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The War Is a Fraud

Posted by Lew Rockwell at August 1, 2004 08:33 AM

Robert Fisk, The Independent, August 1, 2004:

The war is a fraud. I'm not talking about the weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist. Nor the links between Saddam Hussein and al-Qa'ida which didn't exist. Nor all the other lies upon which we went to war. I'm talking about the new lies.

Iraq On the Verge of Implosion

by Charley Reese

"Iraq has never been easy to govern, even by a dictator. And one thing all Iraqis share is a hatred of foreign occupiers."

If we don't get out of Iraq soon – and I'm talking months, not years – we're going to be as intensely hated by the Iraqis as the Israelis are by the Palestinians – for the same reason. Nobody likes an occupier. Sovereignty, of course, is defined by power, not by a piece of paper, and the Iraqis know the true situation.

The failure to anticipate and plan for what would happen after our military victory is reason enough to dump the members of the administration in Washington. They had to disregard a huge amount of wise advice and be skull-dense stupid to get us into this bloody, multibillion-dollar cesspool. To this day, they don't know how they are going to get out. It's hard to reconcile elections in January, assuming they even happen, with simultaneous talk about American troops staying for years.

For what have these brave young men and women sacrificed their lives? I think Rudyard Kipling has the answer. "If any question why we died, Tell them because our fathers lied," he wrote in a bitter poem after the war that had claimed his only son. There were no weapons of mass destruction, there was no cooperation with al-Qaeda, there was no threat, gathering or otherwise, to the United States, and, as of Aug. 2, 912 young men and women have died to prove that.

Arms inspectors could have proven the same thing without the grief blight on American families.


Watch out for the Black Helicopters. Even Lew Rockwell in Auburn, Alabama, knows about the existence of the secret societies that control the destinies of empires and countries economies.

Here read this:


A Layman's Guide to: 'Who Really Controls The Money?'

by Mike (in Tokyo) Rogers

One of these well-documented groups is the Bilderberg group; another is The Knights Templar. Today you may hear much about the Carlyle group. If you know little or nothing about these groups and their grubby little meetings – deciding the fates and destiny's of entire nations – then this article is for you.



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