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Is the Media Repeating its Vietnam Strategy?


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Impact of the Media in the Vietnam War

Produced by Accuracy in Media and narrated by Charlton Heston, it is a good review of how the media lied to us during Vietnam. I believe the same thing is happening today.

The Communist Party and the Vietnam War:

It's no big secret that the Communist Party was pushing the anti-war movement here in the United States back during the Vietnam War. If that's a shock to you, think of all those hippies living in communes. Most of the anti-war protestors were not members of the Communist Party. But, members of the Communist Party were using them.

How do I know for certain? Because a very close friend of mine was an informant for the FBI during the late 1960s. She was perfect for the job of infiltrating the ranks of the Communist Party in the United States; she was of college age and had lost her husband in the Vietnam War. Nobody questioned her loyalty to the cause. Here's what she told me:

The U.S. Communist Party actively promoted anti-war protests because they wanted the (Communist) North Vietnamese to win.

The Communist Party did not care what protestors actually believed, as long as they could get as many people to the protests as possible.

Had there been no anti-war protests, the Vietnam War would have ended much sooner, but the United States and South Vietnamese would have won. The North Vietnamese hung on as long as they did because they knew the United States would pull out. "They depended on the division within the U.S.," she said.

We did not lose a major battle of the Vietnam War. But we lost because of the propaganda.


The anti-war and anti-American group ANSWER is a known communist group but will CNN tell you? Who is financing these protests? Who is paying these protestors? What is the motive behind the media's role in misrepesenting this war. Is it all about hating Bush?

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They are indeed. It started on our march into central Iraq just before Baghdad fell. I remember we stopped our advance briefly during a pretty intense sandstorm, just before the highly anticipated scrap with the Republican Guard. As we dug in to ride out the storm, we got the first mention of the term "quagmire" and they have been flinging it (along with other Vietnam era terms for defeat) ever since.

The thing that gets me is why our media doesn't disclose exactly who it is behind these groups. I guess the old saying is correct, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." The American soldier (being an instrument of the Bush administration policy) is the enemy of the left in their declared war on Bush.

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