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The HELL with NBC-13


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It's bad enough that their sports team is the worst in the business and not in danger of getting any better.

But today they lead off with NASCAR, which isn't sports, but can be excused since the garbage was at Talladega this week.

The problem is that they follow that with a bobo honking segment on Ken Darby getting drafted.

Of all the possible sports stories in the state today, Darby going in the seventh round was the least of them. But these assbuckets opened with it.

I won't watch their station for news any longer. And they'll get a letter tomorrow explaining why -- AWFUL on-air personalities and never-ending bobo honking.

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Yea, Darby Sucks we know it. But get a life and don't cry over the Bama media. Your letter won't mean crap to them. Save 41 cents and use that time wisely, like not complaining all the time

We beat those bastards 22-15 and 5 times in a row. Don't worry... be happy. The media can't help them win.

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Yea, Darby Sucks we know it. But get a life and don't cry over the Bama media. Your letter won't mean crap to them. Save 41 cents and use that time wisely, like not complaining all the time

We beat those bastards 22-15 and 5 times in a row. Don't worry... be happy. The media can't help them win.

Stamps went up again?!!? Last time I mailed something it was like $0.39!!

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Dang. I can't remember the last time I actually mailed anything.

All my invoices go via e-mail now. I have a sheet of 39 cent stamps that I bought two years ago. I've used two stamps on it.

The post office is now just a delivery service for advertising, magagzines, invitations, and thank-you notes.

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Galen they led with that because all of AU's bigtime picks went on day one...so they didnt have ANYTHING to say about Bama the day before.

I guess that doesn't count though. It's only on the days that YOU watch the news that their stories count.

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Galen they led with that because all of AU's bigtime picks went on day one...so they didnt have ANYTHING to say about Bama the day before.

I guess that doesn't count though. It's only on the days that YOU watch the news that their stories count.

But then again, with Will Herring, Courtney Taylor and David Irons all going before Darby on day two, you might think that would be the story.

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Galen they led with that because all of AU's bigtime picks went on day one...so they didnt have ANYTHING to say about Bama the day before.

I guess that doesn't count though. It's only on the days that YOU watch the news that their stories count.

But then again, with Will Herring, Courtney Taylor and David Irons all going before Darby on day two, you might think that would be the story.

It may have been the story if they had spent the whole previous day on AU draft coverage and ZERO on Alabama's. And it's not like Herring Taylor and Irons all went in the 4th round. We are talking about all 6th and 7th round picks.

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If you want to use the whole "AU players got drafted before Bama players"...on day two, LeRon was the first player from either school to get drafted. So technically THAT should have been the lead story.

I think sometimes, you guys are LOOKING for "proof" that the Bham media is anti Auburn...and sometimes you are creating things that aren't really there.

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Does it really matter. Big deal NBC gave your rival some air time, go cry.

BTW, I hate the Falcons sixth round pick of Einstein.

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I just can't abide local television news anyway. On any level, on any story.

I can find out all the information in a 30 minute news cast by spending exactly two minutes with the newspaper. So I don't watch it.

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Yea, Darby Sucks we know it. But get a life and don't cry over the Bama media. Your letter won't mean crap to them. Save 41 cents and use that time wisely, like not complaining all the time

We beat those bastards 22-15 and 5 times in a row. Don't worry... be happy. The media can't help them win.

according to the media, they are directly responsible for CNS' success at other schools, so maybe you're mistaken. :gofig: see josh moon's temper tantrum in the montgomery auburntiser 04/08

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Yea, Darby Sucks we know it. But get a life and don't cry over the Bama media. Your letter won't mean crap to them. Save 41 cents and use that time wisely, like not complaining all the time

We beat those bastards 22-15 and 5 times in a row. Don't worry... be happy. The media can't help them win.

according to the media, they are directly responsible for CNS' success at other schools, so maybe you're mistaken. :gofig: see josh moon's temper tantrum in the montgomery auburntiser 04/08

Actually, he said no such thing. He said the media is largely responsible for his high profile and ability to command the kind of money he gets now.

The specific quote was:

This from a guy who owes most of his financial success to the very media he's now giving the shaft.

Was there a story on Ben Grubbs going first round? Kenny Irons in the second?

Yep. On the day they were drafted. Not the day after.

On NBC-13? If so, then it looks like in this instance they're being fairly balanced.

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I agree with Galen. Not so much for the Ken Darby thing but for the promotion of NASCAR. All NASCAR is good for is GLOBAL WARMING!!!!

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Was there a story on Ben Grubbs going first round? Kenny Irons in the second?

Yep. On the day they were drafted. Not the day after.

So you watch NBC-13? Case closed.

You're right, though, I didn't watch it Saturday. There was nothing to say about Alabama on Saturday. Nobody was drafted. Had any of the UA players been picked, that would have been the lead. That's just 13's style.

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Same thing happened in Huntsville. They didn't even mention Herring, Irons or Taylor in the news I watched. And they did a whole thing on Darby and Mr. Irrelevant, but I figured it was because both were from Huntsville. My favorite was a quote from Darby about "being disrespected." Hey buddy, give us something to respect you for. Falling down a yard short of the line of scrimmage doesn't qualify.

The Huntsville Times gave a whopping three lines at the bottom of the article to Auburn's three picks. http://www.al.com/sports/huntsvilletimes/i...&thispage=3

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I can only imagine how much coverage Lassie and the guys gave the Bammer spring game. :no: .I bet they didn't mention the crowd was so great because everone got in free and Welfare checks came the day before.

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Galen they led with that because all of AU's bigtime picks went on day one...so they didnt have ANYTHING to say about Bama the day before.

I guess that doesn't count though. It's only on the days that YOU watch the news that their stories count.

I don't understand this response from you -- and it's one you use often in reply to me.

How am I supposed to comment on behavior of which I am not aware. I didn't watch NBC-13 every day for a week to determine whether or not they balanced things out. I only know what I saw on Sunday.

You direct this same response to me when I recount my experiences with Bama fans. You say I take the "one irrational" or "most extreme" opinion and extrapolate it to the entire fanbase. But this is not true. I only report what I hear. I don't discount what ten fans say just to make an example of the one goober. In most cases there are ten goobers standing there nodding their head with whatever the one is saying.

For some reason these tons of rational bama fans never speak when I am around. And for some reason the newspapers and sports departments in Birmingham apparently only report on Auburn when I'm not looking.

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Don't feel bad, Galen. I'm sure Phil Snow would love for you to call him for comfort.

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Don't feel bad, Galen. I'm sure Phil Snow would love for you to call him for comfort.

Is Phil still alive? Because if you're mocking the dead and all....

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Don't feel bad, Galen. I'm sure Phil Snow would love for you to call him for comfort.

Is Phil still alive? Because if you're mocking the dead and all....

Mocking the dead? That's y'all's job...

Every 2 years or so, WSFA will get him to cover Auburn's bowl game for a big cry and whine "reunion." He makes Jim Dunaway look like the most objective person ever.

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