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Everything posted by WarTim

  1. Thanks E. Great stuff as usual. Much appreciated !!!
  2. Thanks Coach. Great work as always. God Bless and War Eagle!!!
  3. WarTim


    Well said. We ARE Family !! Prayers up!!
  4. Coach. IMHO your analysis is one of the very best out there!!! We need ya Coach!!
  5. Out of likes. I will simply say Amen.
  6. Thank You Stuart. Much appreciated as always!!!
  7. Thanks Coach. God Bless and War Eagle!!
  8. Great stuff per your usual Stuart. Thanks and WDE!!!
  9. My experience tells me that kids from Selma are Tough!!!
  10. Always remember what Lewis Grizzard said about Burger ...”Kid gets in trouble for fighting and carrying a gun? THAT is who I want as MY QB !!!” 😎😎😎
  11. WarTim


    Congrats. Had the honor of watching my two girls graduate at AU as well. Truly blessed.
  12. Thanks Coach. Always much appreciated and enjoyed.
  13. Fishing early morning last week from pier on Logan Martin. Initially thought I had a monster catfish on my line.....FOURTY EIGHT POUNF T U R T L E. RELEASED. Heck of a fight.
  14. Honestly I was never too concerned. The young man’s name is Bo !!!
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