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Server Upgrade Update

The Duke

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Due to a huge boost in traffic, we will be upgrading the server this evening beginning at around 10:00pm. The site should not have any downtime, however, posts after that time could be lost so please refrain from posting. The upgrade should not take more than about 12 hours, so tomorrow things should be back to normal. Thanks so much for your understanding. We appreciate your continued support as we could not have done this without your donations. Thanks again.

Auburn Eagle Team

***** Update should not be any down time at all according to the Host. War eagle, thanks again.

We are always thankful for any support that we can get. If anyone is interested you can click the link below to help keep the site going.


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About the time Lache announced I noticed that the web site slowed down.  Glad to see you guys are fixing that.  I will donate to that.

Also is there a place to see how many people are online at one time.  I looked, but could'nt find it anywhere.

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Problem, is that the company that we are using us is charging us out our rear ends. We are trying to change companies but this one seems to have us locked in until we have down time and can get everything moved. Long story short, we have a lot of work to get this site moved to another server. With the upgrade, they will do it all, and charge us a ton, but we want Wednesday to run smoothly, so thats what we have to do. We are planning on moving to a new company which is cheaper and should run much smoother. Just gotta have some free time to get it all done. With NSD looming, we don't have enough time.

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About the time Lache announced I noticed that the web site slowed down.  Glad to see you guys are fixing that.  I will donate to that.

Also is there a place to see how many people are online at one time.  I looked, but could'nt find it anywhere.

There is at the bottom of the messageboard, for the messageboard, but that is it. The other day we had nearly 700 people online at once, I expect that to triple on Wednesday.

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About the time Lache announced I noticed that the web site slowed down.  Glad to see you guys are fixing that.  I will donate to that.

Also is there a place to see how many people are online at one time.  I looked, but could'nt find it anywhere.

Look at the  bottom of the page when you are on the message board index page

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Due to a huge boost in traffic, we will be upgrading the server this evening beginning at around 10:00pm. The site should not have any downtime, however, posts after that time could be lost so please refrain from posting. The upgrade should not take more than about 12 hours, so tomorrow things should be back to normal. Thanks so much for your understanding. We appreciate your continued support as we could not have done this without your donations. Thanks again.

Auburn Eagle Team

We are always thankful for any support that we can get. If anyone is interested you can click the link below to help keep the site going.


Got this error from Pay Pal when trying to "Donate"

You have requested an outdated version of PayPal. This error often results from the use of bookmarks.

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The upgrade to the site should take place somtime today. I sure hope it works out b/c boy are we getting reamed!

The DJ_Hatch family will be making our donation tonight! smilemoney.gif I suggest everyone who hasn't already, do the same, when you can! $5... $10... from 100 members adds up quick! So do your part and let's help these guys out and keep this AUsome thing that we've got going continue to grow!  :thumbsup:

signs153.gif  godbless.jpg  and  :we:

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I'm an IT system admin and I'm surprised that they're having to move the site (and the data) from one server to another just to provide an upgrade.  Many of the good hosting companies nowadays use virtual machines for servers so to do an upgrade they could just assign more virtual memory and/or processors to the existing servers, providing for a seamless upgrade.

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I agree, thanks to you guys, Brandon, ST, and all you other guys that I cant remember right now which makes all this happen to us AU junkies.  We appreciate all you do.  Keep us posted on the switchover when it does come.  Maybe we can flip some more coin before it happens to help you guys out.  

Slow servers--> :banghead:  switching over to other servers --> :banghead:  

making sure everything works --> :banghead:  keeping your sanity  :banghead:  

when everything come online and works --> :timeout:   then you start this --> :party:  

War Eagle guys!! :we:

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Due to a huge boost in traffic, we will be upgrading the server this evening beginning at around 10:00pm. The site should not have any downtime, however, posts after that time could be lost so please refrain from posting. The upgrade should not take more than about 12 hours, so tomorrow things should be back to normal. Thanks so much for your understanding. We appreciate your continued support as we could not have done this without your donations. Thanks again.

Auburn Eagle Team

We are always thankful for any support that we can get. If anyone is interested you can click the link below to help keep the site going.


Congrats - I love this site and love the "family friendly" atmosphere. Glad you are growing and sad that you are having to pay so much - I donated last week - happy to do so and still feel like I am getting off cheaply! Good luck with the upgrade and the future move to a better, more cost efficient hosting company!

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Auburn Eagle Message Boards: $0

Auburn Eagle T-Shirt: $18

Divorce Lawyer Because I Spend too much time on Auburn Eagle: $2000

Upgrading to a better server so we can all watch Auburn pass Bama in recruiting with no connection errors: PRICELESS

There are some things money can't buy, but according to Nick Saban, recruits are not one of those things.

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Due to a huge boost in traffic, we will be upgrading the server this evening beginning at around 10:00pm. The site should not have any downtime, however, posts after that time could be lost so please refrain from posting. The upgrade should not take more than about 12 hours, so tomorrow things should be back to normal. Thanks so much for your understanding. We appreciate your continued support as we could not have done this without your donations. Thanks again.

Auburn Eagle Team

We are always thankful for any support that we can get. If anyone is interested you can click the link below to help keep the site going.


Got this error from Pay Pal when trying to "Donate"

You have requested an outdated version of PayPal. This error often results from the use of bookmarks.

I got the same message???????

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Brandon...Sounds like a lot of us are wanting to make donations to the board, but the link you posted doesn't work. I can go directly through paypal if you can give us the payee info. Let us know. This site is too good to not be willing to help out. With all the members now, if everyone donated $10 or so, it should add up quick

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I went back and found the Donate thread and was able to access it from there.

Where was it?

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I went back and found the Donate thread and was able to access it from there.

Where was it?

Message Board > Announcements > Donations

Thanks bruski...I mean bruheard!

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