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What is wrong with these women?

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Why can't they give us just 1 season a year to enjoy ourselves? Is that too much to ask? Some chick has started a website for these cackling football hating hens to congregate and draft touchy feely sissy boys as fantasy husbands.

I wonder how long it would take for a fellow to get banned here? :big:

Fantasy Husband.com

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The lovely Blonde Wasabi would have joined up with this group when we first started dating. Luckily, after years of proper training, I almost have her becoming a full fledged AU football goddess. I think Jenny may have to help me the rest of the way with my goddess-in-training.

These woman should just come to the realization that there husbands are not going to change and just join them. They will discover that they may actually have fun.

BTW...Jenny, Ravad, Wannabe, or any other married females on the board, why do most women go into a marriage thinking they can change their man or he will change on his own?

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BTW...Jenny, Ravad, Wannabe, or any other married females on the board, why do most women go into a marriage thinking they can change their man or he will change on his own?

This could be informative...grabs popcorn, sits down

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That is a woman's biggest mistake; going in to a relationship thinking she will change the man, while men go in to a relationship hoping she won't change. Often she changes, He won't.

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That is a woman's biggest mistake; going in to a relationship thinking she will change the man, while men go in to a relationship hoping she won't change. Often she changes, He won't.

Ain't that the truth! Preach on brother!

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You better just sit your :moon: back down on the pew with your popcorn buddy

:bigblush::kiss3: You know me I was just kidding. You know I really wouldn't support such negative talk towards wives like that. :big:

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You better just sit your :moon: back down on the pew with your popcorn buddy

:bigblush::kiss3: You know me I was just kidding. You know I really wouldn't support such negative talk towards wives like that. :big:

R12 :hail:209936.gifBW


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You better just sit your :moon: back down on the pew with your popcorn buddy

:bigblush::kiss3: You know me I was just kidding. You know I really wouldn't support such negative talk towards wives like that. :big:

R12 :hail:209936.gifBW


Shhhh....you know we have to placate them sometimes just to let them keep thinking they are in charge. B)

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My first marriage ended in total chaos because of that very thing - I thought he would change, he didn't and in fact got worse. But I was young and dumb and stupid and didn't have MYSELF figured out, so it was impossible to really understand the other person. That's my number one lecture about marrying young - you have to understand yourself before you can have a successful relationship with another human.

So when marriage number two came along, we had many, many conversations about our lives and our ways of thinking about things, even stuff like how we discipline kids and how we save money. This is sort of the list we actually used: Link to Twenty Questions

Once I figured out what I might be able to change (him NEVER remembering to close kitchen cabinet doors - resolved the first time I cracked my head on an open door and blasted him a new one) and what wouldn't change (he is a corndog), then I could make a decision as to whether or not I could live with him. And the answer was a resounding YES!!!!!

Of course, there are some things that a woman will ALWAYS be able to change about her man, whether he likes it or not. It's in the Rules. Nasty furniture, holely underwear, socks you wouldn't use to dust with, fifty thousand souvinier beer mugs and shot glasses - ALL GONE. It's our perogative.

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Nasty furniture, holely underwear, socks you wouldn't use to dust with,

Dust? :blink: What me dust? :P

Seriously, good info Jenny. :thumbsup:

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Now, see, that is good, practical information from Jenny there...all of it workable. Most of my furniture is in good shape, but there's definitely a couple of pieces I would part with (willingly, I might add) if I ever got married. I'll actually ditch my own cruddy socks and underwear, so no reform would be necessary there.

It's been a long time since I've had to share living space with someone, though, so that would involve a whole 'nother set of adjustments.

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Oh, lest my fellow Wasabis on this board fear I have gone over to the soft side, he's still doing some changing all right - but it's stuff that was in SORE need of improvement and was just waiting for the right woman since he left his mom to come along and reawaken that dormant side of him. His wardrobe is not all monotone anymore. He actually has shirts you wear untucked with shorts. His socks have patterns in them. His haircut costs more than a pack of gum. He is aware of the existence of things like pillow shams and bed skirts and knows why they are important. He seriously, no kidding enjoys staying at bed and breakfasts and hotels without attached casinos. You know, the little things. B)

But things like sports... well, the woman better get over that if she knew about the obsession prior to the marriage. If he takes up golf AFTER they get married and gets totally wrapped around it, then she has room to bitch. But if the entire decor of his pre-relationship apartment was his favorite team's color scheme, then shame on her. The signs were all there. And faking an interest to get him to marry you is just as bad.

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I'll admit that Blonde Wasabi has changed me maybe just a little bit. Especially my clothes. Like your husband Jenny, Monica's biggest complaint was the lack of color in my closet. I had three main colors or variations of those colors in my closet....khaki/olive, hunter green, and navy blue (yes I am a blue guy and not an orange guy when it comes to my AU gear). My AU hats were even mostly khaki with the :au: logo on them. I just like the khaki/olive color. It goes with anything. I never have to worry about matching:lol: But, I did know how to dress up when necessary. I used to have to wear a tie at work and I was such a sharp dresser that a few woman asked me if I was married (I was not at the time and just had started dating BW) because I dressed nicely and matched my ties to my shirt and pants. I just don't like to dress up, but I will if I have too. I do however prefer slacks like Dockers, khaki of course, over blue jeans most of the time. They are more comfortable to me.

As far as my personality goes, BW claims she has softened me some. I will not admit to this and never will. Sometimes she thinks she sees a "tear in my eye" or something like that at an "emotional" event when actually I just simply need to go take a leak. :big:

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You know, guys, I have been thinking about this some more - why shouldn't these women get a Fantasy Husband draft? You boneheads have Miss Hooters, Miss Hawaiian Tropic, Miss Sports Illustrated, Miss Playmate of the Month, and all kinds of "Vote for the Hottest Cheerleader/Most Stacked/Longest Legs/etc." contests. Women should be entitled to one too.

So back off. I think you are all just jealous because VERY FEW of you (maybe Timmy) would ever make it into a fantasy husband draft. Neanderthals.

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You know, guys, I have been thinking about this some more - why shouldn't these women get a Fantasy Husband draft? You boneheads have Miss Hooters, Miss Hawaiian Tropic, Miss Sports Illustrated, Miss Playmate of the Month, and all kinds of "Vote for the Hottest Cheerleader/Most Stacked/Longest Legs/etc." contests. Women should be entitled to one too.

So back off. I think you are all just jealous because VERY FEW of you (maybe Timmy) would ever make it into a fantasy husband draft. Neanderthals.

I knew it was too good to be true......

She's back.

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It's about time!

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After reading this whole thread.... I'm deathly afraid of marriage :blink:

You should be. Gene Simmons said it best, "Marriage is the end of a good relationship". :lol:

Blonde Wasabi is really going to kick my a** when she reads this.

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ranger, that's only 'cuz you are crippled right now...

At this point (way closer to 40 than 30), if I ever get married, it's going to be my one and only shot at it...if it doesn't take, then it's permanent bachelorhood for me.

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After reading this whole thread.... I'm deathly afraid of marriage :blink:

You should be. Gene Simmons said it best, "Marriage is the end of a good relationship". :lol:

Blonde Wasabi is really going to kick my a** when she reads this.

I'm thinking you and DKW may be on your own for refreshments Saturday when she reads this or if he chimes in anytime soon!

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I'm thinking you and DKW may be on your own for refreshments Saturday when she reads this or if he chimes in anytime soon!

Umm...is too late to retract my statement? :big:

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