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How you became an Auburn Fan


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I'm not trying to start anything. I really am curious to know who on this board is an Auburn Alum/student or Auburn fan. Either way, how you found Auburn and when and what your ties are like. If you are an Alum, when did did you attend? If you have any affilliation with the University, add that in too.

Regardless of what you all think of me, I love this University and I know you all do too. Just want to know more about y'all.

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I have a feeling this thread could digress into some type of competition with some posters.

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I was born into it!

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When I married and moved to Alabama, some of my inlaws were so hateful when talking about Auburn. I've always been for the underdog. At that time, Auburn was the underdog. It just made me a fan. I live in Birmingham so I've heard a lot of mean spirited remarks about Auburn. My children became Auburn fans. Well, my daughter graduated from Auburn School of Veterinary Medicine last year. My oldest son is in Building Science and my youngest is in School of Forestry. Oh, and my husband USED to be an Alabama fan. He has since joined the good guys.

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Well, it's like this:

I was 20 years old and in the Air Force at Panama City in 1963. Several of us were involved in weekly CFB light betting, and it got to be November.

I allowed as how Auburn looked like a good bet in the Iron Bowl.

This sergeant cut loose with all this puke about how Auburn would NEVER beat Alabama again, because "Da' Bahr said he won't never lose to no god-dam Auburn ever again."

I allowed as how it looked like Auburn had a better team, but ol' Sarge kept on spewin' this crap about Bammer and Da' Bahr.

So I put down $10 on Auburn. Predictably, Sidle, Fredrickson, Howard Simpson & co. kicked the slop out of Namath and Da' Bahr. I collected my winnings, and when I got discharged two months later and had to decide on a college, Auburn is where I wanted to go. Stopped class to work a time or two along the way, and graduated in 1969. It's been great!

War Eagle!

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Grew up a Bama Fan, Brother is a season ticket holder there. Anyways went to Auburn with Aspirations of becoming a pharmacist, Only pharmacy schools in alabama were Samford and Auburn. Dad said that I could drive to Samford or move to Auburn. I said I am going to Auburn. First Iron bowl in Fall 1997 Auburn wins 18-17 I believe. That sealed the deal and there was no turning back. BTW ended up with a Business Degree, and I think that Auburn's business school is ranked higher than Bamas now.

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I was born to an Auburn mom, albeit in Ohio amongst the Buckeyes... and she raised me right. When the time came, Auburn was the only place I applied, and the rest, as they say, is history.

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I was born into it!

and you had no choice because I would have beat you up every day if you would have decided to be a bammer. :boxing: So, be glad I did not have to be an even meaner big brother then I was. :moon::big:

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My stepfather was an Auburn Grad and we'd listen to the games on the radio. I was 10 years old and that's how it all started. He began a family tradition...1 daughter, 1 son, 2 sons-in-law, 1 daughter-in-law, and 1 granddaughter are Auburn Grads. There's also a 95 year old Grandmother who won't miss a game on TV because of her grandchildren and great-grandchild!

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I graduated in 1961, became a season ticket holder in 1982, and scholarship donor in 1983.

Alumni Association LIFE member, Samford Society, and Eye of the Tiger member.

Auburn is my passion, a "way of Life", and burns in my soul. I love the Auburn family. I love who we are (tradition and loyalty far and away over other colleges)

When someone asks me what "War Eagle" means, I politely respond, "It's an Auburn thing. You couldn't possible understand"

War Eagle!

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I was born and raised by an Auburn graduate, mu Dad, and an Auburn fan, my Mom, "because she didn't

like how full of themselves those Alabama fans were". I attended Auburn, but managed to party my

way out, never losing the love for the school, though. My two daughters both went to Auburn, got

their degrees, and married Auburn men they met there. So, the song remains the same "War Eagle"!!!!


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I had a few friends growing up that were :au: fans, so I guess that's how I became interested in the place. When it came time apply to college, I applied to schools mainly in state. When I visited UAT's campus, it was dirty and I didn't like it. When I visited Auburn's campus, it was nice and just right. I never ever even went and looked at USA because I knew Auburn was the place to be.

That was about 5 years ago, and now I'm an Auburn alum with a science degree and heading to UAB for dental school this fall. I certainly have grown fond of the place during my short association with Auburn and definitely will support Auburn for the rest of my days.

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I grew up in LA (lower alabama) during the time when Bear and Bama were on their long winning streak against Auburn. As a young boy, I absolutely loved football. As some of you had already metioned, I loved the underdog. And from 1973 - 1981, along with all the other Auburn fans, I endured a lot of bama fan criticism. I mean if you look at the scores, we got blew out every game. Anyway, finally in '82 with the arrival of a young man named BO, everything changed. I will never forget that day when we finally won. It's one thing to root for a team and "jump on the band wagon" because they are already winners, but when you develop a deep love for a team and a school and see them finally succeed, it is one of the greatest feelings in the entire world. I was lucky as a boy because I had the same thing happen in the NFL, loved the Steelers before they won their 4 Super Bowls in 6 years, and in the NBA, love the Celtics before Bird arrived. (damn you Magic :) . My only regret is now I live in the Midwest and can't enjoy seeing the Bama fans go thru what we did. I never miss a game, whether it's on TV or I can get it thru my pc. I am very optimistic about our future. It is a great time to be a AUBURN TIGER!!

One last thing. Never doubt just because someone did not attend school there, their love for their team. I always wanted to go to Auburn, but couldn't. However, that did not prevent me from being born with "Orange & Blue" blood in my veins.

"War Eagle fly down the field......."...... always.

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I see many of you became Auburn fans because of Alabama?

I'm not trying to flame, but that just seems odd to me.

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I see many of you became Auburn fans because of Alabama?

I'm not trying to flame, but that just seems odd to me.

I know it's probably hard for you to believe, but not everyone roots for the Tide.

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I see many of you became Auburn fans because of Alabama?

I'm not trying to flame, but that just seems odd to me.

Well, don't worry, you'll have your fair share of fains here soon that pull for Alabama because they like to root for the underdog, so you don't have to feel so left out.

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I'll play...Both my parents pull for the bad guys....so I was "supposed to" be a bammer fan from the get go...then in first grade..i had my first puppy love crush on this girl in my class and I ask her to "go with me" whatever that means..so she said yes and my first gift ever from her was a blue pencil with orange writing that said Auburn on it...so naturally i thought...hey she's an Auburn fan so shall I be too...and so since my first grade year of school in 1987 I have been an Auburn fan and have since then talked my dad into coming to every Auburn game with me since my last two years of Auburn (03-04 and 04-05)...he doesn't wear as much crimson now and occasionally can be caught with some orange and blue on it... he won't wear anything that says Auburn on it... but give me time give me time

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Not hard for me to believe at all. It's just strange that many that have posted in this thread root/started rooting for the Tigers because of the Tide. That's all.

Don't let me derail the thread. Carry on...

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I first remember claiming an Auburn allegiance at age 5 or 6 because my older brother was picking Auburn against most of his friends who were Bama fans. I was really too young to follow much about college football at the time, but if Auburn was good enough for my big brother it was good enough for me. I vaguely remember the Jimmy Sidle/Tucker Fredrickson era, however.

Later, in high school, Sullivan, Beasley & Co. sealed the deal for me and that's when I started getting serious about Auburn in my own right. And in response to wincrimson's comment: I did find the arrogance and ignorance of my high school classmates who cheered for Bama particularly galling, and that helped solidify my Auburn allegiance.

By 1972 I was a freshman in the Loveliest Village for the '72 "Amazin's" and the "Punt, Bama, Punt" game. Got my B.S. from Auburn in '76...also my first wife.

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I had been dating a girl for a year when I was a junior in HS and she was a senior. She ended up coming to Auburn and we continued to date for about 6 more months with me visiting whenever I got the chance. I fell in love with Auburn during my senior year. I knew this was the place I wanted to be.

We broke up about half-way through my senior year of high school but I knew Auburn was where I wanted to be anyways. She ended up transferring to Kansas after that year.

So I guess you could say she was the one ultimately responsible, but it wasn't one of those situations of following a girl to a college. We had already broken up and she had already transferred to a new school before I ever stepped foot on campus. But I've been a die-hard Auburn man since then.

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Not hard for me to believe at all. It's just strange that many that have posted in this thread root/started rooting for the Tigers because of the Tide. That's all.

Don't let me derail the thread. Carry on...

Personally, I couldn't be for a team whose fans were so full of hate. I was told, "We hate Auburn." It really turned me against Alabama fans. What started as support for the underdog turned into a great love. Had my inlaws hated Alabama, I might have turned into an Alabama fan. : ( Ugh! ) Perish the thought! Alabama fans were just plain too arrogant for me to stomach though I liked some of Alabama's coaches and some of their players over the years.

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My whole family pulled for UA because my mom's family is from Excel, which is the home of UA legend Leroy Jordan. Small town, and he was one of a few to make it our in those days(especially through athletics) soeveryone pulls for them. I had one older cousin(10 years older) who for whatever reason pulled for Auburn. I worshipped the ground he walked on when I was younger because he was whatever age I thought was the coolest at the moment, therefore I pulled for Auburn. He came up to Auburn after JUCO for turf management and the family started making trips to Auburn. They began to realize what a great place it is. My younger sister and I both attend Auburn now and my parents are moving up here from Mobile as we speak. The whole family now at the very least pulls for both schools, and some have converted all the way. War Eagle!

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I came to AU for undergard in 1981 based on the good academic reputation of a Drs. McFarland, Kickighter and a few other history professors that speciailized in the areas I wanted to study. Period. I was studying in CDV on a Saturday and heard all this noise from the football stadium. I walked over and tried to get a ticket from a scalper w/ (no kidding) a check. He basically patted me on the head, gave me the ticket and said "have fun." It was a 50 yard line seat @ the 1981 AU vs. LSU game. I was hooked.

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I have a feeling this thread could digress into some type of competition with some posters.

Not a competition. Who wants to compete with a shallow play for attention? Is this bogus "I love this University' *sniff, sniff* profession supposed to fool anyone? Nicholas Cage is a better actor.

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I'm not trying to start anything. I really am curious to know who on this board is an Auburn Alum/student or Auburn fan. Either way, how you found Auburn and when and what your ties are like. If you are an Alum, when did did you attend? If you have any affilliation with the University, add that in too.

Regardless of what you all think of me, I love this University and I know you all do too. Just want to know more about y'all.

My parents, especially my father, were typical Bamars...the choice was obvious. WAR EAGLE!!! :)


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