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Wedding Photography...

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It is 4 weeks away from my wedding day, and my photographer CANCELLED on us. I don't know why, but I don't have time to worry about that right now.

I live in Montgomery and my wedding is here in Montgomery. If anyone here knows anyone who does photography and is reasonable (we are paying for the wedding on our own, with a little help from the parents) please let me know. I am almost to the point where I am desperate to find someone.

My fiance is real upset right now. Not only has our photographer cancelled, but our piano player and our flower lady all cancelled.

Please pray for me and my fiance that things will start to head in the right direction and our wedding will turn out wonderful and everything falls into place.

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Are the photographer, panio player and flower lady related? 

I will be praying for you.


No, they are not related, but they WERE all family friends...

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My advice would be to go to the courthouse and tie the knot. Use the $$$$ for a GREAT Honeymoon.

I know, women look forward to this stuff all their lives.

I will pray that God sees you all through this and something good can come of it. Maybe you will find folks that are better than those you hired in the first place.

I wish you all the best!

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My advice would be to go to the courthouse and tie the knot. Use the $$$$ for a GREAT Honeymoon.

I know, women look forward to this stuff all their lives.

I will pray that God sees you all through this and something good can come of it. Maybe you will find folks that are better than those you hired in the first place.

I wish you all the best!


That is what I told her. I told her that maybe something good can come out of this. It wasn't in God's plan for us to use that lady...

I also have mentioned going to the courthouse too! But she didn't like that idea..

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I can sure sympthize with your plight woods. My wife and I payed for our entire wedding and had some late problems.

Those things can be devastating, but just keep plugging along. Soon you won't even remember the problems, just that wonderful day.

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My sister uses a lady named Deborah Batson (??) for pictures of her little girl. The ones I have seen are always WONDERFUL.

As for music, remember that if push comes to shove, your church probably has a sound system - you can always use a CD of music if you have to. I would call AUM Music Department, and Huntingdon's music dept and even some of the other large churches and see if they have an pianist for hire.

As for the flowers, there are plenty of other florists - flowers for weddings aren't actually ordered until the day or two before anyway, so there shouldn't be a problem there.

Good luck, and I know it will all work out just fine.

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Photographer, piano AND flower folks all cancelled ? Gotta wonder what y'all did to tick so many folks off?! :huh:

j/k! :big:

So now's not the time for humor. Hope things come together soon and you WILL be able to look back at this and laugh! :thumbsup:


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I have a friend here in Auburn who plays Violin at weddings. PM me if you want her info. I think she has a friend who plays duest with her too.

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Woods, I'm sure it will work itself out. Prayers sent.

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We used Cynthia's Studio in Montgomery for our wedding. Of course, being the groom, I don't know how much it was or anything. I know that we have all of the negatives for easy reprints later. That was one of the reasons we picked them. I hope everything works out for you.

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