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Countdown to History


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I hope it's alright with every one if I have a countdown thread :)

Obama has a chance of clinching the number of delegates needed for the nomination tonight...stay tuned


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Go Ahead.

I fought/continue to fight to give you that right. Enjoy.

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I thought this would be a countdown to McCain's inauguration :poke:

I'm glad you posted...I saw your boy Ben "Cooter" Jones last night on H&C. I realized he was a Dem (old school Dixiecrat) but I did not realize he was such an ardent Obama supporter. Did you happen to catch the interview? I'll see if I can find it on YouTube or elsewhere...

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I watched it. The ole school Dixiecrat is a thing of the past on the left. They are more about far left social extremes than the working class. I miss those days. My whole family voted Democrat back then, now they all vote GOP.

Will I ever see that new party that's for fiscal responsibility, strong military, lower taxes, streamlined social issues, AND the middle class??? I doubt it.

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10 to go...the nomination will be won when the pledged delegates are allocated tonight...

AP is reporting victory...


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