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The Stiff Arm Award


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Regardless of how the Heisman vote goes now, I bet it would be interesting to re-poll the voters after the bowl games and see how their opinions change.

Certainly Ingram, Tebow and McCoy have turned in both very strong and very week performances in their last couple of games. Who knows which will be "on" or "off" in the bowls.

I haven't really followed Gerhart or Suh.

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Ingram had a great advantage. Not too many people are voting him number one, but he has a great geographical advantage. The southwest / Texas region is causing Colt McCoy to get votes that Suh could've had. Ingram, being the only legit candidate in the south east, will get a lot of support for 1st or 2nd place. Ingram continues to get 2nd place votes throughout the country and that's what will win it for him. If McCoy wasn't taking votes from Suh, Suh probably would've won.

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How hard was it to project most of the winners for the past seven years? Seriously. Last year was the only one up in the air... you had a 33% chance of getting it right by throwing a dart at a board. If you thought (as most did) that OU's Big 12 Title pushed Bradford over McCoy... you had a 50/50 shot without even trying.

Tebow was a runaway the year before. Same for Smith. Same for Bush (although everyone regretted that about a month later). Leinart's year was fairly predictable even though Peterson got a late push. Jason White was a lay-up (even though it was a horrible selection because Eli and Fitz were better choices). Palmer's year was pretty tough between him and Brad Banks (completely forgotten by history). So out of the seven years, they predicted Bradford over Tebow (yes, I know he finished third but McCoy wasn't winning the trophy) and Palmer over Banks... the rest a monkey could've predicted. Consider me less than impressed. In the close years, their projections were off a fair amount: Palmer got 6% less than projected, Banks got 1% more; last year everyone got a higher percent of votes than they projected (how the hell is that possible?).

It'll be interesting. I think Ingram is the most likely winner. I think Gerhardt and Suh has better years.

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If you were starting a team and had to pick from Ingram, Gerhardt or Suh as your first pick, who would you select? I would pick Suh in a heartbeat.

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Well, seeing as Suh is the only guy in that group that is a sure-fire, 100% guaranteed first rounder... yeah, I'd go with him. Also, since Kiper is saying he's the best DL player in his 30 years... that's another good bet. He'll go number one in the draft.

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Well, seeing as Suh is the only guy in that group that is a sure-fire, 100% guaranteed first rounder... yeah, I'd go with him. Also, since Kiper is saying he's the best DL player in his 30 years... that's another good bet. He'll go number one in the draft.

So he logicly will win the Heisman. Wait, I forgot it's detemined by a bunch of "experts" voting on it.

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And we all forget that it doesn't go to the best player in the country. It goes to the media's favorite. It's basically the "So you think you can play football" competition (that's right... I just referenced SYTYCD). Like they say on the show (I can't help myself. I love dance), it doesn't go to the BEST dancers. It goes to America's FAVORITE dancer. This award goes to the media's favorite. Not the best. How else can you explain Troy Smith, Reggie Bust, Jason White (the others have been marginally defensible)? You can't. Those were guys who NO ONE thought were the best player in the country. Heck go back to Eric Crouch and Ron Dayne and it only gets worse. There is a reason Heisman winners fail in the NFL; it's because they often are not that good. They just happen to play a flashy position on a good team.

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Toby Gerhart should win it. He's the best player in the country, his stats prove it. Stanford might not even be in a bowl game this year if it weren't for Gerhart.

Ingram is good too but he's got a lot more help than Gerhart does and that's why Alabama's undefeated. Richardson outperformed Ingram in a couple of games this year. (i.e. Arkansas, Auburn). Something tells me though that Ingram will win it anyway because he's got: the media, his story about his father, he plays for the #1 team in the nation, and Alabama's never had a Heiman winner in their history. So he has a lot on his side as to why he'll win it.

It's nothing more than a popularity contest. Colt McCoy should have won the Heisman last year, but Bradford won it because he padded his stats by running up the score on a lot of opponents Oklahoma played last year.

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A playoff should determine the winner of the Heisman.

But I believe stiffarmtrophy.com boasts about it's accuracy, not necessarily picking the winner. They like to predict how many of the votes each finalist receives. But it's all based on actual statistics, so it's not like they are just purely guessing. They use a sample size to predict the actual outcome.

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Without a clear cut leader any of the 4 could walk away with it and it would be okay with me. Obviously, I'm biased and would like to see Ingram win it, but I wouldn't be upset if the others won it. I think good points could be made for all of them to be winners. I really think Spiller should have been there in place of Tebow.

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And we all forget that it doesn't go to the best player in the country. It goes to the media's favorite. It's basically the "So you think you can play football" competition (that's right... I just referenced SYTYCD). Like they say on the show (I can't help myself. I love dance), it doesn't go to the BEST dancers. It goes to America's FAVORITE dancer. This award goes to the media's favorite. Not the best. How else can you explain Troy Smith, Reggie Bust, Jason White (the others have been marginally defensible)? You can't. Those were guys who NO ONE thought were the best player in the country. Heck go back to Eric Crouch and Ron Dayne and it only gets worse. There is a reason Heisman winners fail in the NFL; it's because they often are not that good. They just happen to play a flashy position on a good team.

Thats a very good point.

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