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1 minute ago, I_M4_AU said:

The bill only covers K-3 or up to 9 yo I believe.



Isn't this bill kinda like if they were to pass one saying the teachers would not teach drivers ed to 5-9 year olds?


Like... who was gonna do it anyway?

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23 minutes ago, Mims44 said:



Isn't this bill kinda like if they were to pass one saying the teachers would not teach drivers ed to 5-9 year olds?


Like... who was gonna do it anyway?

You will have to do some research; in California they teach gender identity under the guise of preventing bullying of transgender youth.  This is something the Biden Administration initiated on his first day in office by official decree or more commonly known as EO.  DeSantis isn’t buying it.

Resources and lesson plans for those who want to teach about gender identity are becoming much more common,” The Washington Post reported in June. “Seven states now require that curriculums include LGBTQ topics. The National Sex Education Standards, developed by experts and advocacy groups, name gender identity as one of seven essential topics, alongside puberty, consent, sexual orientation and other subjects. And the federal government recommends that schools include gender identity in their sex education programs.”

The push is to start young. California’s Department of Education urgeskindergarten teachers to dispel gender stereotypes, laying groundwork “for acceptance, inclusiveness, and an anti-bullying environment,” because “some children in kindergarten or even younger have identified as transgender.” Some educators favor earlier interventions. The eight co-authors of the 2019 book Supporting Gender Diversity in Early Childhood Classrooms argue that too little emphasis is given to gender identity in the years before age 6, when educators have “a chance to prime all parents for supporting their children’s gender health” and “the opportunity to educate all children about gender diversity and introduce them to role models of a variety of genders.”

But a rival faction has reacted by insisting, at the other extreme, that instruction involving gender identity has no place at all in early-childhood education. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a law in March that prohibits public schools from presenting any instruction on gender identity until at least the fourth grade. According to NPR, at least a dozen other statesare considering similar legislation.


A lot of people on this site seem to be OK with grooming children without their parent’s knowledge, I’m not one of them.

Its obvious you were not aware of such a movement.  Your thoughts?

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58 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

Not pretending to defend it. Just commented on your OP and sloganeering. While thinking the bill was needless certainly not shouting that it is prosecution of the alphabet community. 

They are not an "alphabet community".  They are human beings.  And,,, this nonsense does result in their persecution.

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5 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

You will have to do some research; in California they teach gender identity under the guise of preventing bullying of transgender youth.  This is something the Biden Administration initiated on his first day in office by official decree or more commonly known as EO.  DeSantis isn’t buying it.

Resources and lesson plans for those who want to teach about gender identity are becoming much more common,” The Washington Post reported in June. “Seven states now require that curriculums include LGBTQ topics. The National Sex Education Standards, developed by experts and advocacy groups, name gender identity as one of seven essential topics, alongside puberty, consent, sexual orientation and other subjects. And the federal government recommends that schools include gender identity in their sex education programs.”

The push is to start young. California’s Department of Education urgeskindergarten teachers to dispel gender stereotypes, laying groundwork “for acceptance, inclusiveness, and an anti-bullying environment,” because “some children in kindergarten or even younger have identified as transgender.” Some educators favor earlier interventions. The eight co-authors of the 2019 book Supporting Gender Diversity in Early Childhood Classrooms argue that too little emphasis is given to gender identity in the years before age 6, when educators have “a chance to prime all parents for supporting their children’s gender health” and “the opportunity to educate all children about gender diversity and introduce them to role models of a variety of genders.”

But a rival faction has reacted by insisting, at the other extreme, that instruction involving gender identity has no place at all in early-childhood education. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a law in March that prohibits public schools from presenting any instruction on gender identity until at least the fourth grade. According to NPR, at least a dozen other statesare considering similar legislation.


A lot of people on this site seem to be OK with grooming children without their parent’s knowledge, I’m not one of them.

Its obvious you were not aware of such a movement.  Your thoughts?

Damn, you jumped in before I was able to reply "wait for it......" to Mims.   :laugh:

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I love Obama's secret negro army.

I love ISIS on the southern border.

I love that Democrats are attempting to make all children gay or preferably, transsexual.

I love Paul Pelosi's gay lover.

I love a stolen election, Venezuelan voting machines.

I love Antifa and BLM storming the capital on January 6.


It's true.


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18 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

You will have to do some research; in California they teach gender identity under the guise of preventing bullying of transgender youth.  This is something the Biden Administration initiated on his first day in office by official decree or more commonly known as EO.  DeSantis isn’t buying it.

Resources and lesson plans for those who want to teach about gender identity are becoming much more common,” The Washington Post reported in June. “Seven states now require that curriculums include LGBTQ topics. The National Sex Education Standards, developed by experts and advocacy groups, name gender identity as one of seven essential topics, alongside puberty, consent, sexual orientation and other subjects. And the federal government recommends that schools include gender identity in their sex education programs.”

The push is to start young. California’s Department of Education urgeskindergarten teachers to dispel gender stereotypes, laying groundwork “for acceptance, inclusiveness, and an anti-bullying environment,” because “some children in kindergarten or even younger have identified as transgender.” Some educators favor earlier interventions. The eight co-authors of the 2019 book Supporting Gender Diversity in Early Childhood Classrooms argue that too little emphasis is given to gender identity in the years before age 6, when educators have “a chance to prime all parents for supporting their children’s gender health” and “the opportunity to educate all children about gender diversity and introduce them to role models of a variety of genders.”

But a rival faction has reacted by insisting, at the other extreme, that instruction involving gender identity has no place at all in early-childhood education. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a law in March that prohibits public schools from presenting any instruction on gender identity until at least the fourth grade. According to NPR, at least a dozen other statesare considering similar legislation.


A lot of people on this site seem to be OK with grooming children without their parent’s knowledge, I’m not one of them.

Its obvious you were not aware of such a movement.  Your thoughts?

No, I wasn't. I was under the assumption this was just some political BS being given credence to rally voters for a candidate 'doin' good work'


It'd be like if I was told TN was passing a law that said teachers could not give high powered rifles to 5 and 6 year olds, would seem like a stupid waste of time to me.

If; however I found out they are doing that because AL just mandated that all kindergartners will go through military training including live fire exercises, Then it's no longer a waste. Don't want my kid going to basic with baby teeth :lol: 


I'm also not for the keeping information from parents thing. Being a parent is a lot of responsibility, one of the biggest responsibilities is to help your child learn and grow in the world. And it has always been a responsibility that a parent has to really screw up to have it taken from them. Don't like the idea of it being legally mandated to take that away from all parents.

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7 minutes ago, Mims44 said:

I'm also not for the keeping information from parents thing. Being a parent is a lot of responsibility, one of the biggest responsibilities is to help your child learn and grow in the world. And it has always been a responsibility that a parent has to really screw up to have it taken from them. Don't like the idea of it being legally mandated to take that away from all parents.

Like all things sinister it grows in darkness until the light of day is shined upon it.  This has been growing for years and intensified after Biden implemented his EOs after his term began.

The issues I am concerned with is allowing minors to make decisions about their bodies and parents loosing control of the family.  If the parent has been brainwashed into thinking a 6 yo knows more then the parent, then the parent has given up his/her duties as a parent.  If the parent resists the notion a 6 yo can think for themself, thy are considered *a person that can not be trusted* and the school system can take the parental rights away.  Kind of a catch 22 for the parents.

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3 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Like all things sinister it grows in darkness until the light of day is shined upon it.

Just like ever thing them Democrats does.  They do all them conspirasys.  They is pizza lovin pedofiles.

They wont to destroy AMERICA!!!!!  Wake the hell up poeple.


Who feeds the paranoid delusions of the bigoted, afraid, ignorant and, angry???  The Republican Party, the evangelical church, the right wing media.  Next stop,,, Alex Jones and Q.

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30 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

Just like ever thing them Democrats does.  They do all them conspirasys.  They is pizza lovin pedofiles.

They wont to destroy AMERICA!!!!!  Wake the hell up poeple.


Who feeds the paranoid delusions of the bigoted, afraid, ignorant and, angry???  The Republican Party, the evangelical church, the right wing media.  Next stop,,, Alex Jones and Q.

Here ya go Ichy, please show the fallacy of this CSPAN clip of Rep Cloud asking a LGBTQ2+ssklg expert witness about gender affirming care.  In her own words she tells the Congressman parents have no rights in the decision of gender.


She also says she *treats* children as young as 12. That the kids can go to someone that is *trusted* as opposed to, say parents who don’t go along with the ideology, who would be categorized as not trustworthy and, therefore, parents don’t have the right to teach their own children.

Honest question; The fifth commandment says, “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you” (Exodus 20:12). This commandment, and the blessing attached to it, are repeated throughout the old and new testaments.

How do you reconcile the movement that goes directly opposed to this commandment? 

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11 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

Here ya go Ichy, please show the fallacy of this CSPAN clip of Rep Cloud asking a LGBTQ2+ssklg expert witness about gender affirming care.  In her own words she tells the Congressman parents have no rights in the decision of gender.


She also says she *treats* children as young as 12. That the kids can go to someone that is *trusted* as opposed to, say parents who don’t go along with the ideology, who would be categorized as not trustworthy and, therefore, parents don’t have the right to teach their own children.

Honest question; The fifth commandment says, “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you” (Exodus 20:12). This commandment, and the blessing attached to it, are repeated throughout the old and new testaments.

How do you reconcile the movement that goes directly opposed to this commandment? 

The commandment is love.  Parents who love will have no issues.

You want to make your politics, your religion, you politicized religion fit your prejudices.

These people represent a tiny fraction of our population.  They are vulnerable.  To use them as a political spectacle in order to rally your evangelical base is disgusting.

You are not following Jesus.  You are using Jesus to your own ends.

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18 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

The commandment is love.  Parents who love will have no issues.

You want to make your politics, your religion, you politicized religion fit your prejudices.

These people represent a tiny fraction of our population.  They are vulnerable.  To use them as a political spectacle in order to rally your evangelical base is disgusting.

You are not following Jesus.  You are using Jesus to your own ends.

Where does the commandment say anything about parent’s love?  It says honor thy mother and thy father.  If is a one way street until they are no longer in your charge and that doesn’t happen at 12 yo.

I only want to protect our youth, politics is politicizing the gender ideology which is trying to convince people it is normal to be able to change genders.

The people that are using their confused souls as political tools are not people like myself, they are the very people you are behind.  As long as the secret was hidden there was no or little opposition, but since it was brought to light by the left the right opposed that view.  Now, just like all other thing the left is in favor of, if someone objects to the practice and voices their opinion it is known as *hate speech*.  It’s a neat way of demonizing truth.

I am not on this board spouting off what Jesus would do or say on a daily basis, that is you. I have tried to leave religion out of this discussion.  The mutilation of children is wrong on any level. I do wonder, from time to time, how you reconcile certain things in your head about religion and gender ideology.

Are you using religion to promote an evil act?  Do you think all children that declare they are trans, are actually trans?


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10 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

Where does the commandment say anything about parent’s love?  It says honor thy mother and thy father.  If is a one way street until they are no longer in your charge and that doesn’t happen at 12 yo.

I only want to protect our youth, politics is politicizing the gender ideology which is trying to convince people it is normal to be able to change genders.

The people that are using their confused souls as political tools are not people like myself, they are the very people you are behind.  As long as the secret was hidden there was no or little opposition, but since it was brought to light by the left the right opposed that view.  Now, just like all other thing the left is in favor of, if someone objects to the practice and voices their opinion it is known as *hate speech*.  It’s a neat way of demonizing truth.

I am not on this board spouting off what Jesus would do or say on a daily basis, that is you. I have tried to leave religion out of this discussion.  The mutilation of children is wrong on any level. I do wonder, from time to time, how you reconcile certain things in your head about religion and gender ideology.

Are you using religion to promote an evil act?  Do you think all children that declare they are trans, are actually trans?


You are absolutely wrong and, your lies about the mutilation of children prove it.  You suggest evil without proof. 

I am not the one using these vulnerable people as political fodder.

To answer your question, No.  That is why such a tiny fraction (statistically 0%) actually receive the kind of treatment you falsely claim to be common.

You are being a bigot, a liar, and a hypocrite.  I could be wrong but,,, I believe you know this is nothing but a political manipulation of evangelicals.  They are key to the Republican voting bloc.  There must be an issue to coalesce (manipulate) them.


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1 hour ago, I_M4_AU said:

Here ya go Ichy, please show the fallacy of this CSPAN clip of Rep Cloud asking a LGBTQ2+ssklg expert witness about gender affirming care.  In her own words she tells the Congressman parents have no rights in the decision of gender.


She also says she *treats* children as young as 12. That the kids can go to someone that is *trusted* as opposed to, say parents who don’t go along with the ideology, who would be categorized as not trustworthy and, therefore, parents don’t have the right to teach their own children.

Honest question; The fifth commandment says, “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you” (Exodus 20:12). This commandment, and the blessing attached to it, are repeated throughout the old and new testaments.

How do you reconcile the movement that goes directly opposed to this commandment? 

Stone 'em 

Life of Brian - women in beards - Album on Imgur

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13 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

To answer your question, No.  That is why such a tiny fraction (statistically 0%) actually receive the kind of treatment you falsely claim to be common.

Get your head out of the sand:

Diagnoses of youths with gender dysphoria surge

New diagnoses in the United States of patients ages 6-17

2017       15,172

2018       18,321

2019       21,375

2020       24,847

2021        42,167

Source: Komodo Health Inc


From the same source:

Puberty blockers

U.S. patients ages 6-17 with a prior gender dysphoria diagnosis initiating puberty blocker treatment

2017   633633
2018   759
2019   897
2020.  11011
2021   1390
Source: Komodo Health Inc
The numbers of our youth that are being subjected to gender ideology and are attempting to change their gender is growing.  I wonder why?  Do you think it is because the right is objecting?
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1 hour ago, icanthearyou said:

The commandment is love.  Parents who love will have no issues.

You want to make your politics, your religion, you politicized religion fit your prejudices.

These people represent a tiny fraction of our population.  They are vulnerable.  To use them as a political spectacle in order to rally your evangelical base is disgusting.

You are not following Jesus.  You are using Jesus to your own ends.

How does a bill prohibiting gender identity studies for 5 yo’s and ensuring parental transparency generate this type of babble?


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19 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

Get your head out of the sand:

Diagnoses of youths with gender dysphoria surge

New diagnoses in the United States of patients ages 6-17

2017       15,172

2018       18,321

2019       21,375

2020       24,847

2021        42,167

Source: Komodo Health Inc


From the same source:

Puberty blockers

U.S. patients ages 6-17 with a prior gender dysphoria diagnosis initiating puberty blocker treatment

2017   633633
2018   759
2019   897
2020.  11011
2021   1390
Source: Komodo Health Inc
The numbers of our youth that are being subjected to gender ideology and are attempting to change their gender is growing.  I wonder why?  Do you think it is because the right is objecting?

Maybe due to publicity and the increasing awareness by the psychological/psychiatric communities?  

I haven't found any scholarly (scientific) articles that offer a thesis on why diagnoses might have increased.

Similarly, as a rhetorical question, why has the diagnosis of autism have increased so much since it was first defined as a diagnosis (in 1980)?  (BTW, gender dysphoria was also first included in the DSM in 1980.)

If you are seriously interested in this subject I suggest you first educate yourself starting with it's history. There are a number of scholarly articles on the history of gender dysphoria.  Just search: "history of gender dysphoria".  Same for autism.

Perhaps the incidences of both of these conditions are higher than we might have presumed?

I do know one thing though: to suggest the numbers of diagnosis are correlated with children being exposed to transgenderism is to totally dismiss the professionalism of psychologists and other mental health professionals.  They don't diagnose based on what a patient tells them they have.

And any thesis of why diagnoses have increased - without supporting research - is useless. 

One might as well attribute it to witchcraft, which is very similar to what you have been doing.


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45 minutes ago, homersapien said:

"Stone fodder", right?

No, stoning fodder!!😆

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6 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Like all things sinister it grows in darkness until the light of day is shined upon it.  This has been growing for years and intensified after Biden implemented his EOs after his term began.

The issues I am concerned with is allowing minors to make decisions about their bodies and parents loosing control of the family.  If the parent has been brainwashed into thinking a 6 yo knows more then the parent, then the parent has given up his/her duties as a parent.  If the parent resists the notion a 6 yo can think for themself, thy are considered *a person that can not be trusted* and the school system can take the parental rights away.  Kind of a catch 22 for the parents.

I don't know what the bolded part alludes to. 😕 

The second part is def scary, but besides a news article (and I believe court case) in TX from around a year ago, I can't think of it happening too much.... at least so far.

But yeah, in general I do not like the idea of children undergoing unnecessary surgery with or without parental consent.



Not even transgendered stuff, say I hate my kids nose, I tell him constantly his nose is ugly but we'll get him a better one. Too easy to shape a childs mind like that.

If I then go to a plastic surgeon and demand my 5 year old get a nose job, and the kid says 'yes please, I want a better nose'.

I would like to think the surgeon or someone would be able to step in and stop me.

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1 hour ago, I_M4_AU said:

Get your head out of the sand:

Diagnoses of youths with gender dysphoria surge

New diagnoses in the United States of patients ages 6-17

2017       15,172

2018       18,321

2019       21,375

2020       24,847

2021        42,167

Source: Komodo Health Inc


From the same source:

Puberty blockers

U.S. patients ages 6-17 with a prior gender dysphoria diagnosis initiating puberty blocker treatment

2017   633633
2018   759
2019   897
2020.  11011
2021   1390
Source: Komodo Health Inc
The numbers of our youth that are being subjected to gender ideology and are attempting to change their gender is growing.  I wonder why?  Do you think it is because the right is objecting?

Those numbers are tiny in comparison to the total population of children (proof that these individuals are handled with extreme caution, not recklessness).  Not to mention your moving of the goal posts ("mutilating children").  You continue to practice your political christianity.  You continue to do harm to these people, to use them as your political pawns.

Just, don't ask me to buy into this as a real political issue, I am neither that disingenuous nor that stupid and, certainly not that cruel.

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7 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

Those numbers are tiny in comparison to the total population of children (proof that these individuals are handled with extreme caution, not recklessness).  Not to mention your moving of the goal posts ("mutilating children").  You continue to practice your political christianity.  You continue to do harm to these people, to use them as your political pawns.

Just, don't ask me to buy into this as a real political issue, I am neither that disingenuous nor that stupid and, certainly not that cruel.

I’m not asking you to buy into a political issue, I just don’t see why you are for kids being encouraged to change the way they were made.  If it were to medically (not mentally) help these individuals I could see it, but going against nature and the natural order is baffling to me, at least until they can think for themselves.

For some reason, you believe it is normal.

If just one kid is being mislead, isn’t that cruel.  There are many detransitioners out there

Edited by I_M4_AU
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3 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

I’m not asking you to buy into a political issue, I just don’t see why you are for kids being encouraged to change the way they were made.  If it were to medically (not mentally) help these individuals I could see it, but going against nature and the natural order is baffling to me, at least until they can think for themselves.

For some reason, you believe it is normal.

If just one kid is being mislead, isn’t that cruel.  There are many detransitioners out there

Yes, yes, yes.  It's a major issue facing this country.  Yes, yes, yes,,, even one child is too many.  We should harm all the others to save this theoretical single child.  Let them commit suicide, that'll teach them.

Yes, yes, you are a good, moral, intelligent citizen.  Yes, yes, you surely have a special place waiting for you in heaven.

And yet,,, you are still totally disingenuous and, either unwilling to admit it or, too dumb to know it.  Continue to consume the inane propaganda.

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14 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

Yes, yes, yes.  It's a major issue facing this country.  Yes, yes, yes,,, even one child is too many.  We should harm all the others to save this theoretical single child.  Let them commit suicide, that'll teach them.

Yes, yes, you are a good, moral, intelligent citizen.  Yes, yes, you surely have a special place waiting for you in heaven.

And yet,,, you are still totally disingenuous and, either unwilling to admit it or, too dumb to know it.  Continue to consume the inane propaganda.

Losing the argument becomes you.

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