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Why Auburn People are my people...

DKW 86

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I am a season ticket holder but could not go this past Saturday and cannot go to the game this week due to a  little health issue. Thanks so much for posting this. It gave me chills. With the grace of God hopefully I will be back at JHS for the Miss St. game.

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I got chills every time we did this at game day and still do 

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5 hours ago, Sully to Beasley said:

I am a season ticket holder but could not go this past Saturday and cannot go to the game this week due to a  little health issue. Thanks so much for posting this. It gave me chills. With the grace of God hopefully I will be back at JHS for the Miss St. game.

Get better soon!!!


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7 hours ago, Sully to Beasley said:

I am a season ticket holder but could not go this past Saturday and cannot go to the game this week due to a  little health issue. Thanks so much for posting this. It gave me chills. With the grace of God hopefully I will be back at JHS for the Miss St. game.

Take care of yourself!

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