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Update time on a Tiger Fan's wish


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Some time back I posted a request for help concerning a fellow Auburn fan's request to make one more Auburn game. As you may recall, the man is diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease.

After extensive talks with people in the Alumni Office and Athletics Office, it appears that due to all considerations involved the wish will go unfulfilled. The driving factor is the ability to have electric power available.

Skyboxes aren't compatible with wheelchairs as the level portion of the box apparently doesn"t afford a view (or decent view) of the field and it is impractical for wheelchair patients to use the seats in the box as there are steps descending to each row of seats.

There is space available in the wheelchair areas of the stadium, but Code doesnt allow running extension lines to them and there are no outlets built in.

The family is very understanding of this and are understandably uneasy about putting him in a position of potentially serious consequences if something happened to his battery power. The wife says they have decided to plan a nice get together for the Alabama game if possiblefor family and friends.

Many of you expressed interest in this after the original posting. I thank you for him for your prayers, concerns, and well wishes. Several of you made offers of tickets, etc. Special thanks for these.

Special thanks to the people in the Alumni and Athletic offices who tried to make this happen.

Remember this family in prayer, as they have a most difficult road ahead.

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CO would make the generator a NO. My suggestion get a 12 volt car battery and run a AC inverter off of it. It would probably give you about 2 hours of power for a breathing machine or whatever you may need.

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The family has considered several options,,back up batteries among them. At this point in their experience with this situation, they just aren't comfortable with any options present.

Keep the brains working,,maybe someone will come up with an idea that will work

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Guest BoStillKnows

Can he travel? If so, Sanford Stadium may be able to accomodate the power issue. The relationship between the two schools might make it possible for him to attend a game, even though it would not be a home game. just a thought...

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The view wouldn't be the best but I think the experience is what we are looking for here and I hope this suggestion would be reviewed.

Of course this needs to be for the Tenn Tech game but that is a plus being homecoming and all.

Start the game with batteries needed for the power in the wheelchair spots, and once the power begins to drain then move to the field level where the Cheerleaders are stationed. You will be able to run power down there and if the need arised the paramedics are right there. This would allow a period to watch the game see some pregame activities then move to experience the excitement on the field.

What about the press box? {aren't they just desks and even at the top level you can see the field}

Being there for even just an hour is better then not being there at all.

Last time I checked Auburn has a pretty good engineering school someone should be able to solve this problem.

Regardless prayers sent and enjoy whatever celebration is planned

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Uh, just how many 2 x 4s, screws and sheets of plywood would it take to build a temporary ramp/platform on the flat part of the box to elevate him enough to see? Seems like 2 classes of basic carpentry 101 could solve the problem.

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Has anyone considered talking directly to the athletic department and seeing if he could watch from along the sidelines? They have electric outlets and cords all over the place that he could probably hook into.

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If it fits into the box, an electric scissors lift would raise and lower him to a proper level. A equipment rental company would probably donate the use of one.

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