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Liberals Are Upset, And So Am I


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The number of personal bankruptcies has reached an all-time high as consumers who bet their home mortgage (through refinancing to tap home equity for ready cash) that their circumstances would improve are now finding themselves stuck with less income. Last month, consumer spending slid by 0.7 percent.

Interestingly, those who have benefited from the Bush tax cuts do not seem to have invested their largesse in the domestic economy. Most employers seem reluctant to hire, adopting a ''wait and see'' attitude on the economy, preferring to offer temporary jobs without benefits over permanent jobs.

Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan characterizes our weak economy as simply having hit a ''soft patch'' that will improve when growth does. But with high oil prices and a wobbly job market, this growth cannot take place with lip service alone.

People are reminded of our economic weaknesses daily:

• When they look at their stagnant paychecks.

• When they fill their gas tanks with rising prices.

• When they write checks for their medical insurance premiums.

• When they tighten their belt and avoid spending.

The continued weakness in the job market is a shaky foundation for a healthy economy.

Julianne Malveaux is author of several books, including Wall Street, Mean Street and the Side Street: A Mad Economist Takes a Stroll.

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Total load of crap. More companies are hiring. More large deals are in the works. Home ownership is up. Salaries are rising, etc..

More ballyhoo by the demoncratic doom squad. BF, you need to move. cause it sounds like you live inthe most depressed economy in the US. Yes, there are places worse than others. That's why we displaced the indians. Its a big country. MOVE!

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There was an article in the Birmingham News yesterday that described the plight of trucking companies nationwide. Business was increasing and they needed more drivers, they couldn't train drivers fast enough. Even with the high fuel prices, they had more orders than they could transport.

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Most of the jobs hiring right now are minimum wage service related "May I take your order, sir?" jobs. For the most part with every fatcory outsourcing to China, Central America, Poland, India, Mexico, and everywhere else besides the U.S. people who used to make a decent living are flipping burgers or washing dishes on two or three different jobs just to pay the mortgage. This is not the AMerica we are accustom to. On 9-11, the Twin Towers weren't the only taget, the American Middle Class was under attack. too. Clinton screwed the middle Calss by signing into law the U.S. vote to accept China into the WTO.

Nov. 30, 2001. The moon occulted (passed in front of) Saturn, a powerful Satanic energy this day. Note that in Japan a Crown Princess was born the next day, December 1, 2001, the moon being associated with childbirth. And Red China (which is the Satanic Red Dragon) became officially a member of the World Trade Organization on December 11, 2001.

After, the vote every multinational corporation started moving all of the production to the communist nations of China and Taiwan.


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Most of the jobs hiring right now are minimum wage service related "May I take your order, sir?" jobs. For the most part with every fatcory outsourcing to China, Central America, Poland, India, Mexico, and everywhere else besides the U.S. people who used to make a decent living are flipping burgers or washing dishes on two or three different jobs just to pay the mortgage. This is not the AMerica we are accustom to. On 9-11, the Twin Towers weren't the only taget, the American Middle Class was under attack. too. Clinton screwed the middle Calss by signing into law the U.S. vote to accept China into the WTO.

Nov. 30, 2001. The moon occulted (passed in front of) Saturn, a powerful Satanic energy this day. Note that in Japan a Crown Princess was born the next day, December 1, 2001, the moon being associated with childbirth. And Red China (which is the Satanic Red Dragon) became officially a member of the World Trade Organization on December 11, 2001.

After, the vote every multinational corporation started moving all of the production to the communist nations of China and Taiwan.


blah blah outsourcing...blah blah low paying jobs... geez! BOTTOM LINE...develop marketable skills and market them! This is the greatest country in the history of the world. If you can't make it here you can't make it any where. No wonder the liberals STILL aren't in countrol destpite the fact that more than 50% of the people in this country barely have a taxable stake in it.....GLOOM AND DOOM.


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blah blah outsourcing...blah blah low paying jobs... geez!  BOTTOM LINE...develop marketable skills and market them!  This is the greatest country in the history of the world.  If you can't make it here you can't make it any where.  No wonder the liberals STILL aren't in countrol despite the fact that more than 50% of the people in this country barely have a taxable stake in it.....GLOOM AND DOOM.


Well, first of all we could rid our system of the IRS and income tax as we know it. Forget about a national sales tax, let the trough dwellers find money elsewhere besides my pocket. Next, we could severely restrict the amount a CEO gets paid. Make it proportional to the performance of the company and not an automatic raise every time the stock rises. Option traders have a habit of causing severe stock fluctuations. Maybe we could actually have Real Welfare System Reform. Put them to work doing something that brings back American Jobs that are being outsourced to India. Train them and give them a real chance instead of paying them $400.00 a month to stay poor and in Sec. 8 housing. You know these people are caught in a trap created by bureaucratic boondoggling. I'd love to see us be able to stop using this phrase "bureaucratic boondoggling." It's a mess in D.C. It seems nothing ever really gets done to benefit the majority of the population. A constant burden on our taxpayers has left us to slavery of the Z-Axis.


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For the most part with every fatcory outsourcing to China, Central America, Poland, India, Mexico, and everywhere else besides the U.S. people who used to make a decent living are flipping burgers or washing dishes on two or three different jobs just to pay the mortgage.

Doesn't your buddy, Mr. Heinz, have a lot of factories in Mexico?

Quit looking at it from a doom and gloom side. That is typical liberal media horse crap. Take the following article for instance. AND PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE LAST LINE. But the whole article is skewed toward doom and gloom with really no basis for fact.

Middle class tax crap

The middle class is paying more taxes because thats what happens when you work. The study every one is using does not and can not separate who pays what. They throw in all taxes, including employer taxes, which will go up when you make more money. PERIOD. Just more left wing scare tactics.

Old people will die. The republicans are cutting SS. Medicare is going away. Vote demoncrat to keep your benefits, etc.. Been screaming it for 16 years now and old folks are still collecting.

I do, however, agree with you about China!

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For the most part with every fatcory outsourcing to China, Central America, Poland, India, Mexico, and everywhere else besides the U.S. people who used to make a decent living are flipping burgers or washing dishes on two or three different jobs just to pay the mortgage.

And who's fault is that? I can't remember correctly. The only thing that comes to mind is that he had a good bit of power, and possibly a democrat. Could you help me out?

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