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jw 4 au

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Everything posted by jw 4 au

  1. Should a let Jabari take that last shot in regulation!!! Hindsight is 20/20 though.
  2. Great game Wendell. Horrible last play. Do something other than that in that scenario!
  3. Why keep playing Flan at all? Is the defense THAT good? He is a major liability at the moment. His head ain’t right since he returned.
  4. By the way, mental capacity was in reference to decision making, attitude, player acumen, response to adversity, football knowledge. So don’t make it out as something it is not.
  5. Haha, he’d show him 7 rings and his wife and tell him to STFU. We are not discussing the same point, so I’ll move on.
  6. Copy your post real quick. You can go around and paste that on 80% of the posts out there. Mine included, haha.
  7. I don’t disagree with you. But you just kept bringing physical traits up and not mental. Smoke was his own worst enemy at times on the field. If you review Smokes ply on the field without bias, his physical strengths outweighed his mental strengths I actually agree in your support for the athletes, and think it goes for both sides of the Harsin debate if I have read your posts correctly. Remember, Harsin has more support from the athletes than non-support. It’s weird, people bitched and bitched about Bo, and were happy to see him leave. But now he left because of Harsin. And Bo was not soft!
  8. Regarding your side note: When someone calls a football player soft, it doesn’t mean they are weak or couldn’t kick the guys ass. Soft means doesn’t want to work hard, doesn't accept rules and discipline, doesn’t take care of the little things, doesn’t show commitment to the overall process, doesn’t get IT. Of course Smoke is an athletic hard nosed freak of a DB that can lay any guy out, but he doesn’t get IT. Don’t you agree? Another sample, Tom Brady is not soft.
  9. Soooo, do the recruits not want to come here because of the coach, or the crazy fan base that incessantly posts crap all over the internet, blows things out of proportion, openly insults players and coaches at the drop of a hat, etc???
  10. Someone needs to capture that “foul” on JW and send it to the league. That was horrible. That ref needs to go back to middle school ball.
  11. What a ******* no call. This is criminal!
  12. Someone needs to realize this and make the change. Just get it to the other guys you two and then yours will eventually come!!!
  13. Jabari need to STEP IT UP!! Let’s go guys. War Eagle!!!
  14. Oh wow. Fix is in. Go watch that “foul” on Jaylin Williams. Kid is leaning in and pulling in JW and he gets called. That is the worst I have seen ALL SEASON!
  15. Commentator said Kessler upset because they are all weak fouls. Not sure about that last one. This is very one sided by the stripes.
  16. Come on Wendell, you gotta see the 1 on 3 and make that dish. Horrible.
  17. I think he’s been told to draw the foul on certain guys. It is frustrating seeing the blatant no calls on his shot. He is right about that.
  18. We are not looking good this half. Need to get the right 5 on the floor. It has changed.
  19. Jabari been off past three weeks. He looked and passed straight at a guarded guy.
  20. Kes is such a gentleman and good steward representing AU. He never looses his cool or argues. Just quietly goes about his business. Like that guy!
  21. Uh oh. Edit: come on KD! You can’t run to the locker room like that and then come back out so quickly.
  22. Does Flan have an extra year to play? He may need an off-season uninjured to get his real game back. Would be good for AU next season IF he improves to his old performances.
  23. Again, sounds like todays Politics. AURealist keeping it real! Can’t agree more that this is what is going on.
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