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maryland tiger

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Everything posted by maryland tiger

  1. How is what I said wild? Robbie can make throws that Nick couldn't. Yes, he still needs coaching but that throw against Bama tells me he can do great things at Auburn.
  2. Robbie Ashford will be as equally good as Nick or better. Keep doubting the young man.
  3. Congrats to all three! What a big accomplishment. Taylor Davis though!
  4. 4.46 in the Forty. Dude has some wheels. I think his draft stock may have risen.
  5. Why are Auburn fans discussing Coach Prime? Did he say or do something to disrespect Auburn or its fans? If he did not, please treat his name like spoiled food and keep it out your mouth!
  6. I'm not sure what Deion did to Auburn but I never heard him make any perjorative or derogatory comments. Maybe you should have Deion come and talk to the players here because what he is doing is trying to grow boys into men. It's very cowardly to keep talking about someone and trying to bring them down when you know you wouldn't have the guts to say that to that person's face.
  7. Excited to have this young man in the family. Welcome! ‘One of the good ones:’ What makes Auburn RB commit Christian Burnette special - al.com
  8. Everybody get excited now, here is the QB that is going to replace Robby.(Allegedly) Jake Garcia to leave Miami, enter transfer portal, sources say (espn.com)
  9. Georgia Bulldogs don't think he is so great.
  10. Mike G makes some excellent points in regards to the QB position. I couldn't agree more. Bring in whoever you like, they are only playing for 2nd place and 2nd place is the first loser. Robby hasn't began to reach his full potential and is nowhere near his peak.
  11. You could have made these same statements about Jason Campbell and you saw what he did his "last" year. When a better offensive mind was hired, Jason balled out. Also, Tank should be higher on the all-time rushing list but do you know why he isn't? Because of the awful Offensive line that he played behind, the same line that didn't give any QB time to throw. Regardless of Robby's age, if you put better players(Oline) and he gets better coaching, he will excel. Nobody last year balled out because the team had limited talent. I'm saying the dude has all the tools if those tools are coached up. I am in no way saying he is a finished product but you writing him off is way to preliminary. He will be the starting QB next because of his potential. Keep dreaming and rubbing your rabbits foot hoping for someone else to take his spot. It "ain't" happening.
  12. Robby is a star in the making. Dude is busting his tail off to get better and Freeze will bring the best out of him. People saw last year and think that's his ceiling but he is so much better than that. He can be a Heisman finalist with Freeze's coaching.
  13. Dude has some soul searching to do. I wish him the best.
  14. @MikeyYou know as well as I do that this statement is not true. You are and have been the flag waving, Gus Bus driving, leader of the Gus Love Society. I will let you believe what you will though. I won't interfere with your truth.
  15. Bring in all the QBs you want. They are all playing for 2nd place as Larry Bird once famously said. Robby is the guy!
  16. So glad someone started this thread. Gus lost 5 games this season but his fanboys have been quiet as a church mouse. I know someone will say he only averaged 4.5 losses a year at Auburn but I prefer to round up. If you go checkout the Chiefs v. Raiders games from tonight, you'll see KC's version of Gus's whirly bird. It is very impressive.
  17. What you meant to say was Gus didn't know how to use Malik, as he didn't know how to use many players. On top of that, he did not recruit linemen well but Mickey would disagree.
  18. One reason is that their bodies need to mature. Unlike the NBA, you don't want these young men, fresh out of high school, playing against full matured men. You are putting them severely at risk. Everybody wants to be fast to see the cash, reach the NFL and get more than a heat rash.
  19. Is this Charles Barkley? Go ahead and bang me? 🤣
  20. Really happy to see this. Maybe this is his time now and he will excel. So many people, mostly old dudes on this board, place unrealistic expectations that may not be realized until several years in their playing career. So happy he is back and in the fold.
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