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AUFAN78 last won the day on December 25 2022

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About AUFAN78

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    Land management, Golf, Fishing, Hunting, Shooting and Auburn Sports
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    "The Ham"
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  1. The problem is that Trump isn't using me for anything. If you post lies or mistruths (dishonorable) and I call them out deal with it and stop. Maintain some dignity. Not complicated.
  2. Me too. Side with them on many issues, and oppose others. Just have a conversation and stop shouting each other down. You're not going nuts.
  3. Lol. He knows. He gets riled when I point out lies and then tries to insinuate nonsensical BS. It's sad but expected. I actually enjoy it up until the point it becomes clownlike.
  4. I too understand. I'm not a trumpster, so I can't speak for them, but I am trying to recall them saying they voted for him due to his character. For me, pointing out lies from the left is just that. Pointing out lies. IIWII
  5. Well of course I did. You make it quite easy homes. I mean, how hard can it be for you to show me defending Trump's lies?
  6. I simply responded to a video with a similar video from ABC. You can take up your outrage with ABC. I don't care if you do. I honestly don't.
  7. Why do we get involved with this nonsense? Too nice I suppose. Anyway, great weather down at Carillon Beach. Time to pop another cold one and have a beach lunch courtesy of Buddy's Seafood Market.
  8. Ah, just as you and I both knew. You got nothing! NADA! 🤡
  9. It's not about me feeling better. I responded to a previous poster with the ABC video Titled Trump Concession or something to that effect. You had a conniption. How is that making me feel better?
  10. It literally took you just minutes to forget what we were talking about. SMH. I simply refuse to get caught up in another of your endless loop of stupidity posts.
  11. Again you state he didn't concede, yet ABC has an article stating he did. I simply posted it. If you disagree with their article call them and complain.
  12. No. I don't believe so. But admittedly, I haven't researched it. My life doesn't revolve around Trump.
  13. I disagree. There certainly is disdain for the colors. There is disdain for those who fought to preserve freedoms. There are a couple posts from yesterday honoring the colors and those that gave all. Quite certain not one person from the left responded. Telling.
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