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"Schumer Says Former Gonzales Aide May Testify About Firings" - Former Aide now working for the DNC! http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...Wk&refer=us

"Aging boosts chances that a family line will be long-lived" (As opposed to dieing early?)


"How long is a child a child?" - (Till it is grown?)


Hiding under tiny leaves,,,,,, "UBC researchers reveal dwarf aquatic plants' hidden ancestry"


"500,000 years of climate history stored year by year" - Not every other year as previously believed!


"Videotaped confessions can create bias against suspect, study finds" It's hard to make jury members ignore the truth.


"Malaria: The right vaccine in the right place?" - All shots to be in the arm rather than the butt!


"Teenagers with retail, service jobs at risk of injury, robberies, sleep deprivation" - In a joint news conference Howard Dean and Nancy Pelosi, announced the intention of the Democrat party to introduce legislation to pay all teenagers for 40 hours work at the new minimum wage rates and the teenagers will not be required to work. Early estimates are that this measure will add roughly 23 million voters to the democrats rolls.


"RAND study finds mental health courts have the potential to save taxpayers money" - By immediately throwing all mental patients on the streets. By forcing homeless shelters and other charity operations to care for the former mental patients it is expected to save taxpayers $300 billion annually until global warming burns the earth to a crisp.


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