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SEC's top ten defensive players


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You can find Chris Low's list of the top defensive players at the same site (Click and scroll), but I actually had more disagreement on this one than I did on the offensive list. A few things jumped out at me as I made this list: 1) the number of "standout players" on offense was 21, the number on defense was a whopping 30, 2) there are potential All-Americans that don't deserve to be on this top ten, 3) the difference between one and off the list isn't that wide. That said, I had a couple of rules: unproven players need not apply and you get points for being a winner.

1. Sen'Derrick Marks - Not only is he the league's best defensive tackle, he would probably make the top ten as a defensive end. Marks provides enough explosiveness from the interior to be a legit pass rushing threat, and he's an ox against the run, which he proved by anchoring the strongside end last year. He practically lives in the backfield regardless of where he lines up, and his versatility is a valuable commodity. His experience as a two year starter also vault him up the list.

2. Brandon Spikes - The guy is huge (6'3" 245 lb.) and can flat out run. He's a play in the mold of Patrick Willis. He's always in position. He makes plays from every angle. He's solid in pass coverage. And most importantly, he just tackles. Spikes isn't a "big hitter," but he rarely ever misses tackles either. When he gets to the ball carrier, the play is over.

3. Eric Berry - He's he least experienced guy on my list, but he is a 12 on a scale of 1 to 10. He hits. He covers. He plays smart. He's versatile as a centerfielder and a coverage man. He's got NFL size, and now he's got a full season under his belt. He's the defensive equivalent of Knowshon Moreno. A guy that energizes everyone around him and can absolute take a game over.

4. Derek Pegues - This guy is also electric, and I'm not even referring to his skill as a return man. Pegues makes big plays over and over and over again. He can swing the game quickly with an interception because of his ability with the ball in his hands. More than anyone else I saw last season, opposing coaches seemed to just throw away from Pegues' side of the field. That is a big time tip of the cap.

5. Greg Hardy - He got points off for bad behavior, but this guy is a vicious pass rusher. He's a returning First Team All-SEC end, and he should be even better with another year of seasoning. Hardy also isn't a one trick pony; he's a big enough guy to hold up against the run. That makes him just a cut above a lot of the other pure pass rushers that came before him.

6. Antonio Coleman - Coleman was so good last year that he unseated an All-American during the year. Even Q Groves said that Coleman would one day be the best end in Auburn history. He's got a long way to go for that distinction, but Coleman is already the total package. He led one of the best defenses in America in sacks and tackles for loss, and he has shown a knack for being a balanced threat against the run and pass. Now he gets to have the gig full-time.

7. Darry Beckwith - I'm not sure he belongs this high based purely on talent, but he is an essential cog on a great defensive team. LSU likes to blitz and play fast and be disruptive. Beckwith is the steady workhorse in the middle that allows them to get away with all the risks. He's a big bodied run stuffer, but he's athletic enough to hold his own in coverage.

8. Rico McCoy - The most athletic linebacker in the SEC. Tennessee seems to always find guys like this, and McCoy keeps the Vols' linebacker tradition alive. He had over 100 tackles last year. That's impressive because he wasn't a clean up guy like Beckwith or Spikes. McCoy is a pure playmaker on the outside. His speed and penchant for making big plays make him standout every time you see him.

9. Geno Atkins - He plays a very similar game to the guy at number one. He's quicker than an interior lineman should be. He's disruptive and stays in the backfield, which is how he led UGA in tackles for loss last season. Atkins has the tools to rise up this list if he can play make plays consistently and not just hit the home run.

10. Jerraud Powers - This spot (and the last two before it) were open a LOT of other players, but Powers is the most complete corner in the SEC. Captain Munnerlyn may be a better cover specialist. Miller and Allen are by far the best combination. Lindley and Moore are bright lights on bad defenses, but none of them combine coverage skills with such solid tackling in run support. On top of that, Powers already has experience in the role of number one corner despite playing opposite two NFL draft picks last year.

Close calls: Rolando McClain (the toughest guy to leave off for me), Dannell Ellerbe, Jasper Brinkley (coming off injury), Eric Norwood (changing from DE to LB... might be too heavy), Ricky Jean-Francois (has to prove it first), Jeremy Jarmon, DJ Moore, and Rashad Johnson.

All of those guys could make the list and you might not be wrong.

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I openly admitted my bias for established players. Savage has never played corner at an SEC level while Prince Miller and Asher Allen are two of the top 30 defensive players in the SEC.

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Nice list but I'd have to swap McClain and Beckwith. Once McClain gets the freshman mistakes out of his system, he is going through the roof even. The kid is a beast with a nose for the ball ala Demeco Ryans and look what he's doing with the Texans now. I just hope Eltoro aka "The Bull" can come in and play like McClain as a freshman.

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I am a little disappointed a 1-2 UGA guys didn't make the list but in all honesty they probably shouldn't as my UGA glasses are on

Lots of talent but probably not enough actual stats to warrent being considered Top Tier players

I think this year will be a huge year for Roderick Battle on the DL, Dannell Ellerbe at LB, Miller/Allen in the secondary. All guys who have tons of talent and are all quick, hard-hitters

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Rashad Johnson should be on there before McClain. I don't understand why he hasn't gotten the hype behind him like other guys.

Also, I'd probably rather have Pegues than any guy on the list.

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Beckwith doesn't belong. For some reason LSU's linebackers get way more love than they ever deserve every year. Maybe because their line is always very good so it frees them up for lots of tackles.

Also, I don't quite understand the infatuation some Auburn fans have with Blackmon. Yes, he's a special player. I don't think anybody else in the SEC combines explosiveness and speed in the way he does. But he's not the greatest LB in the history of the SEC. Tray's time is coming, but he hasn't quite done it yet.

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