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Athlon's Preaseason Rank


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Apparently Athlon didn't get the "Saint Saban the Mighty will lead Bammer to eleventy three straight titles" memo. Alabama isn't among the teams they list as possibilities to be rated #1 in the Athlon poll.

And yeah, 21 is a little low. Lost Kenny, David, Courtney and Will. I can see why they might have doubts.

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The lower they drop us in preseason rankings, the bigger my smile gets.

not that these rankings matter but the lower we start out the less chance of winning a title we have (see 04)

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We were a preseason rank of 19th in '04 athlon annual magazine after the '03 season, so I feel fine with a low ranking. I don't seriously think that we would be shut out of a chance to play in a title game if we got to that this year simply because the voters wouldn't do that to a team twice. However, with the brutal road schedule this year i dont think anyone is seriously considering going to a MNC this year.

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not that these rankings matter but the lower we start out the less chance of winning a title we have (see 04)

We want to win the SEC. Only a crazy person would think we have a shot at the MNC in 2007. But don't worry about the preseason rankings. We could be ranked 50th going into this season, but if we somehow went undefeated we would play for it all (Not gonna happen). I would love to win 10+ and see a BCS bowl though!!

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The lower they drop us in preseason rankings, the bigger my smile gets.

not that these rankings matter but the lower we start out the less chance of winning a title we have (see 04)

it wouldn't have mattered if we started out at #3 in 04. USC and Oklahoma were destined to play in that game.

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my point is why would you ever not want to be ranked higher? Don't give me this i'd rather be the underdog speech either.

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my point is why would you ever not want to be ranked higher? Don't give me this i'd rather be the underdog speech either.

I'd rather be ranked first every single year.

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my point is why would you ever not want to be ranked higher? Don't give me this i'd rather be the underdog speech either.

I'd rather be ranked first every single year.

bingo I'm in 110% agreement, I can't imagine a situation when you wouldn't want to be ranked as high as possible. Thats the attitude auburn fans need, not the "gee i hope we're not ranked too high, we're always better when no one pays attention to us."

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It all depends on how you see your Glass.....Half Full or Half Empty... or Could careless.

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If we are ranked Number 1 before the season and then go undefeated, we will be in the BCS Championship Game.

This year--not to worry: we don't have a proven O-line or good receivers and the defense is unproven as well.

I suspect we will have a good defense. We'd better have one that can hold things together while the offense jells, IF it does.

We may be very happy to win 9 games.

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IF we ever did go undefeated this year, I don't think there's any way to keep us out of the BCSCG cause our schedule is so freakin tough.

That's if we do. Even the most optimistic homers out there are giving us at least one loss this year.


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Stepping in shoes from their aspect... we lost alot of the o-line (although we were 2nd in sacks against last year), the kicking game is brand new, the Irons duo is gone, etc etc. Also note the brutal road schedule ahead.

As an Auburn fan... I seriously have no doubts for the '07 season. I see us losing 2, maybe 3... and having a great season topped off with an Iron Bowl win.

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my point is why would you ever not want to be ranked higher? Don't give me this i'd rather be the underdog speech either.

I'd rather be ranked first every single year.

bingo I'm in 110% agreement, I can't imagine a situation when you wouldn't want to be ranked as high as possible. Thats the attitude auburn fans need, not the "gee i hope we're not ranked too high, we're always better when no one pays attention to us."

I don't buy the underdog thing as much as a lot of people do. It does seem like we lose some games when we are favored, but I think that is just more because of long layoffs. It seems like the first game of the season or bowl games where we are favored we don't play as well. I don't think its because we're favored, but I think long layoffs hurt us. People look back to 03 and say we play better as underrated because of what we did the next year. We sucked in 03 because we had an anemic offense. I would rather be ranked high but we don't deserve anything over 15 this preseason. We lost a lot of key players and thats why we're low. i don't quite agree with 21 or whatever it is, but we'll be alright.

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I am right on GG's side.

Start UGA at #1 every single year if possible.

Gets the school more publicity and puts the NC within range even if you lose 1 game since you are already so high.

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here's the thing: i'd rather start high. you'd be an idiot not to want to be the best. BUT as an auburn fan, you're equally foolish if getting slighted doesn't make you smirk just a little. face it. auburn is an underdog program. we've always been better in that role whether the fan base likes it or not AND tubby is a sharper coach when he's got a chip on his shoulder.

SO while i'd love to be ranked first every year, i'd rather get slotted below where we belong when we're a middling top 25 team. i'd take 21 over 15 this year for example. neither has a big advantage b/c the polls ARE fluid enough to shift 21 above 15, and the worse ranking is bound to catch someone's attention in the athletic department. it's gonna fire us up. so unless we're starting at the top, i have no problem getting jilted just a little to fire up the underdog tigers routine.

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Its time to get over the "underdog" role... I'm tired of hearing that from AU fans. The last senior class won 40 games and Tubs has recruited well each year. Every team replaces players each year just like we do. Expect championships every year. Florida had a tough road stretch last year too...

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Guest Tigrinum Major

It all depends on how you see your Glass.....Half Full or Half Empty... or Could careless.

You couldn't be more careless with your word choice.

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The only #1 ranking I could get excited about would be in the final poll of the season. Anytime during the season would just make me paranoid. Let someone else wear the bullseye from week to week.

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While I think we will be better than 21st, I don't mind where we are ranked. These pre-season polls don't mean anything. If the media and all these so called experts want to think we won't be competing for the conference championship, let them. If we win games everything will take care of itself. I know a lot are going to point to 2004 and how that shaped up, but that's been over a long time now. 2004 was a rare year with 4 teams finishing unbeaten. That is not likely to happen again any time soon. I would love to ranked in the pre-season polls in the top 10 or top 5 every year but we just don't get that kind of attention. Some times, less attention can be a good thing.

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The lower they drop us in preseason rankings, the bigger my smile gets.

not that these rankings matter but the lower we start out the less chance of winning a title we have (see 04)

I was thinking the same thing......as much as you guys like to say preseason ranks dont matter, they do.....2004 it hurt you guys

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we could've started 3rd and it wouldn't have mattered. that's why i say if you're not one or two, there's no advantage to a high ranking.

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