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AU Network access no longer free....


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As naive as it may sound, I'm shocked that the games themselves will require fans to pay. I guess the next step is Satellite Radio. Looks like I won't be listening to the non-televised games this year. Which will be very few, but I'm out of the TV broadcast region so I will miss the JP games.

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That stinks. University should let a couple of Mass Comm students up in the press box and broadcast over the internet.

Don't care what anybody says ... its a business.

The principle stinks, but the only games that wont be televised will be Ball State and Western KY. So you get 1 month @ $5 and it doesnt hurt too much.

(You poor soles in Europe who are listening to the game at crazy hours may have to get 3 months. Been there. Done that.)

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Well, I think it sucks too. I emailed Mike Hubbard at AUNetwork and he confirmed that this goes into effect on September 1st. I think that they'll be surprised at how few people pony up that kind of dough to listen online. I think most people just tune into the games, particularly football and don't care that much about the rest of the stuff so it isn't going to be worth it to them.

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well, it looks like i'll be one of the fools who signs up. i listen to it all (tiger talk, games pre-/post-games, basketball, baseball). but i have too, i haven't lived in AL since i graduated in 2000, so no choice here. i always thought the AUnetwork was so great b/c it was FREE and i laughed at those other schools that had to pay. oh, well. :no:

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It's all good. Now I can turn up the volume on the TV while I watch Bammer gettin' beat during the cupcake AU games.

I think it's sad they are doing this. When we talk about Auburn, we speak of how it differs from other schools in a positive way. The more time passes, the more we start acting like the others. As stated above, it's a business, but not necessarily a well run one.

I hope they choke on their cupcakes, tiger talk and whatever else they are charging for.

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Guest Tigrinum Major

Hey esquire and Legal,

Can you say "class action lawsuit"? I knew you could!

Seriously, this sucks. I always used it to lisen to baseball games.

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Join the club guys.

We all have to overload 730 WUMP's site since it's the only CTSN radio station online.

Start looking for an AUN station that plays online.

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I believe 680 the FAN in Atlanta is doing the AU football games again this year.... :)


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Yes it sucks, although I can listen to the games on the radio.

This time would have to come though.. it takes so much money to keep the servers going.. just like how AUNation charges to view the media.. They probably do it to pay for everything. Any huge difference?

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Yes it sucks, although I can listen to the games on the radio.

This time would have to come though.. it takes so much money to keep the servers going.. just like how AUNation charges to view the media.. They probably do it to pay for everything. Any huge difference?


Yeah, we don't already make millions of dollars in ad sales for the broadcasts and we don't charge for the primary thing that brought everyone here...the forums. I told him that it would be nice if they'd allow the games to still be free via streaming audio and charge for the "extras" like TigerTalk, post game stuff, streaming video, etc.

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Yeah that would be fine. I am just saying though, its about money. If it is $5 a month, that isn't too bad IMO. Of course, it is costing us, but for as much as you get potentially get, it is a decent price.

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Well, I don't see it as a good deal if all you want to do is hear the games (and the price is $5 the first month, $7/mo thereafter). My thing is, they already make tons of money on these broadcasts. I don't buy the "we can't afford to keep doing it for free" argument. It just would be nice for them to show their out of state fans a little more appreciation than this. They know we're stuck and now they can more or less extort money out of us playing on our love for Auburn football. I don't appreciate it.

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