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Obama to TN GOP: Lay Off of My Wife


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What did the TN Republican Party say?

Here's an article with a rundown of what red's youtube video says. I can't access youtube on this current client, so I can't see it.

ABC News

Obama Warns GOP "Lay Off My Wife"

Sen. Barack Obama ripped into a Republican ad today that targets comments made by his wife, Michelle, and called the GOP tactic "low class" and "detestable."

The senator and his wife discuss the race for the White House.

The Illinois senator told "Good Morning America" that he expects hardball tactics from the Republicans if he becomes the Democratic presidential nominee.

"But I also think these folks should lay off my wife," he told "GMA" as his wife chuckled beside him.

Obama told "GMA" that he believes he will win a majority of the Democratic delegates once the votes are counted after Tuesday's primaries in Kentucky and Oregon. Obama is favored in Oregon while rival Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York is expected to win Kentucky.

Obama was careful not to act as if he had already clinched the nomination, but he also tried to present himself as the candidate who will be taking on Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona in the fall.

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The TN GOP has been running ads attacking Michelle for her comment about "first time being proud of my country"

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Obama The whininess guy to ever run for President!

If Obama doesn’t want his wife to receive criticism, then he shouldn’t use her as a surrogate on the campaign trail. Whatever she says on the stump at campaign events is fair game for criticism, just as it has been with Bill Clinton. Obama’s camp has unloaded on the former President for statements he made about Hillary’s loss in South Carolina and several other incidents in which they believe Bill played the race card to explain Obama’s success. Bill’s not running for anything this year, but he has made himself a public figure in this primary race, and his statements are also legitimate targets for attack.

The whininess factor has become a real problem for Obama. Presumably, we’d like a President who doesn’t play a perpetual victim on the national stage. What happens when he has to tangle with Congress over policy, or more to the point, when he has to represent America on the world stage? If he can’t deal with legitimate political criticism now, what will we get for a response when Obama runs the federal government?

Toughen up, buttercup, and stop whining about criticism of speeches at political events. If you can’t handle that much, you have no business running for re-election to your current job, let alone for the presidency.

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He and she had better get used to it. She is going to be fair game. I think it is a legitimate avenue to be explored. If she is going to give rally speeches and what not she will be scrutinized. No one is forcing her to thrust herself into the public eye. She doesn't get a free pass.

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It's a cheap shot by GOP...but I agree that it's pretty expected and that the brand of karl rove politics will continue, regardless how pathetic.

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It's a cheap shot by GOP...but I agree that it's pretty expected and that the brand of karl rove politics will continue, regardless how pathetic.

How is it a cheap shot? She said it very clearly. She has gone on on other occasions about how unfair this country is. It is in line with other comments she has made.

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It's a cheap shot by GOP...but I agree that it's pretty expected and that the brand of karl rove politics will continue, regardless how pathetic.

Go to your room, shut the door, turn off the light and dream of unnatural acts with Obama.

NOTE TO OBAMABOY: If she and her speeches are off limits, then she should STFU. He should not send her out to make speeches.

You should get a grip. Ooops, you probably already do.

Obama The whininess guy to ever run for President!

Stop whining about criticism of speeches at political events. If you can’t handle that much, you have no business running for re-election to your current job, let alone for the presidency.

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It's a cheap shot by GOP...but I agree that it's pretty expected and that the brand of karl rove politics will continue, regardless how pathetic.

What's pathetic is how blinded you are by your love of all things Ob_m_. It's ok to criticize EVERYONE ELSE in this presidential election but to take a shot at Michelle Ob_m_ is a cheap shot and Rovian politics.

Give us a break, Red...

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now, since obama wants the gop to "lay off his wife" will this mean that the democrats will now take the high road and leave the issue of cindy mccain's finances alone?

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now, since obama wants the gop to "lay off his wife" will this mean that the democrats will now take the high road and leave the issue of cindy mccain's finances alone?

Or McCain's age?

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Or Wright, Ayers, flag pins, etc.?

so will they or won't they leave the issue of cindy mccain's finances alone?

Do you think he is actually going to answer a question? It's much easier when faced with a confrontation to use one of the following techniques (on a rotating basis):

1) Cost of the war

2) Hope

3) Health Insurance

4) McSame comment

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It's a cheap shot by GOP...but I agree that it's pretty expected and that the brand of karl rove politics will continue, regardless how pathetic.

Go to your room, shut the door, turn off the light and dream of unnatural acts with Obama.

NOTE TO OBAMABOY: If she and her speeches are off limits, then she should STFU. He should not send her out to make speeches.

You should get a grip. Ooops, you probably already do.

Obama The whininess guy to ever run for President!

Stop whining about criticism of speeches at political events. If you can’t handle that much, you have no business running for re-election to your current job, let alone for the presidency.

Speaking of wives. What about that rich social x-ray who John McCain(cheated on with while still married) is married to. Partners with Charles Keating in shopping mall and just sold 2 million worth of a company that does bussiness in the Sudan.

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Or Wright, Ayers, flag pins, etc.?

so will they or won't they leave the issue of cindy mccain's finances alone?

I have never mentioned any thing about Cindy McCain nor do I plan to. Who are you referring to?

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Real world to Obama - No. And get use to it. We have not yet begun to fight.

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RIR, I have to agree...if Obama is going to use his wife on the campaign trail giving speeches and such, they things she says are fair game. Otherwise he needs to yank her off the trail and let her stay at home with the kids or behind the scenes traveling with him.

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He's probably just not used to having his wife criticized in public like that. I bet there's plenty of politicians who, when something was first said about their wives got the all-to-common male thought of "Hey, you better quit talking about my woman." He'll get used to it.

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Or Wright, Ayers, flag pins, etc.?

so will they or won't they leave the issue of cindy mccain's finances alone?

I have never mentioned any thing about Cindy McCain nor do I plan to. Who are you referring to?

Howard Dean of the DNC


In her interview with TODAY's Ann Curry, Cindy McCain stated that she would not release her tax returns -- even if she becomes first lady.

The Democratic National Committee has decided to jump on this, noting how Cindy McCain's wealth has benefited her husband's political career. For example, John McCain -- when his campaign was struggling with money -- was able to use a corporate jet (at a lower cost) owned by a private company headed by Cindy.

"John McCain may not like it, but the American people have a right to know about the well documented links between his political career and the McCains' business ventures," DNC chairman Howard Dean said in a statement. "John McCain's refusal to meet the standard of every other candidate seeking the office is one more reason he's the wrong choice for America's future."

Now that Obama says to "lay off his wife" are we to expect no more mention of Cindy McCain not releasing her tax returns? Sure, Cindy McCain came out not long after Michele Obama and tried to fan the flames by saying she was proud of her country.

But now that Obama has came out and said to lay off his wife, will everyone follow this notion from here on out to all spouses in this presidential race? that's all i'm asking.

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I have no problem with the GOP or any one questioning Michelle on the issues, what an Obama presidency would look like, about Barack, etc. But what this ad does though is put forth another false political attack aimed at questioning her patriotism and if he she loves America. As Obama said, it's low class and I think it's a comment that has been blown out of proportion and not true.

Auburn85: Howard Dean...what a joke...that guy needs to go. That would be a good first task for President Obama. ;)

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I have a question for Mr. Obama - has Bill Clinton been off-limits during all of this? :rolleyes:

Here's the deal - as long as his wife is out making political statements, she is no different than anyone else - there is no immunity for political figures and she has made herself one with Obama's obvious consent. If she

wasn't out campaigning (and in a rather outspoken way, just like Bill Clinton) Obama might have a case. But she is and is thus fair game (heat, kitchen, etc.).

But nice try.

Obama The whininess guy to ever run for President!

Stop whining about criticism of speeches at political events. If you can’t handle that much, you have no business running for re-election to your current job, let alone for the presidency.

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I have a question for Mr. Obama - has Bill Clinton been off-limits during all of this? :rolleyes:

True, but I bet Obama loves his wife :big:

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I have a question for Mr. Obama - has Bill Clinton been off-limits during all of this? :rolleyes:

True, but I bet Obama loves his wife :big:

Ka- Boom!

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