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maryland tiger

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Everything posted by maryland tiger

  1. I hope Sentaor Tubbs is OK. Those falls are harder to heal from as you get older.
  2. Auburn 24 LSU 13 Auburn is man enough to beat LSU.
  3. Robbie to get a fair shot/chance to show what he can do.
  4. Robbie should be getting more playing time. To say that he can't throw is absurd. Dude threw for over 300 years against LSU last year and has worked his tail off and for what? To be put in awkward and obvious running situations. Let the dude get a fair one!
  5. Really do hate it for that young man. I hope he sticks around and comes back stronger than ever. Next man up though. Z Walker, it is your time to shine.
  6. Never heard one thing about him beating anyone nor have I heard any suicide attempts. Please provide receipts. He has always ran his mouth and backed it up. He is doing it now with CU and will be successful there.
  7. Dude cannot take the pounding that Jarquez takes. Stop it!
  8. So many people were pushing for DA to be the main back over Jarquez. Well now you see why he can't be the main RB. He isn't big enough to take the pounding every week. That is nothing against him, he just isn't big enough.
  9. Freeze is Gus 2.0 and it is simply the truth. He can, however, with good recruiting be as good as Gus was when he had a good offensive line. I still don't know why people wanted Freeze so bad. He is what we have and I will support!
  10. Caleb Wooden is a liability on the back end. Seems slow and always a step behind.
  11. Hunter is the best back on the team. You saw what he was capable of when the rust started wearing off in the second half. Dude got better as he got more carries. You people are always clamoring for 2nd stringers.
  12. I want to publicly apologize to Mr. Asante. I was not impressed by what I saw him do while at UNC. Boy was I wrong! Dude balled out and is a little ball of hate. Much props to him!
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