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Will the real obama's please stand up, please stand up.


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Watched a large part of michelle's speech last night and had a couple of thoughts:

1. The image makeover is near complete. They have really tried to paint her as the average suzy homemaker after the first results of letting her speak her mind freely (never been proud, america is a mean country, etc). She has clearly been muzzled afa speaking her true feelings and is having this image crammed down her throat with the view appearances and the new wardrobe and do and everything. At least she is willing to do this for her husband.

Obama himself has clearly done an about face on most major issues in the last few months with at least one or two more to come. The questiuon is that if the public is duped into electing these two chameleons who will we be electing. I'm guessing they would be electing two borderline radical idealists with rather large hidden agendas. The ones that spoke their minds before the p.c. police got a hold of them.

2. I thought obama did okay on her speech but nothing above average. To me she looked more like a professor delivering a prepared lecture that was lacking the emotion you would expect from the subjects she was speaking about. Maybe she was nervous? That would be understandable. Maybe it was because she didn't write the words and they were crafted for her and she wasn't comfortable with them. Not saying she didn't mean a lot of what she said but that she just wasn't comfy with the speech as a whole.

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It seems you are saying that she followed the advice of her handlers and obeyed the first rule of political speaking. Do no harm.

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Yes. Moreso that at first she didn't and showed her true feelings. Then they reeled her in and now we have the "new" michelle obama or the fake one. Whichever one prefers.

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Watched a large part of michelle's speech last night and had a couple of thoughts:

1. The image makeover is near complete. They have really tried to paint her as the average suzy homemaker after the first results of letting her speak her mind freely (never been proud, america is a mean country, etc). She has clearly been muzzled afa speaking her true feelings and is having this image crammed down her throat with the view appearances and the new wardrobe and do and everything. At least she is willing to do this for her husband.

Obama himself has clearly done an about face on most major issues in the last few months with at least one or two more to come. The questiuon is that if the public is duped into electing these two chameleons who will we be electing. I'm guessing they would be electing two borderline radical idealists with rather large hidden agendas. The ones that spoke their minds before the p.c. police got a hold of them.

2. I thought obama did okay on her speech but nothing above average. To me she looked more like a professor delivering a prepared lecture that was lacking the emotion you would expect from the subjects she was speaking about. Maybe she was nervous? That would be understandable. Maybe it was because she didn't write the words and they were crafted for her and she wasn't comfortable with them. Not saying she didn't mean a lot of what she said but that she just wasn't comfy with the speech as a whole.

She just needs a mulligan. B)

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Yes. Moreso that at first she didn't and showed her true feelings. Then they reeled her in and now we have the "new" michelle obama or the fake one. Whichever one prefers.

and that Cindy McCain, she is Miss Personality. Maybe she is still geeked up on pain killers(illegally gotten by the way) or maybe those face lifts are just a little too tight.

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Yes. Moreso that at first she didn't and showed her true feelings. Then they reeled her in and now we have the "new" michelle obama or the fake one. Whichever one prefers.

and that Cindy McCain, she is Miss Personality. Maybe she is still geeked up on pain killers(illegally gotten by the way) or maybe those face lifts are just a little too tight.

Did I mention that obama is looking more than just a little anorexic lately?

Cindy McCain looks great for a woman her age and if it takes a few painkillers to get thru the day at her age

then more power to you.

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Did anyone else notice the go to hell look on michelles face for most of hillarys speech?

Both the obamas and clintons can write a book at the end of this campaign called, "How to wreck your run at the white house".

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