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Lee Iacocca Speaks Out


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Q.  What sort of CEOs do you think George W. Bush and his administration make?

I make speeches for the Washington Speakers Bureau, get $75,000 for 30 minutes,

and all I ever say is, “Here’s what management is about. Hire good people

and set some basic priorities and objectives.” Well, let’s see how George

Bush qualifies. The people that surround him are just friends, and I think most

of them are just schmucks, because I know a lot of them. Who runs the country?

Cheney, who is getting old and sick and had this hunting accident. And

“Rummy,” Rumsfeld, whom I know real well—they’ve been together forever,

and they run the country. They had Condoleezza Rice for lunch. I don’t know

what she’s got on Bush, but, boy, he believes in her. Other than those three,

the mastermind of them of all, the boy genius, is Karl Rove—slime bucket that

he is. You’ve got to know him to see how slimy he is.

Q.  How would you rate the priorities Bush and his friends have set?

Forget the economy, global warming, our infrastructure of roads and bridges

that are rotting away. And forget health care, which is a scandal, and is our

Achilles heel. A civilization that doesn’t take care of its young people and their

young minds through education, and that doesn’t take care of its aging parents?

Do you think our priority was going to Iraq, really? They didn’t have

nuclear bombs that I knew of. We’re in a war we should never have gotten

into, and yet they haven’t resolved the nuclear powers like North Korea and

Iran, so the priorities are wrong. Meanwhile, it’s going to be a half-trillion-dollar

war in Iraq. And we brought what to them? Democracy? I think we brought

them civil war. We’re after oil. Hitler bombed the hell out of Romania because

he wanted the oil fields. Before Pearl Harbor, we forget how we were twisting

the Japanese in the wind and shutting off their oil supply. No matter what you

talk about, every real confrontation is based on fossil fuel because we’re just

hooked on it. Selling nukes to India? Common sense has gone out the window.

You can tap my phone without a warrant? Where is the media? I would

think they’d be outraged at the way they’ve been conned. And the Democratic

Party is sitting on its hands. What are they doing, worrying about running

Hillary? Where is our country headed?

Q,  We have plenty of opinions on that score, but we’d rather hear yours.

When I go to Europe, they love Americans but they hate Bush and think he’s

nuts. Through the debacle of Iraq, I would have first fired all his speechmakers.

“Shock and awe,” “axis of evil,” “dead or alive”? That’s old Europe, not new

Europe. How can you write s--- like that without insulting your friends? Those

are fighting words. [bush] had to call his nanny, Karen Hughes, back from Texas

because he needed her to write speeches for Iraq and she wrote most of that

s---. It’s time for the press and the loyal opposition, the Democrats, to be

enraged and obnoxious. I think the press should stop all this political correctness

and just tell it the way it is and not worry where the chips fall.

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Gawd, if Lee ole buddy, ole friend actually said that it is SCARY! IF that is all true then we have ample reason to be deeply concerned and I have a feeling most of it's true. Seems like we are without a leader and both parties have gone south.... As the ole Television Commercial used to say: "we in a heap of trouble boy."

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Pretty much everything Lee says can easily be dubunked and dismissed, but what's the point?

And I don't care what 'new' Europe thinks. These are primarily the appeasers who would love Chamberlain over Churchill.

This line is beyond hilarious -

  It’s time for the press and the loyal opposition, the Democrats, to be

enraged and obnoxious

. Hell, they've been down right TREASONOUS w/ the leaks and false stories they've printed. What the hell more does he want?

About the only thing he gets right is his last line -

I think the press should stop all this political correctness

and just tell it the way it is and not worry where the chips fall.

I thought Lee Iacoca died like 5 yrs ago. :huh:

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