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War Eagle gang..

Isn't it wonderful to be basking in the afterglow of a successful season (defined as smacking bammer around! lol). I thought I might pose a question or two for comments.

It can be said that one is either going forward or the competiton is gaining on you. And the most common time for leadership to get complacent is when everything seems to be going well. Now, I am NOT suggesting things are broken, nor am I bad mouthing anything. Rather, the mark of good leadership is continually searching for the best.

I have always thought that one of the big things that "thu bahr' 'done' right was his ability to keep new blood coming into the coaching staff. As I recall, he kept a nice mix of stability- himself and his co-ordinators were there for what seemed an eternity. Then almost each year he would get an assistant 'promoted' and hire an up and coming hot shot in that place. One example of this is our own beloved Pat Dye.

It seems to me that this recipe gives not only stability, which is a mainstay of any solid program, but the enthusiasm that comes with being new. I can only imagine the excitement one would have felt at being hired into such a program at that time. So doing these things gave the program experience, and the exuberence of youth.

We already have several assistants promoted out, which I think will only serve us well as Tubbs builds a reputation for building coaches. My thoughts are... who might be candidates to be promoted up....who might be candidates to replace....who has done an excellent job at their position this year, who's position of responsibility showed little improvement...?

Again, this is in no way to be construed as criticism of anyone. But every program should always be looking to improve, and I thought it might be fun to play Head Coach and Athletic Director! hehe

War Eagle to everyone!

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