean and Indian Oceans, culminating on a starry midnight listening to Jim Fyffe call the Sugar Bowl game against Michigan via Armed Forces Radio. We knew when Del Greco's last field goal went through that we had clinched a MNC only to find out a week or so later it was not to be.

I was kind of shocked that he would even have accepted their invitation actually. But he explained to me that where his kids were concerned he would let them call the shots as to where to get an education and he wanted them to enjoy the whole recruiting voyage. His oldest son was a standout freshman linebacker at Charleston Southern this year and is looking to transfer to a bigger school as soon as he gets his grades in order.

Anyway, I've done this before and had good luck following the WEN community's advice. So should I go with them and enjoy the company of a life-long friend during this exciting time in their lives and keep track of just exactly how much money they offer him.  Or should I make up some excuse and do what my stomach tells me and stay the hell out of Tuscaloosa. Any input would be greatly appreciated.(They will be here Sunday all day too, so the Saturday trip won't be my only chance to see them)


Enjoy the time with your friend.

Shower a few times when you get home.

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Guest Tigrinum Major

If you view it as a missionary trip and try to spread some of the gospel to the ignorant natives, I think it will be acceptable.

Some other ideas:

Wear an Auburn shirt that says something derogatory about Alabama.

Eat at Dreamland and make a comment like, "This is almost as good as The Barbeque House!"

Take a picture at BDS with a sign that says "Auburn's "Other" Homefield".

Go to The Houndstooth and ask why the heck they named a bar with such a gay name.

Go to the basketball game and yell something like "Screw Bama! Go Cocks!"

Just some ideas...

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Fun things to do in ttown (even if you are an AU fan...just ask Numa)

1.) Eat at Dreamland

2.) Eat/kick back at Buffalo Phils

3.) Eat at Pepitos on the strip

4.) Go to the Bryant Museum. It is really cool. Even opposing fans/players like it...because it has a lot of older stuff in it too. Everyone should go.

5.) Make sure you walk around the campus. Check out Shelby hall...the business school buildings...the quad. We really do have a beautiful campus. All my AU friends like it. Its a chance to visit an sec campus. I always like going to new schools and checking things out. I like going to Auburn...hell i have pictures of Samford Hall.

If you need any other pointers on where to eat, or to go out...or whatever...feel free to ask.

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i have always felt it was ok to go to tuscaloosa for 2 things: 1) for an AU-UA sporting events; 2) to get sloppy drunk. both of which i have enjoyed! :angel:

however, in your situation, i think it is acceptable.........plus, i like your idea of spying on the tide to dig up dirt on shady recruiting practices. if that is your purpose and you aren't persuaded by outside evil (crimson) forces, then may the force be with you sir!


if you do get a chance to get away from the kids..... :cheers:


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By all means go!! I've been to Tuscaloser many times and ALWAYS come away being very glad I went........because it made me thank the Good Lord that I went to school at Auburn :au::au:

And take OlderWhiskey's advice....don't waste yout time or money at Dreamland. It's in the top 10 of those myths the bammers like to propogate.

Also wear an Auburn shirt to the BB game. That really confuses them. I once wore a red T-shirt with Auburn spelled out in white letters to a BB game down there. They are still trying to figure that out :big:

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Take the advice I gave you last night. GO!

It will be worth the trip for those uaters to see you wearing your SEC CHAMPIONSHIP Hat ! ! ! (No student there has ever seen one! :D )

Also, keep records (Notepad-tape recorder, etc...) as to how much cash LY or one of the other good old boys offers!

p.s. dreamland (Or as we refer to it in my house "nightmareland") is the MOST overrated thing in tuscaloser, except for any "team" that is wearing dark pink jerseys. :big:

Good luck to the kid. I hope he gets to live out his dream at the "other" school that is his lifelong favorite! ! ! ! (seminoles)

War Eagle Friend and Good Luck! :au:

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Anywhere we eat will have to be an all you can eat sort of thing just so I can see the look on the face of the buffetmaster as three 300 pound men waddle through the door with that look in their eyes.

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Do they have handprints or only footprints of their great players in the cement around Denny Chimes? If there are handprints, look closely to see if you can also make out traces of the $100 bills they got when shaking boosters's hands... :big:

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p.s. dreamland (Or as we refer to it in my house "nightmareland") is the MOST overrated thing in tuscaloser, except for any "team" that is wearing dark pink jerseys.  :big:


You're crazy. Dreamland is overrated? Have you actually BEEN to the one in tuscaloosa? Or did you go to the one in Huntsville once...and make your decision?

If it's so overrated...why are the so famous? Why do the espn/cbs...guys ALWAYS demand Dreamland when the come in town to do a game?

Why is there a PICTURE of Dreamland hanging on the wall in a BBQ joint in Alexandria VA?

"Nightmareland" is probably one of the corniest things you've ever said... :D;)

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p.s. dreamland (Or as we refer to it in my house "nightmareland") is the MOST overrated thing in tuscaloser, except for any "team" that is wearing dark pink jerseys.  :big:


You're crazy. Dreamland is overrated? Have you actually BEEN to the one in tuscaloosa? Or did you go to the one in Huntsville once...and make your decision?

If it's so overrated...why are the so famous? Why do the espn/cbs...guys ALWAYS demand Dreamland when the come in town to do a game?

Why is there a PICTURE of Dreamland hanging on the wall in a BBQ joint in Alexandria VA?

"Nightmareland" is probably one of the corniest things you've ever said... :D;)


The media does the story because they are lazy. They have to fill up time between commercials with something, so their bosses make them do packages. Why bother busting your hump coming up with a creative idea when this patsy story that's been done a thousand times is staring you right in the face and you can use file footage from the last time you came to town.

Maybe that, or maybe there just isn't one interesting damn thing to cover in Tusca-lose-a, and that's all they've got.

And Alexandria, Virginia is practically Yankee-land. What do they know about ribs? Nothing.

Now, having been a jerk, I will admit that I have never eaten at Dreamland, so I have no idea what the hell their ribs taste like.

Finally, Jaydubb, I think you should go to Tusca-lose-a with your old Navy buddy because no one will ever question your loyalty to Auburn.

War Damn Eagle!

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Guest Tigrinum Major

I say this next statement with the full support of my brother, who is the biggest anti-Bama fan next to me in the world:

Dreamland ribs are outstanding. I have eaten at the original and the one in Birmingham and the ribs are second to none. The sauce is hard to describe, but I could make a meal out of it and white bread, forget the meat.

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I went to Tuscaloosa for the Oklahoma game, wore an Oklahoma shirt and got my picture taken with the Million Dollar Band with my Oklahoma shirt on!!!!

They were good sports.

I would say go and have fun. And definitely wear an Auburn shirt or hat.


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I say this next statement with the full support of my brother, who is the biggest anti-Bama fan next to me in the world:

Dreamland ribs are outstanding.  I have eaten at the original and the one in Birmingham and the ribs are second to none.  The sauce is hard to describe, but I could make a meal out of it and white bread, forget the meat.


Damn. I'm going. Forget everything I said. :au:

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I say this next statement with the full support of my brother, who is the biggest anti-Bama fan next to me in the world:

Dreamland ribs are outstanding.  I have eaten at the original and the one in Birmingham and the ribs are second to none.  The sauce is hard to describe, but I could make a meal out of it and white bread, forget the meat.


I have eaten ribs all over the country and consider myself somewhat a conniseur of bar BQ ribs. Nothing to do with my anti-bama bias but on a scale of 1-10 Dreamland ribs are a 6. They are OK but not great. People who think they are great need to try some really good places.

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Tuscaloosa isn't that bad, any place that would produce Kenny Stabler has to be somewhat ok.

Are all the Dremlands affiliated? My brother and I own a restaurant in Mobile, and once traded some food with Dreamland. We never did it again.

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Guest Tigrinum Major
I say this next statement with the full support of my brother, who is the biggest anti-Bama fan next to me in the world:

Dreamland ribs are outstanding.  I have eaten at the original and the one in Birmingham and the ribs are second to none.  The sauce is hard to describe, but I could make a meal out of it and white bread, forget the meat.


I have eaten ribs all over the country and consider myself somewhat a conniseur of bar BQ ribs. Nothing to do with my anti-bama bias but on a scale of 1-10 Dreamland ribs are a 6. They are OK but not great. People who think they are great need to try some really good places.


Not to create an argument, but tell me some places that are better. I have had ribs from The Rendezvous and Corky's in Memphis and I like Dreamland just as much. The sauce is what does it for me. And sometimes, it is a matter of personal taste. For example, some people don't like Milo's and that blows my mind. And I have had people tell me that they don't like Guthrie's. Go figure.

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[quote name=Known By The Company You

Not to create an argument' date=' but tell me some places that are better. I have had ribs from The Rendezvous and Corky's in Memphis and I like Dreamland just as much. The sauce is what does it for me. And sometimes, it is a matter of personal taste. For example, some people don't like Milo's and that blows my mind. And I have had people tell me that they don't like Guthrie's. Go figure.


I agree with you that The Rendezvous, Corky's and Dreamland are about the same......good.....and it is somewhat a matter of personal taste. In fact, Outback and Lone Star Steakhouse have just as good. I'm talking about places you just find. The best I have ever had is a place near Columbia, SC (i can get there but don't remember the name right off hand). There is a great place in Arlington, VA called Red, Hot and Blue. You just have to find them. Everywhere I go I ask several people what the best rib places in town are. I sample a lot of places, find lots of good ones, and a few great ones here and there.

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Guest Tigrinum Major
I agree with you that The Rendezvous, Corky's and Dreamland are about the same......good. In fact, Outback and Lone Star Steakhouse hve just as good. I'm talking about places you jus find. The best I have ever had is a place near Columbia, SC (i can get there but don't remember the name right off hand). There is a great place in Arlington, VA called Red, Hot and Blue. You just have to find them.


If you ever remember the name of the place in Columbia, let me know. I travel there from time to time and usually end up eating at California Dreamin'. I hate getting in a rut.

Anyplace better in Birmingham or Huntsville?

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Anyplace better in Birmingham or Huntsville?


Don't know of any great place in B'ham but Nick's is just as good as most. In Huntsville......yes.......my house :big:

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Tuscaloosa isn't that bad, any place that would produce Kenny Stabler has to be somewhat ok.

Are all the Dremlands affiliated?  My brother and I own a restaurant in Mobile, and once traded some food with Dreamland.  We never did it again.


By all accounts, the Dreamland in Mobile is horrid, stick with one somewhere else. I'd hit up the Brick Pit in Mobile, their guy won the rib cookoff on FoodTV's College Tailgate Cookoff Competition or whatever.

Yea, he's a Bama fan too. ;) (The AU guy lost the samich competition w/ his hamburger.)

And do check out the Bryant Museum. If you've ever been you'll see it's not a museum dedicated to him, but every player who played under him. (Look for the list when you walk in.) It was the only requirement he made when they came to him to ask if they could build it.

I keep meaning to see the museum in AU, but I have always ended up at the complex after hours whenever my gf has to go do any work there. I'll be checking it out some day, before I grad.

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Thanks for all the input and the inadvertent hijacking of the thread.

I'm going and will be sporting my SEC champs hat and I will compromise so as not to embarass my friends son and wear a gray auburn shirt instead of one of the orange ones. I'll let y'all know of any hijinks and/or illegal doings I see. Although my buddy has assured the bammites that this is no Albert Means case. A free education and 150,000 bucks is more than enough for them to keep their mouths shut :P

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