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jw 4 au

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Everything posted by jw 4 au

  1. War Eagle! Needed those to runs. Let’s get a few more!
  2. Coach should tell his pitcher to quit with that stutter step to get set. 6 steps first pitch, 2 the second, then 6 again. That has to be a balk. I hate that step crap more than I hate the shift. No one stutter steps on the stretch is the 80s and 90s. Now they act like they must do it.
  3. What’s up with Dyal? Is he out with injury? His average was moderate but he is the team leader in RBIs and OPS I believe. We need him in the lineup. He receives the ball better at catcher, but was moved to LF I thought for a thumb injury. Need his bat back.
  4. What a ****hole RedStix is!!! Who puts a wooden bench that is obviously very angular and heavy as s*** in construction only about 12 feet past the foul line. Those things need to be removed.
  5. Thanks for the updates. That error goes down for DiChiara, but the second basemen needs to call him off that out of principal. That was a tall pop up!
  6. AU fans obviously pissed off. Hearing a TON of AU folks there being LOUD. War Eagle baby!
  7. Man, it cannot be any more obvious than that call right there. Barely a touch with his feet and they call it. We are banged all around and rarely anything called. Just let us know going in you are going to do that to us and just be above board NCAA. This is BS.
  8. So if you pick up your dribble and drop it, you can dribble again?
  9. Not sure if this stat is available, but do teams shoot their best games against us? Miami can’t miss right now. Seems we see that a lot.
  10. First call on Kess was questionable, as they allowed the Miami guy to trip KD; but did not allow Kess the same. Then an over the back??? He’s over his back just standing there. It looked like he went straight up to me.
  11. So the strategy is to double team the ball and not even bother to cover Flan.
  12. No more up and downs I guess. You can leave your feet and keep possession. Seen it twice by Miami, no call.
  13. Was the starting lineup even here for summer workouts? I don’t recall the timing, but some were late transfers right?
  14. If you start both bigs, who comes in to rest them? You really can’t make that big of a change this late. Why not best 5 at the moment and use the rest for subs to those starters. I say Kess, Jabari, Jaylin, Zep and Wendall. Regular rotation of Cardwell, DC, and KD in. If we get a lead, maybe play Flan.
  15. If we played. Single minutes of the second half like we have in OT, we win outright. Then isn’t is funny Green hustles down and shoots when we should be running clock??? Opposite of the end of regulation. Argh!
  16. Just need a fairly called game. No bailing necessary.
  17. Well, we certainly haven’t learned that Green cannot have the ball to end a game!
  18. They are allowing them to bang on our end. No touching allowed on MSU end.
  19. Wow! Incredible that he made that shot. He even was shocked!
  21. There is not a standard ball required? What does the NCAA use in the tourney???
  22. What a ticky tak call on Kess! What’s up with the shoulder brace?
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