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jw 4 au

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Everything posted by jw 4 au

  1. Two penalties one play and no call. Thanks refs.
  2. Is our coaching staff ******* blind? TJ has not played close to well since the injury. Next man up, PERIOD. I don’t care if it is Loy or DD, or the ******* punter, put someone else in the game.
  3. Heard that! And those where one sale has that much on the line are the most rewarding. War Eagle!
  4. What business are you in that you are making sales calls on a late Saturday afternoon???
  5. And flag was way late!!! Go back and watch. Came out AFTER he was tackled.
  6. I am going to start a sub-Reddit naming, background checks, and grading SEC refs with the stated purpose of exposing these buffoons and challenging the SEC to do better based on embarrassment in the national media. But I need to find somebody to do all the research and posting for me. Any takers???
  7. Great job D! Somebody get a message to Mason that they (bama) are going to review first half film during halftime and make offensive adjustments. He may not know that. Unless he figured it out AFTER the Miss State game. Our D needs to be prepared for that and have varying options to consider for the second half to continue to be successful.
  8. Holy s*** this sucks. They don’t even try to hide it anymore. Why flag that one guy? What about hands to the face on bama. Should have been offsetting at best. As usual, will have to beat bama and the bama based refs.
  9. Amen brother! s***ty unequal refs suck.
  10. It’s very bad. Is UCONN that big of a powerhouse that they get every offensive call? Even the announcers are baffled.
  11. If this doesn’t show how completely stupid our OC is, you finally put TJ in AFTER Bo Nix had a very quick and successful drive. Beyond stupid. No adjustments at halftime. You knew they were going to just, but we do nothing. Very pathetic showing of the coaches this game. ALL of them.
  12. BS. Watch it in motion. VERY subjective of when his butt touches. Is it the first blade of grass like they freeze-framed it, or a solid touch of your a$$ on the ground. Seriously. Seriously, do you ever see things in Auburns favor?
  13. Of course it is a f$ucking touchdown. They looked at each other to see if they could f$ck us somehow. Now they are going to try to get Birmingham to help f$uck is. Might as well try if you cheat that much.
  14. That is how the incessant cheating works. Calls to offset it on paper later.
  15. Blatant cheating by the officials, on the field and in Birmingham. I would protest this game and just head to the fricking locker room.
  16. Lord, of all the horrible calls for or against targeting, this has to be the worst. He has an opportunity cannot negate direct crown of head to ear hole. The fix is in!!!
  17. Pretty much same guy. Throws it from 30 yards deep also.
  18. There’s a reason UGA was happy he left for CSU. Always lost a few they shouldn’t have stacked with all that talent over there.
  19. We are winning at half, so we come out doing the same thing on both sides of the ball. Basically expecting the other team to make zero adjustments. That is horrible coaching by the two coordinators. I expect it from Bobo, but come on D.
  20. Was there as well! That’s the only time I recall rolling toomers outside of an Auburn victory. The Braves are (or maybe were) America’s team. They certainly are the MLB team for this area. Hope it gets rolled again next weekend (twice).
  21. Horrible play call by Bobo AGAIN on that third down play!!!
  22. Has someone already said why Pappoe is still out? Can someone let me know again?
  23. Let’s go D! Let’s change this thing around and start to make progress on both sides of the ball.
  24. We are Jekyll and Hyde on both sides of the ball.
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