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Jerry Falwell has died


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Remember, this is the man who said 9/11 was divine punishment for various offenses against God. Quite frankly, I think the cartoon was spot on.

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No matter how repulsive you found him there are still only certain types of people who deserve to have their death celebrated in a public forum: Hitler, Stalin, Milosevic, Hussein, etc. Falwell didn't exactly commit genocide or start a world war so I think it's bad taste to kick a dead man when he can't defend himself. I'm not a member of the Jerry Falwell Fan Club, didn't agree with everything he said but grade school comments about him when the dirt on his grave hasn't even settled is pretty messed up. And before you liberals through it my face that I would publicly jump with joy if Clinton, Pelosi, Kerry and their ilk kicked the bucket let me just go ahead and burst your little bubble for you.

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...I would publicly jump with joy if Clinton, Pelosi, Kerry and their ilk kicked the bucket let me just go ahead and burst your little bubble for you.

You're not alone. The politicians we have in DC are truly amazing with their disregard for public opinion and their total misrepresentation of the people. I have belly full of them all, and religious sec of the far rightwing that are hellbent on destroying our democracy. Remember we no longer live in a constitutional republic, it's a democracy after the 13th Amendment. If anyone here doesn't not want to take part in the democracy they can forfeit their rights to any and all federally funded programs. I'll show you how. Otherwise shut-up.

Then there was one....

This week I plan to introduce legislation that will add a sunset clause to the original authorization (Public Law 107-243) six months after passage. This is designed to give Congress ample time between passage and enactment to craft another authorization or to update the existing one. With the original objectives fulfilled, Congress has a legal obligation to do so. Congress also has a moral obligation to our troops to provide relevant and coherent policy objectives in Iraq.

Unlike other proposals, this bill does not criticize the president’s handling of the war. This bill does not cut off funds for the troops. This bill does not set a timetable for withdrawal. Instead, it recognizes that our military has achieved the objectives as they were spelled out in law and demands that Congress live up to its constitutional obligation to provide oversight. I am hopeful that this legislation will enjoy broad support among those who favor continuing or expanding the war as well as those who favor ending the war. We need to consider anew the authority for Iraq and we need to do it sooner rather than later.


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My girlfriend went to college with a guy who went into seminary to become and priest and said this to her while she was having a conversation about gay rights and marriage rights(her uncle is gay) -

"When I get to heaven, I'd rather be turned away for having arms too open than arms too closed."

Just something to think about.

That being said, I think Falwell was the definition of a hypocritical "Christian." What would Jesus do? He wouldn't act like Jerry Fallwell, that's for sure.

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I really can't see anybody having that same response for when Rosie O'Donnell dies.

He don't know me vewy well, do he?

And while we're at it, the picture of Tinky Winky waving goodbye cracked me up. Call it morbid, call it crass, whatever. I laughed.

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I really can't see anybody having that same response for when Rosie O'Donnell dies.

He don't know me vewy well, do he?

And while we're at it, the picture of Tinky Winky waving goodbye cracked me up. Call it morbid, call it crass, whatever. I laughed.

Better not say that.

Liger will accuse you of "speaking like a true conservative."

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