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Obama " I don't want them punished with a baby! "


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Obama Says He Doesn't Want His Daughters Punished with a Baby

March 31, 2008

A lot has been made (by both sides) in this Democratic primary race that "words matter". Well, The Brody File brings you this:

At a town hall meeting in Johnstown, Pennsylvania on Saturday afternoon, Barack Obama told the crowd that he didn't want his daughters, "punished with a baby". Watch the comments here and read the transcript below:

"When it comes specifically to HIV/AIDS, the most important prevention is education, which should include --

which should include abstinence education and teaching the children -- teaching children, you know, that sex is not something casual. But it should also include -- it should also include other, you know, information about contraception because, look, I've got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby. I don't want them punished with an STD at the age of 16. You know, so it doesn't make sense to not give them information."


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Obama Says He Doesn't Want His Daughters Punished with a Baby

March 31, 2008

A lot has been made (by both sides) in this Democratic primary race that "words matter". Well, The Brody File brings you this:

At a town hall meeting in Johnstown, Pennsylvania on Saturday afternoon, Barack Obama told the crowd that he didn't want his daughters, "punished with a baby". Watch the comments here and read the transcript below:

"When it comes specifically to HIV/AIDS, the most important prevention is education, which should include --

which should include abstinence education and teaching the children -- teaching children, you know, that sex is not something casual. But it should also include -- it should also include other, you know, information about contraception because, look, I've got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby. I don't want them punished with an STD at the age of 16. You know, so it doesn't make sense to not give them information."


Oh they want be punished because he will teach them about alternatives like abortion.

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Something out of nothing.

At 16 years old, with the typical maturity level and inability to care for anyone other than themselves that a teenager would have, an infant could be seen as "punishment." That applies to both the infant and the parents. Anybody who refutes the use of this term should then reflect on how many times they've learned that a teenage girl is pregnant and jumped for joy at the big news.

The bottom line is that women should have children when they are ready and not be told by Uncle Sam what they can and can't do concerning a very private medical matter.

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Something out of nothing.

At 16 years old, with the typical maturity level and inability to care for anyone other than themselves that a teenager would have, an infant could be seen as "punishment." That applies to both the infant and the parents. Anybody who refutes the use of this term should then reflect on how many times they've learned that a teenage girl is pregnant and jumped for joy at the big news.

The bottom line is that women should have children when they are ready and not be told by Uncle Sam what they can and can't do concerning a very private medical matter.

Bottom line: It stopped being a private medical manner when another human being was created. Women and men both should have sex when they are ready for the possibility of children and not be told be prevailing culture and deteriorating morality that the solution to their "problems" is to kill them.

A 16-year old might be immature enough not to get this. There's no excuse for an adult who knows better to refer to a baby as a "punishment."

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Obama would rather have his own grandchild killed in order to keep w/his political agenda.


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Something out of nothing.

At 16 years old, with the typical maturity level and inability to care for anyone other than themselves that a teenager would have, an infant could be seen as "punishment." That applies to both the infant and the parents. Anybody who refutes the use of this term should then reflect on how many times they've learned that a teenage girl is pregnant and jumped for joy at the big news.

The bottom line is that women should have children when they are ready and not be told by Uncle Sam what they can and can't do concerning a very private medical matter.

I can tell you from VERY personal experience that conceiving a baby when not ready for whatever reason is not a cause for celebration. HOWEVER, a child is not punishment and should never be considered such. And a person in a position to help form public opinion should not make a statement like that. But since he was talking about an unborn person few people will question his choice of words other than conservative Christians. I'll bet that if he had been talking about HIV in relation to gays and had used that word the outcry would have been heard from one end of this country to another. Now, before you jump on me, I don't approach the question of un-planned pregnancy and abortion from a religious or moral standpoint but from the standpoint of someone who has carried a baby and knows beyond a doubt that life begins at conception. I also do not consider HIV/AIDS a punishment for being gay or for immoral behavior for that matter. I consider it a disease.

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First of all, he was talking about sex education and people having information about contraception to prevent an unwanted pregnancy and/or an STD. He wasn't talking about abortion. He supported teaching abstinence, but recognizes that folks don't always practice abstinence. If they don't always practice it, he wants them to know about contraception. Folks who don't support teaching young people about contraception nonetheless often talk about them accepting the consequences of their actions, actions which may reasonably be called a mistake. If it is a mistake for a young person to have sex, should the consequence necessarily be pregnancy or an STD? Frankly, I do hear some folks who take an absolutist stance on such things talk about such consequences with the same manner and tone as they might talk about "punishment." Granted, his phrasing was less than artful, but for folks who have spent the last 8 years defending the daily mangled expressions of George W. Bush to pounce on this phrasing is pretty partisan and unfair.

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Sorry, I think this is a stretch to make a big deal out of these comments.

I'm sure you think that we're suppose to ignore every freakin' thing he says, unless it's written for him in the form of a speech. Then we can discuss as we see fit, right ? Sorry, but there's very little known about this guy, and every comment he makes now until November is fair game. You see, Obama has a tendency to stretch the truth and even omit facts while trying to invent his political persona. I happen to feel it's important to know what this guy REALLY thinks, as opposed to the well tailored and shiny image that he's trying to show for everyone.

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Sorry, I think this is a stretch to make a big deal out of these comments.

I'm sure you think that we're suppose to ignore every freakin' thing he says, unless it's written for him in the form of a speech. Then we can discuss as we see fit, right ? Sorry, but there's very little known about this guy, and every comment he makes now until November is fair game. You see, Obama has a tendency to stretch the truth and even omit facts while trying to invent his political persona. I happen to feel it's important to know what this guy REALLY thinks, as opposed to the well tailored and shiny image that he's trying to show for everyone.

Dude, settle down. I'm a republican.

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Sorry, I think this is a stretch to make a big deal out of these comments.

I'm sure you think that we're suppose to ignore every freakin' thing he says, unless it's written for him in the form of a speech. Then we can discuss as we see fit, right ? Sorry, but there's very little known about this guy, and every comment he makes now until November is fair game. You see, Obama has a tendency to stretch the truth and even omit facts while trying to invent his political persona. I happen to feel it's important to know what this guy REALLY thinks, as opposed to the well tailored and shiny image that he's trying to show for everyone.

Yeah, I admire your commitment to being "fair and balanced." :rolleyes:

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I know Ranger12's response is coming soon and I can't wait to hear it.

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McCain said basically the samething a few years ago.Question asked about if he had a teenage daughter who got pregnant.He said they would have a family meeting but it would be ultimatly her decision if she wanted an abortion.

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Sorry, I think this is a stretch to make a big deal out of these comments.

I'm sure you think that we're suppose to ignore every freakin' thing he says, unless it's written for him in the form of a speech. Then we can discuss as we see fit, right ? Sorry, but there's very little known about this guy, and every comment he makes now until November is fair game. You see, Obama has a tendency to stretch the truth and even omit facts while trying to invent his political persona. I happen to feel it's important to know what this guy REALLY thinks, as opposed to the well tailored and shiny image that he's trying to show for everyone.

'STRECH THE TRUTH AND OMIT FACTS"-kind of like the administrations call for war on Iraq. Or better yet Atty Gen Alberto Gonzolas not being able to recall ANY FACTS

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Sorry, I think this is a stretch to make a big deal out of these comments.

I'm sure you think that we're suppose to ignore every freakin' thing he says, unless it's written for him in the form of a speech. Then we can discuss as we see fit, right ? Sorry, but there's very little known about this guy, and every comment he makes now until November is fair game. You see, Obama has a tendency to stretch the truth and even omit facts while trying to invent his political persona. I happen to feel it's important to know what this guy REALLY thinks, as opposed to the well tailored and shiny image that he's trying to show for everyone.

'STRECH THE TRUTH AND OMIT FACTS"-kind of like the administrations call for war on Iraq. Or better yet Atty Gen Alberto Gonzolas not being able to recall ANY FACTS

How the hell do you folks constantly do that ? Never mind what ever is being discussed, you Libs ALWAYS try to shift the issue back to Iraq, and lay the same tired old Bull$hit down again, Bush lied, blah blah blah..and yet y'all have NEVER shown where he lied - ever! Meanwhile, your diversion tactics try to sweep the Obama baby kill issue under the rug, so no one will talk about that, which was the point of the thread in the FIRST place. Gonzolas ? Are you FRACKIN' serious ?? You can't still possibly be trying to dig that non story up, are you? Wow.... there's no lengths y'all won't go to in order to avoid having to deal w/ the facts when it comes to Obama, is there ?

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McCain said basically the samething a few years ago.Question asked about if he had a teenage daughter who got pregnant.He said they would have a family meeting but it would be ultimatly her decision if she wanted an abortion.

It's not the same thing. They were responding to totally different questions. McCain's honest answer to that question is one reason anti-abortion Republicans mistrust McCain.

Obama wasn't talking about abortion.

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Sorry, I think this is a stretch to make a big deal out of these comments.

I'm sure you think that we're suppose to ignore every freakin' thing he says, unless it's written for him in the form of a speech. Then we can discuss as we see fit, right ? Sorry, but there's very little known about this guy, and every comment he makes now until November is fair game. You see, Obama has a tendency to stretch the truth and even omit facts while trying to invent his political persona. I happen to feel it's important to know what this guy REALLY thinks, as opposed to the well tailored and shiny image that he's trying to show for everyone.

'STRECH THE TRUTH AND OMIT FACTS"-kind of like the administrations call for war on Iraq. Or better yet Atty Gen Alberto Gonzolas not being able to recall ANY FACTS

Am I going to have to create a special policy just for you to get you to quit derailing threads with off-topic bull****? You post the most random nonsense out of left field of just about anyone.

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mms:// _Punish Them With A Baby_.wmv

Do the link above and get ready for your head to explode.

According to Mr. Obama

Babies arent Gifts from God.

Babies arent blessings.

Babies arent to be cherished and loved.

No, babies are "punishment."

We are "punished with babies" according to Mr. Obama. Now, I dont know how anyone, let alone a father of two, can say this kind of crap and not run home to apologize to his own two little girls. A slip of the tongue is one thing. This doesnt appear to be a slip of the tongue. It was more a slip of the camouflage. I wont bore you with the hundreds of Anti-Abortion explosions going on across the US. I wont tell you how some are reacting even now. You already know. Babies are PUNISHMENT? REALLY?

Well now, as a father of two, I can plainly say that my two are not "punishment." They are my reason to be and why I could live on dirt as long as they ate.

I have never seen nor heard of any parent refering to a child as "punishment." I have to ask if this is for real. I have heard it this afternoon and now this evening. According to Mr. Obama, babies are on a level with STDs????? Wow, I havent ever heard that before either. Hope I never hear it ever again.

Lets hope this was just an awesomely bad horrible nightmarishly bad choice of words. No person that truly thinks of children as "punishment" really needs to do anything but get his head examined.

Did we just meet the Black Democratic version of George W. Bush today? Maybe...Stay tuned.

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mms:// _Punish Them With A Baby_.wmv

Do the link above and get ready for your head to explode.

According to Mr. Obama

Babies arent Gifts from God.

Babies arent blessings.

Babies arent to be cherished and loved.

No, babies are "punishment."

We are "punished with babies" according to Mr. Obama. Now, I dont know how anyone, let alone a father of two, can say this kind of crap and not run home to apologize to his own two little girls. A slip of the tongue is one thing. This doesnt appear to be a slip of the tongue. It was more a slip of the camouflage. I wont bore you with the hundreds of Anti-Abortion explosions going on across the US. I wont tell you how some are reacting even now. You already know. Babies are PUNISHMENT? REALLY?

Well now, as a father of two, I can plainly say that my two are not "punishment." They are my reason to be and why I could live on dirt as long as they ate.

I have never seen nor heard of any parent refering to a child as "punishment." I have to ask if this is for real. I have heard it this afternoon and now this evening. According to Mr. Obama, babies are on a level with STDs????? Wow, I havent ever heard that before either. Hope I never hear it ever again.

Lets hope this was just an awesomely bad horrible nightmarishly bad choice of words. No person that truly thinks of children as "punishment" really needs to do anything but get his head examined.

Did we just meet the Black Democratic version of George W. Bush today? Maybe...Stay tuned.

Grossly mischaracterized. Discussed here already:


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"Meanwhile, your diversion tactics try to sweep the Obama baby kill issue under the rug,"

I'm not sure when this became an issue of killing a baby. I think it was an issue of whether he meant a child was a punishment. What I assume he meant was that it would not be good for his young, immature daughter to have a child. To do this he wanted to teach more sex education. He never said, "Well I wouldn't want my kid having a baby, so lets kill it" I think it was a bad choice of words, but I don't think he would say his kids are a punishment.

As far as he would kill his own grandchildren for political power comment, you have to remember those who are pro-choice do not think it is a human, thus not killing.

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