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1 minute ago, homersapien said:

That was Mel's best movie IMO.  A classic.

I miss Gene. He was a gem. 

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Just now, homersapien said:

That was Mel's best movie IMO.  A classic.

Borderline genius.  The famous "Puttin' on the Ritz" scene almost didn't make it. Mel didn't want Gene to do it, but Gene insisted. One of the iconic moments in the film. 

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9 minutes ago, NolaAuTiger said:

Oh I’m not doubling down. You need to give Schiff credit. You always regurgitate what you hear others say. Now, I know you’ll claim that you weren’t inspired by him. Oh well. 

Irony. You disprove your first sentence with what follows.


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4 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Specify and I will address it.

Honestly, I don't even really care about it right now. I'm about to go with my girlfriend to walk her dog and have dinner when she gets here.

How about we move forward vs looking back in how we address it other from now on.

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28 minutes ago, johnnyAU said:

Because the POTUS is the only one that counts, as long as he/she isn't in your party? Give me a break. As much as I dislike him, this country isn't in the shape its in because of Trump. It started long before, and will continue for a time after. How long? Who knows? ALL who engage in "divisive rhetoric" are complicit.

The "....but, but, but....he is POTUS" excuse is patently pathetic. 

No, that's wrong. And I didn't say that. 

However, it would be correct to say the POTUS's voice counts more than anyone else's. 

Such nuance may seem pointless to you, but it's actually quite important when exchanging thoughts on a forum like this.  It often serves to distinguish a real position from a bogus one - as it does here.  (Sorry, but you don't get a break for not understanding that. It's too important.)

And yes, the political division started before Trump.  Trump merely recognized that capitalizing and accentuating it might provide him a political advantage.  So far so good.  But I suspect - and hope - there's a limit to what the American people are willing to tolerate.

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12 minutes ago, NolaAuTiger said:

See, now you’re regurgitating what I said, just like you did with Schiff’s quote.

It was a joke. (But I forgot to add the quote marks, which I fixed.)

But the term "regurgitating" is an apt description for repeating anything you said.

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Just now, homersapien said:

It was a joke. (But I forgot to add the quote marks, which I fixed.)

But the term "regurgitating" is an apt description for repeating anything you said.

Nope. You just shot your own cause. Well done, Homer. 

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Just now, homersapien said:

No, that's wrong. And I didn't say that. 

However, it would be correct to say the POTUS's voice counts more than anyone else's. 

Such nuance may seem pointless to you, but it's actually quite important when exchanging thoughts on a forum like this.  It often serves to distinguish a real position from a bogus one - as it does here.  (Sorry, but you don't get a break for not understanding that. It's too important.)

And yes, the political division started before Trump.  Trump merely recognized that capitalizing and accentuating it might provide him a political advantage.  So far so good.  But I suspect - and hope - there's a limit to what the American people are willing to tolerate.

It does not serve to distinguish any position. These individuals were indoctrinated into their positions long before Trump, and may well have carried out their actions with or without his "voice" on the matter.  Regardless of the "POTUS's voice", there are major differences in ideology that are driving the divisions, and the voices on both sides are loud.

Trump isn't the cause of this division. He's rather the result of it. Any presidential election that ends up with the likes of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump as the "best" candidates remaining in the field as voted on by the public is a very indication of that. 

My conscience is clear for not having voted for either of them. 

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11 minutes ago, johnnyAU said:

It does not serve to distinguish any position.

My point is there is a difference between the contention that Trump is the only voice that matters, vs. Trump is the most important voice that matters.  Those are two distinctly different positions.

These individuals were indoctrinated into their positions long before Trump, and may well have carried out their actions with or without his "voice" on the matter. 


Regardless of the "POTUS's voice", there are major differences in ideology that are driving the divisions, and the voices on both sides are loud.


But these voices don't exist in a Trump-less environment.  Trump's rhetoric has an impact on both of them.


Trump isn't the cause of this division. He's rather the result of it. Any presidential election that ends up with the likes of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump as the "best" candidates remaining in the field as voted on by the public is a very indication of that. 

Not exactly.  Trump obviously isn't the sole cause of political and cultural division but he most certainly is propagating it for the purpose of political advantage.  He's not just riding it, he's enhancing it.

And I don't see the comparison between Clinton and Trump when it comes to temperament or political strategy.  Most of the social and political division associated with Clinton is a direct result of years of concentrated conservative flack. 

But if your conscience is clear for not having voted for her, good for you.



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19 minutes ago, homersapien said:

How does this guy look at himself in the mirror. :no:

Click the Tweet. It's a thread where several of those "invasion" stories have been agregated. 

But as for Tucker; when the Daily Stormer says this about you:

“Tucker Carlson is basically ‘Daily Stormer: The Show.’ Other than the language used, he is covering all of our talking points.”

It's past time for some soul searching. 

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5 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Most of the social and political division associated with Clinton is a direct result of years of concentrated conservative flack. 

That may be the single, most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.  Even the majority of my progressive friends could not stand Hillary. Most were in Bernie's camp, but had to vote for Clinton in the end in order not to further divide the vote.  She lost against arguably the least qualified candidate in history, not because she was a woman, but because of her history and personality. Amazing really. She has no one to blame but herself. 


9 minutes ago, homersapien said:

But these voices don't exist in a Trump-less environment.

Yes, they most certainly do, and have, throughout history. 

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Just now, johnnyAU said:


That may be the single, most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.  Even the majority of my progressive friends could not stand Hillary. Most were in Bernie's camp, but had to vote for Clinton in the end in order not to further divide the vote.  She lost against arguably the least qualified candidate in history, not because she was a woman, but because of her history and personality. Amazing really. She has no one to blame but herself. 

BS.  This has nothing to do with how likeable Hillary is or isn't or even with her personality.  Nor does it have anything to do with her policies. 

The right wing hack machine portrayed her as evil - a murderer and traitor.  That's a fact.

Read this:





Just now, johnnyAU said:


Yes, they most certainly do, and have, throughout history.

Sorry, but I thought it was obvious I was referring to the present.


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9 minutes ago, AUDub said:

Click the Tweet. It's a thread where several of those "invasion" stories have been agregated. 

But as for Tucker; when the Daily Stormer says this about you:

“Tucker Carlson is basically ‘Daily Stormer: The Show.’ Other than the language used, he is covering all of our talking points.”

It's past time for some soul searching. 

It has come to my attention that Paul Ryan used the phrase soul searching last year.

Since this is apparently a big deal to a certain future lawyer on this forum, I feel it is important that I credit Paul Ryan for the phrase, which is in no way a common and I had never heard before hearing Speaker Ryan using it. 

Thank you, Speaker Ryan. 

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1 minute ago, AUDub said:

It has come to my attention that Paul Ryan used the phrase soul searching last year.

Since this is apparently a big deal to a certain future lawyer on this forum, I feel it is important that I credit Paul Ryan for the phrase, which is in no way a common and I had never heard. 

Thank you, speaker.

Completely different set of circumstances. The phrase used by a poster in here came literally hours after the very quote lined mainstreamed media outlets, not to mention the same day it was used. 

Keep trying. Clearly this is bugging you. 

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9 minutes ago, NolaAuTiger said:

Completely different set of circumstances. The phrase used by a poster in here came literally hours after the very quote lined mainstreamed media outlets, not to mention the same day it was used. 

Keep trying. Clearly this is bugging you. 

It has come to my attention that the phrase "completely different set of circumstances" was used in a 1999 proposal for the National Fish Habit Conservation Plan (NFHCP 1999). Since this is an uncommon turn of phrase, it would be in your best interest to properly credit the source from which you obviously pulled the quote.

Thank you for your consideration.

Reader of hearts and minds, Dub. 

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3 minutes ago, AUDub said:

It has come to my attention that the phrase "a completely different set of circumstances" was used in a 1999 proposal for the National Fish Habit Conservation Plan (NFHCP 1999). Since this is an uncommon turn of phrase, it would be in your best interest to properly credit the source from which you obviously pulled the quote.

Thank you for your consideration.

Reader of hearts and minds, Dub. 

Yes, this one is "exactly" analogous. Good find. You really got me in a corner now :laugh:

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6 minutes ago, NolaAuTiger said:

Yes, this one is "exactly" analogous. Good find. You really got me in a corner now :laugh:

It has come to my attention that the phrase "in a corner" was used earlier today by AUDub in the course of making a bad dad joke to his 13 year old. As she was complaining of being cold, Dub's response was to tell her to stand "in a corner," as corners are always 90°. This elicited the typical groan, sigh and eyeroll employed by teenage girls whenever dad makes a terrible pun in front of her friends.

Since is an uncommon turn of phrase, it would be in your best interest to properly credit the source from which you obviously pulled the quote.

Thank you for your consideration.

Reader of hearts and minds, Dub. 

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4 minutes ago, AUDub said:

It has come to my attention that the phrase "in a corner" was used earlier today by AUDub in the course of making a bad dad joke to his 13 year old. As she was complaining of being cold, Dub's response was to tell her to stand "in a corner," as corners are always 90°. This elicited the typical groan, sigh and eyeroll employed by teenage girls whenever dad makes a terrible pun in front of her friends.

Since is an uncommon turn of phrase, it would be in your best interest to properly credit the source from which you obviously pulled the quote.

Thank you for your consideration.

Reader of hearts and minds, Dub. 


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