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ALEC Urges Temporary Repeal


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Sounds like a good idea to me, but I doubt if any states will actually do it. The states are making too much money with the price of gas rising the way it is.

ALEC Urges Temporary Repeal of State Gas Taxes

States must take appropriate actions to lower fuel costs


THURSDAY, MAY 20, 2004



WASHINGTON, DC --- The American Legislative Exchange Council today urged state lawmakers to give drivers relief at the pumps by temporarily repealing state gas taxes.

“The states must take all appropriate actions to lower fuel costs,” said Duane Parde, Executive Director of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). “The average state levies a 24.3 cent tax on each gallon of gasoline. Temporarily repealing these taxes would be good for the bottom line of the family budget.”

The average price of a gallon of gasoline has skyrocketed in recent weeks. While much blame is placed on the oil and gasoline companies, government also contributes to the high cost of fuel through taxes and regulation.

“Federal and state taxes on each gallon of gasoline average 42.7 cents per gallon,” said Chris Atkins, ALEC Director of Tax and Fiscal Policy. “You could have bought a gallon of gas for $ .97 cents a couple of years ago.”

Regulation also takes a bit out of the consumer at the pumps. The Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFÉ) standards, restrictions on refining capacity, and boutique fuel also make families pay more for fuel.

“Whenever we tighten domestic regulatory requirements for fuel,” said Sandy Liddy Bourne, ALEC’s Director of Natural Resources Policy, “we tighten energy markets and become hostage to foreign producers.”

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is the nation’s largest bipartisan, individual membership organization of state legislators with over 2,400 legislator members from all fifty states.


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Certainly not going to happen in Alabama where the legislators are struggling to scrape together enough money to stay out of proration/bankruptcy anyway! It may still be political suicide to raise taxes in this state, but they're sure not going to lower them...


Does this situation remind anyone of 1973? (For those of you old enough to remember 1973)

--Americans were driving giant gas-guzzling mammoths twice as big as they actually needed to get where they're going [Just as difference in body styles: land-cruisers like giant Lincolns, Caddys, & Chryslers then vs. tank-size SUVs & king-cab pickups now]. War broke out in the Middle East and suddenly gasoline was priceless if you could find it.

Unfortunately, that triggered a decade or more slump in the US auto industry as the Japanese came in and sold us cars we could afford to fill up. I hope history doesn't repeat itself, but when is Mr/Ms Urban American going to realize he/she doesn't need a battleship just to get him/her to the office?

I feel sorry for the farmers or blue collar workers who must drive a large vehicle for their profession and hope they can get some sort of business tax break, but I have no sympathy at all for those who drive their Hummer or Suburban to the store alone to buy a loaf of bread.

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Some perspective:

When adjusted for inflation to current dollars, gasoline prices are not the highest they've ever been. The highest? The end of the Carter administration and beginning of the Reagan admin. Early 1981, when adjusted for inflation to current dollars, had gasoline prices of $2.94 a gallon.



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I feel sorry for the farmers or blue collar workers who must drive a large vehicle for their profession and hope they can get some sort of business tax break, but I have no sympathy at all for those who drive their Hummer or Suburban to the store alone to buy a loaf of bread.

Just stay out of the way. I would hate to get your little cracker box stuck in my tire treads. And I doubt they are looking for your sympathy.

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