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jw 4 au

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Everything posted by jw 4 au

  1. Ref decided the a**hole underneath called a BS charge, so he decided to claim the clock expired to take both the points AND the foul away. His only other choice, because the dipshit on the baseline called a foul was to award two shots to UGA. Still a BS call in the first place. Pearl was HOT!
  2. The whole UGA OL with Stetson Bennett results should change that second question.
  3. Holy shot that was awful by the stripes.
  4. I still can’t spell what I wanted to write. Having problems. I blame the refs. Hahaha
  5. There HAS to be reprocutions for this s*** show by the refs. How can this even be considered to be logical game.
  6. AU is not crapping the bed. This is an uphill battle against the refs. 3 of 4 on Kessler in no way were fouls, especially the other way. Kes got fore armed in the face and called a foul on him. This is bill.
  7. Over the back no call, but call the light push off. This is complete bull**** by the stripes.
  8. I’m not a Gus apologist, but why do you care so much what people think of Gus? I want to win, but not at all costs. Would rather have another Die than a Bear or Saban. That’s what makes Auburn AUBURN. Harsin will be that guy, and he’s not an a-hole. War Eagle!
  9. How do you not call that at all?
  10. Wasn’t Pinson I guess so they called it.
  11. Which conference is reffing tonight? This is bad! Ticky tack on one end, murder in the other.
  12. Agree with bird! Also, as usual the NCAA continues to be greedy. The grip was that the NCAA makes a ton of money off the backs of these student-athlete? Well they still are and get to keep all of their money. The NIL as structured is being paid by boosters and schools apparently, with ZERO contribution from all that money the NCAA is making off of all those backs. Almost criminal if you ask me, and probably going to change the face of college football in a bad way over the long haul.
  13. Unless you moved to Iraq, it had to be an upgrade from Louisiana. So quit whining and thanks for the effort and AU victory! 😂
  14. I really HATE bama too. But i have noticed where you live affects your perception. I also HATE UGA. Their fan base is as bad or worse than bama’s. They wear me out and what does it matter if bama wins another SEC? As long as UGA didn’t for me at this moment in time. I hope ND makes in into the top four. I would laugh my ass off. by the way, I knew bama would expose UGA. Didn’t they have the easiest SOS in the SEC? And Kirby is a moron.
  15. You must live in Georgia too. Most annoying fan base ever! I HATE bama, but those folks are mostly just trashy. UGA fans are the worst. Hard to put a specific point on it, but I would say pathetic confidence of bama without the naty’s.
  16. Two UGA observations. Bower is a freaking stud. How did he go from Napa Vally CA to UGA? And Why??? UGAy screwed the pooch by playing Bennett all season. Of course he was going to look good against the week east teams, but I bet they wish now they had JT Daniels prepared with 10 games under his belt to face bama and the playoffs. And a third point, if OSU had won today, UGA is not in the playoffs. If bama scored one more or held UGA from scoring in the fourth, ND may have made the playoffs and UGA would have been left out. As a Georgia resident, that would have been funny.
  17. Sad day. You let the refs decide this. Someone needs to do something. This has become laughable! Cheaters win, league helps cheaters win, league is money hungry when rich beyond all means. It is the epitome of America today.
  18. Someone needs to answer for the missed delay of game and intentional grounding all in one play. It is becoming ridiculous that the bama refs are inserting themselves in every game from AU vs Miss State this this mother ******* game. Horrible. I can’t watch.
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