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did espn report that colorado is bringing their buffalo to athens? i think thats what they were saying.

and oh by the way, why do the talking heads act like they just discovered the moon when they report ralphie is " really a girl buffalo...un huh...thats right...give me a freakin cookie ". i dont think that is a very closely guarded secret. ESPN...Even Stupid People act like kNow it alls

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yea...the buffalo is apparently running on the field too. I'd be pissed if I were a dawgs fan. Richt was asked about it in a press conference and he didn't understand why they were letting them do it. He said that he was never asked about it.

when I heard about this I called my friend Matt (UGA student) and asked him what he thought. He said he didn't mind because he knew exactly what would happen. The buffalo would run on the field over towards the UGA bench and then Tony Taylor would proceed to beat the hell out of it with his bare hands.

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