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Two questions

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Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons?

Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?

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If a train stops at a train station, and a bus stops at a bus station, why do they call it a work station?

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Why is abbreviation such a long word?

Why do women wear a pair of panties, but only one bra?

Kinda like a pair of pants. I guess each hole is a pant.

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why is there Braille on the keypad at drive-through ATM's?

I guess the same reason why there is Braille on the restroom door signs :blink: :roll:

Why do people go to McDonald's and order a greasy cheesburger, a greasy order of fries, and a DIET COKE?

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what if blue really isn't blue...just what our eyes have been taught to see. What if what we perceive as blue is actually a red color and our eyes are all falwed in tha same manner. What if that's one of God's practical jokes and when we get to Heaven he shows us what the colors truly are and we all go ooooooooooooooh.

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what if blue really isn't blue...just what our eyes have been taught to see. What if what we perceive as blue is actually a red color and our eyes are all falwed in tha same manner. What if that's one of God's practical jokes and when we get to Heaven he shows us what the colors truly are and we all go ooooooooooooooh.

Is your real name Cheech? ;):lol:

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Poindexter: So you're saying that in infinite bigness, there exists infinite smallness?...How?

Wormser: Simple...you take an asymptotic line, and extend it outward.

Poindexter: Right, right.

Ogre: uhhh...what if C-A-T really spelled DOG...

Poindexter: Whoa, that's heavy Ogre...DOG.

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I will not be able to sleep tonight, pondering all the above. By the way, what is clean as a whistle ?

Here is one odd explanation:

From Pat Burns:

What's the origin of as clean as a whistle?

Famed Scottish  poet Robert "Rabbie" Burns (in his Author's Earnest Cry, 1786) provides us the first use of anything resembling the phrase clean as a whistle in writing: "Her mutchkin stowp as toom’s a whissle"  For those readers not fluent in Lowlands Scots, this meant "Her pint bucket is as empty as a whistle".  As a pair of dyed-in-the-wool penny-whistlers, we conjecture that Rabbie was familiar with this instrument, the implication being that if a whistle is not clear of obstruction inside, then it will not play properly.

Some have suggested that as clean as a whistle actually derives from as clear as a whistle.  That explanation has the "clear" form meaning "pure" (as the pure sound of a whistle) and suggests that it is not a large leap from "pure" to "clean".  We have found nothing to support this notion, however.  A writer in 1828  defines as clean as a whistle as "a proverbial simile, signifying completely, entirely" but we have to wait until 1880 before as clear as a whistle appears in print.

While researching this we turned up the delightful phrase box of whistles, a contemptuous, puritanical term for a church organ.  Alsop, writing in 1678 said that "Pope Vitalian..first..taught Mankind the Art of Worshipping God with a Box of Whistles".

Here are few more expressions:



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The phrase "rule of thumb" is derived from an old English law which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb.
from CCTAU's link.

Some laws were made to be broken! :lol:

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Why is something sent by car called a shipment and something that is sent by ship called cargo?

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