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The Trump administration’s suspicion of science claims another victim


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P.S. Thanks for the link, it was an interesting article.

A book I am reading makes similar arguments about how personal economic behavior is directed by emotional "wants" instead of rational reasoning ("needs"). 

Technology - beginning with the invention and adaptation of TV - has played a huge factor in accentuating such irrational behavior (hyper consumption). It's one of the reasons so few people have saved enough money to take care of themselves in retirement.

The book is "The Price of Civilization: Reawakening American Virtue and Prosperity" by Jeffry D. Sachs.   I highly recommend it.  Sachs is an excellent writer.

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10 hours ago, homersapien said:
On 4/26/2019 at 4:32 PM, SaltyTiger said:


You are correct regarding people's beliefs being directed by emotions, politics and religion. I gave up trying to actually convince people of such scientific realities long ago.  Trying to correct ignorance is one thing, trying to correct willful ignorance is another - it's a fool's errand.

Why use the word "deniers"?  You are well read and I have no reason to explain why it is insulting.


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On 4/27/2019 at 9:43 PM, SaltyTiger said:

Why use the word "deniers"?  You are well read and I have no reason to explain why it is insulting.


Because that is exactly what they are doing. 

It's no different from rejecting any other scientifically valid theory.  It's not like anyone has challenges on the edges, it's always simple denial that it's a real issue.

It's not a liberal hoax designed for some sort of political objective.  The evidence is conclusive.

I don't know about "denial" as being a inherently insulting, but generally speaking, it's a common psychological aberration among humans.  It probably shows up in most of us regarding one thing or the other.  But in this case, it affects all of us.




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