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Is it ever ok to boo your team?

Guest Tigrinum Major

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Guest Tigrinum Major

I have to agree with the former Bama coach on this one. Apparently, bad fans are not limited to programs that are strong. UTEP tastes a little success and all of a sudden, they are not just fans, but "more like coaches".



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Someone might want to tell the uaters to STOP "booing" THEIR "team". :D

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Anyone remember the commercial running last year, I forget the product, where Peyton Manning was showing up at people's workplace and cheering?

"Here we go claims adjusters, here we go."

How weird it would be if the tables were turned and athletes started showing up at this guys firestation and booed him?

The professional level is one thing. I have no problem with fans booing even their own teams if they think they're dogging it. College age kids? You've gotta' be kidding me if you think it's okay to boo your own team. Now, I admit, I did yell, "GET COBB OUT OF THERE" a few times. But that's different. :big:

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I also agree...there is no reason for me to boo a team just because I paid for a ticket. The ticket guarantees me a seat at the game, it does not guarantee me a good game or a happy experience.

On the other hand, if I pay good money for a lap dance and the girl does a terrible job, I certainly feel a right to boo then...and I suspect CMP and I agree on that as well! :rolleyes::big:

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We all have the right......but it's wrong.....

Exception: Years ago, I was in the ATL stadium watching the falcons play poorly and lose...... They got into a fight amongst themselves in their own huddle..... That rated a BOO.....

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I think its ok to boo the coaches, because they are getting paid $$$$ and its their job, for example, if a any lawyer i work with loses a case, I bring a loudspeaker and mic into the office and boo him and taunt him, BUT its not ok to boo the players :D

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It's not only wrong, but stupid to boo your own team. That's not motivating, it's demoralizing. If you want to boo, spare the rest of us and keep your sorry ass at home. These kids are trying their best and they need support from their fans not their scorn.

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It's not only wrong, but stupid to boo your own team.  That's not motivating, it's demoralizing.  If you want to boo, spare the rest of us and keep your sorry ass at home.  These kids are trying their best and they need support from their fans not their scorn.


Here Here

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Interestingly, Stever Spurrier addressed this today at his weekly press conference.

Someone asked him if the Lamecock fans booing on Saturday (which they did)upset him and he said "No. I would have booed us, too."

Or something to that effect.

He also said before the SC/GA game that he didn't mind fans hurling insults, "as long as they don't hurl bottles." :D

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Booing your team is classless and shows everyone how much you "care" about the the team. Now Cobb was an exception, yelling "Damnit Cobb" is not booing, just er ummm positive reinforcement. Bammers only boo certain parts of the team, special teams, coaches, etc.

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I wouldn't ever boo a college team, and the players couldn't dirrerentiate between whether you are booing th e players or the coaches. Booing at pro games wouldn't bother me as much as they get paid (and very well paid at that) to preform. I wouldn't personally boo anyone though - not my style (OK maybe some refs, but not players)

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We all have the right......but it's wrong.....

Exception:  Years ago, I was in the ATL stadium watching the falcons play poorly and lose......  They got into a fight amongst themselves in their own huddle.....  That rated a BOO.....


A fight in their own huddle, WOW. :blink:

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I wouldn't ever boo a college team, and the players couldn't dirrerentiate between whether you are booing th e players or the coaches.  Booing at pro games wouldn't bother me as much as they get paid (and very well paid at that) to preform.  I wouldn't personally boo anyone though - not my style (OK maybe some refs, but not players)


Ill admit, I would BOO T.O. right off the field. Some of those guys need to have a wake up call once and a while.

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I think there are two types of booing. Personally, I have a problem with booing the players. The only time I think that it is acceptable is when you are responding to a coaches decision. For example, if we decided to punt on 4th and 1 from our opponents 40, that might warrant a small boo.

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Boo'ing a bad coaching decission not only should be acceptable, but encouraged. They need to know you are paying attention.

Boo'ing a bad call from the ref should also be encouraged.

And you should ALWAYS boo when the other team commits a flagrant personal foul. Pro, college or even High School. (perhaps not pee wee).

This is all just proper football etiquette.

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It's not only wrong, but stupid to boo your own team.  That's not motivating, it's demoralizing.  If you want to boo, spare the rest of us and keep your sorry ass at home.  These kids are trying their best and they need support from their fans not their scorn.


I agree 100%.

Anyone remember this?

"That's just not Auburn"

-Shug Jordan's reaction to fans booing Doug Barfield.

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It's not only wrong, but stupid to boo your own team.  That's not motivating, it's demoralizing.  If you want to boo, spare the rest of us and keep your sorry ass at home.  These kids are trying their best and they need support from their fans not their scorn.


I agree 100%.

Anyone remember this?

"That's just not Auburn"

-Shug Jordan's reaction to fans booing Doug Barfield.


Auburn is like a big family. Booing the Auburn team or coaches is like bad mouthing your parents or siblings in public (in front of everybody). It is extremely poor taste and shows an abysmal lack of class for anyone in orange and blue to do this to our team.

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It's not only wrong, but stupid to boo your own team.  That's not motivating, it's demoralizing.  If you want to boo, spare the rest of us and keep your sorry ass at home.  These kids are trying their best and they need support from their fans not their scorn.


I agree 100%.

Anyone remember this?

"That's just not Auburn"

-Shug Jordan's reaction to fans booing Doug Barfield.


Auburn is like a big family. Booing the Auburn team or coaches is like bad mouthing your parents or siblings in public (in front of everybody). It is extremely poor taste and shows an abysmal lack of class for anyone in orange and blue to do this to our team.


Well said. No matter what happens I don't ever think it's right to boo an Auburn man or woman for any reason, and that includes the coaches. Now the guys wearing stripes, maybe so, but never our Tigers.

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