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Nice video


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and attending a muslim school when he was very young.... true, but so what? None of those things, by themselves, concern me in the least.

Ever met anybody that attended a muslim school?

I can't say that I have personally met anyone that attended a "muslim school", but the folks I've heard of that attended a "muslim school" were trying to kill me.

It's my opinion, based on what I've seen, that the school in question was not of the hard line type. It was while Barack was in the Philippines, and it was a public school, for only 2 yrs.

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OMGoodness. What a freaking hypocrite you are. The dims have been half-truthing Bush and other republicans for years and you have been cheering them on.

Like I said:


Actually, you're the one being hypocritical. You are a Christian yet support the dispersion of a video containing lies and half-truths as long as it accomplishes what you want it to. This isn't "white ivory tower" stuff, CC. It's about having integrity even when you opponents don't. That's Christianity 101. Not even the really hard stuff from the Sermon on the Mount either. We're talking Ten Commandments.

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and attending a muslim school when he was very young.... true, but so what? None of those things, by themselves, concern me in the least.

Ever met anybody that attended a muslim school?

I can't say that I have personally met anyone that attended a "muslim school", but the folks I've heard of that attended a "muslim school" were trying to kill me.

It's my opinion, based on what I've seen, that the school in question was not of the hard line type. It was while Barack was in the Philippines, and it was a public school, for only 2 yrs.

Raptor-- the voice of relative reason... :blink::blink::P

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Raptor-- the voice of relative reason... :blink::blink::P

So it has been, so shall it be. ;)

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The typical white comment is definitely worth mentioning due to the double standard it presents. Maccain would be shredded if he ever uttered the phrase "typical black person" in public.

McCain has said this: "I hate the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live." He said it 8 years ago when he was running the last time. Please let us know when he gets shredded over it. Or when he gets shredded for making fun of people's children: "Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno." Said that at a GOP fundraiser about a young girl who was a high school senior at the time. Republicans really open up their wallets for that kinda of crap. Please let me know when he gets skewered for that one, too. :rolleyes:

The press loves McCain. They're his base.


Nice try Tex. Only McCain was referring to his prison guards, not all Asian people. Hence the referring to "the gooks", and not "gooks".

Now, if Obama had been imprisoned in a hut in the florida panhandle for years where he was beaten, starved, tortured, etc. by a bunch of white people (I know you might think he had been by the way his wife speaks of the horrors of America, but it never happened) I could overlook his statement if he clarified he was speaking of the white people who were his guards during his ordeal.

His slip of the tongue with his statement is just one of many which reveal his true inner nature which is the opposite of the change messiah he is portraying himself to be and nothing of what you said in your post changes the fact that if McCain uttered the phrase "typical black people" in public he would get shredded for it.

I would say nice try if it had been one though.

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Obama has been associated with Marxist Black Liberation ideology his entire life starting with both his parents and continuing with Rev. Wright, etc...

That was what the video was about. Who cares about the pledge compared to that?

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Obama has been associated with Marxist Black Liberation ideology his entire life starting with both his parents and continuing with Rev. Wright, etc...

That was what the video was about. Who cares about the pledge compared to that?


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Obama has been associated with Marxist Black Liberation ideology his entire life starting with both his parents and continuing with Rev. Wright, etc...

That was what the video was about. Who cares about the pledge compared to that?


Smirk all you want, but that is the truth. And that is what is most troubling about Obama. Silly stuff like the lapel flag or placing one's hand over their heart during the national anthem are trivial.

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Obama has been associated with Marxist Black Liberation ideology his entire life starting with both his parents and continuing with Rev. Wright, etc...

That was what the video was about. Who cares about the pledge compared to that?


Smirk all you want, but that is the truth. And that is what is most troubling about Obama. Silly stuff like the lapel flag or placing one's hand over their heart during the national anthem are trivial.

Trivial. But are they lies and half-truths? Look at the pics. They are not doctored.

Like I said:


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They need to hammer the connection b/w Prof. Cone and Obama's church. Did you guys know that Church was also Oprah's Church? It explains alot.

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Obama has been associated with Marxist Black Liberation ideology his entire life starting with both his parents and continuing with Rev. Wright, etc...

That was what the video was about. Who cares about the pledge compared to that?


Smirk all you want, but that is the truth. And that is what is most troubling about Obama. Silly stuff like the lapel flag or placing one's hand over their heart during the national anthem are trivial.

Trivial. But are they lies and half-truths? Look at the pics. They are not doctored.

Like I said:


It's not that the pictures are doctored. No one has even suggested such. The contention is that the implications being made about the photos are lies and half-truths. The video, for instance, said that Obama "refused" to place his hand over his heart during the national anthem. That's bull****. Many people simply clasp their hands, or have their arms at their side or take some other respectful posture during the national anthem without putting a hand over their heart. He didn't "refuse" to do it. That is a lie. Not only is the "refusal" angle a lie, but the thing that's being implied by using a word like "refused", which is that of intentional disrespect to our flag, country and/or military.

And if he feels like wearing a flag lapel pin has come to be less of a sign of honor and respect and more of a political posturing thing, that's far different from implying that he's either ashamed of the flag or doesn't believe in what it stands for or whatever this crap video is trying to say by pointing that out. I've done similar things with certain gestures and such that some people make in church or in the company of Christians. There were gestures/sayings/etc. in my particular denomination/tradition that had begun to seem perfunctory or like they were being used to make one appear "more spiritual" or "holy" than others. I just stopped doing them. I didn't say anything about it to anyone, I just made up my mind that if I were going to employ those things myself, I'd only do so in a way that I was certain was from a right motive and was not to curry favor or impress other people.

Bottom line is, you know that there are multiple things in this video that are not fully truthful or are outright lies or misrepresentations yet you want to disseminate the video to achieve an end. And that is anti-Christian because it is bearing false witness. That's a hypocritical stance.

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Obama has been associated with Marxist Black Liberation ideology his entire life starting with both his parents and continuing with Rev. Wright, etc...

That was what the video was about. Who cares about the pledge compared to that?


Smirk all you want, but that is the truth. And that is what is most troubling about Obama. Silly stuff like the lapel flag or placing one's hand over their heart during the national anthem are trivial.

Trivial. But are they lies and half-truths? Look at the pics. They are not doctored.

Like I said:


It's not that the pictures are doctored. No one has even suggested such. The contention is that the implications being made about the photos are lies and half-truths. The video, for instance, said that Obama "refused" to place his hand over his heart during the national anthem. That's bull****. Many people simply clasp their hands, or have their arms at their side or take some other respectful posture during the national anthem without putting a hand over their heart. He didn't "refuse" to do it. That is a lie. Not only is the "refusal" angle a lie, but the thing that's being implied by using a word like "refused", which is that of intentional disrespect to our flag, country and/or military.

And if he feels like wearing a flag lapel pin has come to be less of a sign of honor and respect and more of a political posturing thing, that's far different from implying that he's either ashamed of the flag or doesn't believe in what it stands for or whatever this crap video is trying to say by pointing that out. I've done similar things with certain gestures and such that some people make in church or in the company of Christians. There were gestures/sayings/etc. in my particular denomination/tradition that had begun to seem perfunctory or like they were being used to make one appear "more spiritual" or "holy" than others. I just stopped doing them. I didn't say anything about it to anyone, I just made up my mind that if I were going to employ those things myself, I'd only do so in a way that I was certain was from a right motive and was not to curry favor or impress other people.

Bottom line is, you know that there are multiple things in this video that are not fully truthful or are outright lies or misrepresentations yet you want to disseminate the video to achieve an end. And that is anti-Christian because it is bearing false witness. That's a hypocritical stance.

I'm just taking my cues from the dims, it's ALL true until achmed proves otherwise. Kinda like Bush skipping out on his guard duty. many of the dims on this board still claim it. Preach to them before you preach at me. You've been slinging that bible so hard here lately that most of us have learned to just dodge it and move on. And I say again:


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Obama has been associated with Marxist Black Liberation ideology his entire life starting with both his parents and continuing with Rev. Wright, etc...

That was what the video was about. Who cares about the pledge compared to that?


Smirk all you want, but that is the truth. And that is what is most troubling about Obama. Silly stuff like the lapel flag or placing one's hand over their heart during the national anthem are trivial.

Trivial. But are they lies and half-truths? Look at the pics. They are not doctored.

Like I said:


It's not that the pictures are doctored. No one has even suggested such. The contention is that the implications being made about the photos are lies and half-truths. The video, for instance, said that Obama "refused" to place his hand over his heart during the national anthem. That's bull****. Many people simply clasp their hands, or have their arms at their side or take some other respectful posture during the national anthem without putting a hand over their heart. He didn't "refuse" to do it. That is a lie. Not only is the "refusal" angle a lie, but the thing that's being implied by using a word like "refused", which is that of intentional disrespect to our flag, country and/or military.

And if he feels like wearing a flag lapel pin has come to be less of a sign of honor and respect and more of a political posturing thing, that's far different from implying that he's either ashamed of the flag or doesn't believe in what it stands for or whatever this crap video is trying to say by pointing that out. I've done similar things with certain gestures and such that some people make in church or in the company of Christians. There were gestures/sayings/etc. in my particular denomination/tradition that had begun to seem perfunctory or like they were being used to make one appear "more spiritual" or "holy" than others. I just stopped doing them. I didn't say anything about it to anyone, I just made up my mind that if I were going to employ those things myself, I'd only do so in a way that I was certain was from a right motive and was not to curry favor or impress other people.

Bottom line is, you know that there are multiple things in this video that are not fully truthful or are outright lies or misrepresentations yet you want to disseminate the video to achieve an end. And that is anti-Christian because it is bearing false witness. That's a hypocritical stance.

I'm just taking my cues from the dims, it's ALL true until achmed proves otherwise. Kinda like Bush skipping out on his guard duty. many of the dims on this board still claim it. Preach to them before you preach at me. You've been slinging that bible so hard here lately that most of us have learned to just dodge it and move on. And I say again:


So in other words, following the dictates of your faith isn't important and modeling one's actions after the "Dims" supersedes modeling one's actions after Christ and the Scriptures. Interesting.

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Obama has been associated with Marxist Black Liberation ideology his entire life starting with both his parents and continuing with Rev. Wright, etc...

That was what the video was about. Who cares about the pledge compared to that?


Smirk all you want, but that is the truth. And that is what is most troubling about Obama. Silly stuff like the lapel flag or placing one's hand over their heart during the national anthem are trivial.

Trivial. But are they lies and half-truths? Look at the pics. They are not doctored.

Like I said:


It's not that the pictures are doctored. No one has even suggested such. The contention is that the implications being made about the photos are lies and half-truths. The video, for instance, said that Obama "refused" to place his hand over his heart during the national anthem. That's bull****. Many people simply clasp their hands, or have their arms at their side or take some other respectful posture during the national anthem without putting a hand over their heart. He didn't "refuse" to do it. That is a lie. Not only is the "refusal" angle a lie, but the thing that's being implied by using a word like "refused", which is that of intentional disrespect to our flag, country and/or military.

And if he feels like wearing a flag lapel pin has come to be less of a sign of honor and respect and more of a political posturing thing, that's far different from implying that he's either ashamed of the flag or doesn't believe in what it stands for or whatever this crap video is trying to say by pointing that out. I've done similar things with certain gestures and such that some people make in church or in the company of Christians. There were gestures/sayings/etc. in my particular denomination/tradition that had begun to seem perfunctory or like they were being used to make one appear "more spiritual" or "holy" than others. I just stopped doing them. I didn't say anything about it to anyone, I just made up my mind that if I were going to employ those things myself, I'd only do so in a way that I was certain was from a right motive and was not to curry favor or impress other people.

Bottom line is, you know that there are multiple things in this video that are not fully truthful or are outright lies or misrepresentations yet you want to disseminate the video to achieve an end. And that is anti-Christian because it is bearing false witness. That's a hypocritical stance.

I'm just taking my cues from the dims, it's ALL true until achmed proves otherwise. Kinda like Bush skipping out on his guard duty. many of the dims on this board still claim it. Preach to them before you preach at me. You've been slinging that bible so hard here lately that most of us have learned to just dodge it and move on. And I say again:


So in other words, following the dictates of your faith isn't important and modeling one's actions after the "Dims" supersedes modeling one's actions after Christ and the Scriptures. Interesting.

How can I possibly claim that any of that is a lie or a half-truth. Until achmed proves otherwise, it's all truth. Therefore my dictates are in order.

Oh yeah. I almost forgot:


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Obama has been associated with Marxist Black Liberation ideology his entire life starting with both his parents and continuing with Rev. Wright, etc...

That was what the video was about. Who cares about the pledge compared to that?


Smirk all you want, but that is the truth. And that is what is most troubling about Obama. Silly stuff like the lapel flag or placing one's hand over their heart during the national anthem are trivial.

Trivial. But are they lies and half-truths? Look at the pics. They are not doctored.

Like I said:


It's not that the pictures are doctored. No one has even suggested such. The contention is that the implications being made about the photos are lies and half-truths. The video, for instance, said that Obama "refused" to place his hand over his heart during the national anthem. That's bull****. Many people simply clasp their hands, or have their arms at their side or take some other respectful posture during the national anthem without putting a hand over their heart. He didn't "refuse" to do it. That is a lie. Not only is the "refusal" angle a lie, but the thing that's being implied by using a word like "refused", which is that of intentional disrespect to our flag, country and/or military.

And if he feels like wearing a flag lapel pin has come to be less of a sign of honor and respect and more of a political posturing thing, that's far different from implying that he's either ashamed of the flag or doesn't believe in what it stands for or whatever this crap video is trying to say by pointing that out. I've done similar things with certain gestures and such that some people make in church or in the company of Christians. There were gestures/sayings/etc. in my particular denomination/tradition that had begun to seem perfunctory or like they were being used to make one appear "more spiritual" or "holy" than others. I just stopped doing them. I didn't say anything about it to anyone, I just made up my mind that if I were going to employ those things myself, I'd only do so in a way that I was certain was from a right motive and was not to curry favor or impress other people.

Bottom line is, you know that there are multiple things in this video that are not fully truthful or are outright lies or misrepresentations yet you want to disseminate the video to achieve an end. And that is anti-Christian because it is bearing false witness. That's a hypocritical stance.

I'm just taking my cues from the dims, it's ALL true until achmed proves otherwise. Kinda like Bush skipping out on his guard duty. many of the dims on this board still claim it. Preach to them before you preach at me. You've been slinging that bible so hard here lately that most of us have learned to just dodge it and move on. And I say again:


So in other words, following the dictates of your faith isn't important and modeling one's actions after the "Dims" supersedes modeling one's actions after Christ and the Scriptures. Interesting.

How can I possibly claim that any of that is a lie or a half-truth. Until achmed proves otherwise, it's all truth. Therefore my dictates are in order.

Oh yeah. I almost forgot:


Dodge. Spin. Rinse. Repeat. You know it's half-truth and lies yet continue to support in direct opposition to your espoused faith. Thanks for clarifying.

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Nuff said. <in accordance with my 4th grade avatar>

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See people like you are the reason folks turn away. You sling your bible everywhere and claim to be all high and mighty, but then you go into judge mode. And didn't Christ attempt to teach us not to judge others?

I am what I am and claim to be nothing else. Saved by grace without being perfect. Still struggling with the ways of man. But I do not claim religious superiority over anyone.

EDIT - Sorry, I accidentally hit the "edit" button rather than the "quote" button and messed up the last part of your post with the Gideons comment. Feel free to fix it back. -- TitanTiger.

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You're a hypocrite and you need to repent. (I'm not kidding either.)

'Nuff said.

See people like you are the reason folks turn away. You sling your bible everywhere and claim to be all high and mighty, but then you go into judge mode. And didn't Christ attempt to teach us not to judge others?

You misread what He said. If we are to take the passage the way you wish to (which is to pretty much make it impossible to call some acts wrong and other acts right at all), then it utterly contradicts other parts of the New Testament that make it clear that we are to judge those who are in the church and claim to be believers but act in ways that are against clear commands of Scripture:

I. Corinthians 5

5:1 It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that is not tolerated even among pagans, for a man has his father's wife. 2 And you are arrogant! Ought you not rather to mourn? Let him who has done this be removed from among you.

3 For though absent in body, I am present in spirit; and as if present, I have already pronounced judgment on the one who did such a thing. 4 When you are assembled in the name of the Lord Jesus and my spirit is present, with the power of our Lord Jesus, 5 you are to deliver this man to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord.

6 Your boasting is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? 7 Cleanse out the old leaven that you may be a new lump, as you really are unleavened. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed. 8 Let us therefore celebrate the festival, not with the old leaven, the leaven of malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

9 I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people— 10 not at all meaning the sexually immoral of this world, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. 11 But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler—not even to eat with such a one. 12 For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? 13 God judges those outside. “Purge the evil person from among you.”

There are other examples. "Judge not..." is not a blanket coverall for deflecting criticism or avoiding having wrong actions pointed out to you. That's not "high and mighty," it's calling a fellow believer to live up to the Gospel they claim to follow.

I am what I am and claim to be nothing else. Saved by grace without being perfect. Still struggling with the ways of man. But I do not claim religious superiority over anyone.

And neither do I. But I don't have to be perfect or superior to be able to point out when someone is espousing wrong ways of acting or thinking, particularly when that person is a believer. And if the situation was reversed, then a fellow believer is perfectly within their rights to point such things out to me. "I'm not perfect" is one thing. "I will ignore commands of Scripture when it suits my purposes then claim 'I'm not perfect' to deflect criticism" is a whole 'nother animal.

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You left off the rest of my post. I'm sure many on here would agree with me. Judge on man. It seems to be working for you. You have all the dims in your corner.

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You left off the rest of my post. I'm sure many on here would agree with me. Judge on man. It seems to be working for you. You have all the dims in your corner.

I acknowledged that and apologized. Please reinstate it.

And I will "judge" on, in the scriptural sense, as we are all called to do as believers. I'm not claiming to know your heart or whether you love God or not. But you're advocating the propagation of lying and half-truths simply because it's against a candidate you don't care for and that's wrong, no matter how you slice it. It would be wrong to be in this discussion and to act like it's ok to do something like that.

And I don't care if the Dems like it or not. Depending on the subject, one side will be happy and the other grumbling. So be it. The GOP didn't die to redeem me or give me the Scriptures and the church to help lead me to Him.

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Trivial. But are they lies and half-truths? Look at the pics. They are not doctored.

Like I said:


Trivial, as in small matters, though true non the less. Other parts are more disturbing than these, imo.

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Trivial. But are they lies and half-truths? Look at the pics. They are not doctored.

Like I said:


Trivial, as in small matters, though true non the less. Other parts are more disturbing than these, imo.

Oh I agree. I was just responding to the calls of blasphemy because there may be some embellished areas in the video. But the creator of the video brings up many questions we should be asking about good ole B. Hussein. It's funny how the left can come up with all kinds of iffy articles and stuff that skirts the line, but if anyone dares attack ole achmed, it all has to be lies.

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Obama has been associated with Marxist Black Liberation ideology his entire life starting with both his parents and continuing with Rev. Wright, etc...

That was what the video was about. Who cares about the pledge compared to that?


See my new thread.

Communist mother

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