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offensive identity


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I have really pondered this problem at work for a long time and then I came to a conclusion that Auburn has to do one or the other.....pass or run.....

No team think's Auburn is a passing threat and haven't thought that ,really since Campbell left.We can't run because that's NOT what the spread is made for FIRST.

We must first establish that we will pass and pass and pass, consistently to have that identity,then the running game will open up and we will have BALANCE.

On first down we need to pass 80% of the time to have short yardage.The run needs to come on 2nd and 1st down but more on 2nd and shorter yards.3rd down...unless it's less than 3 yards needs to be a roll out type pass and the QB needs to be told to run if he doesn't see an immediate play.

WE MUST establish we will pass.We have to almost forget the run for now to bring balance later.We're clinging to the past while trying to be different.One of the two have to take a back seat for now.This is the spread so let's do what the spread does PASS.Let's stop clinging to the past and see a full blown spread does before this offensive style is discarded like an old diaper.

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