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jw 4 au

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Everything posted by jw 4 au

  1. New self awareness by Cambridge NOT to take the three was the best part!!!
  2. 94-69 after the 11-0 start, in 35 minutes.
  3. Agree, but that wasn’t a foul. Go back and look, guy flopped twice in a row and they called the second one. He purposely pushed his face into flans already raised arms. These refs need to be graded and fined based on performance. They need to learn and not just be rewarded for incompetence.
  4. But he has a great shot though. Lucky for him he is only half as ugly as his dad. Haha.
  6. Refs must HATE Bruce Pearl or AU. Just went back and looked at both fouls. Jabari’s WAS NOT a reach in. He was body around and had all ball. Then the pick was moving and the guy actually shoved Zep after he went around the screen. TOTALLY bs. Really not a fair fight.
  7. And the foul on JS three no call. What’s up with that!!!
  8. No way Vandy shoots this well the entire game. They can’t miss right now.
  9. Not only is shot selection bad, but no movement for the offensive rebounds. Not even close to being in position for an attempt at a rebound.
  10. Hey, at least Coach Cal is playing it cool, reserve and professional; and not all energetic like Pearl, or they may be down by 30 instead of 20!
  11. But Harsin is mean! Riiiigggggjjjjjttttt! Great news! Thanks Z!
  12. I know. ANYTHING but the three. He is looking great inside the arc. Do what you do best kid!
  13. This may be the first time I have heard the commentators mention how bad the reffing is on multiple occasions. Maybe it is just ESPN don’t care.
  14. No offense, but there is over 200 pages of embarrassment from us AU fans over that mess. It was brought up here because he is in the building and the students are showing their support of him. For you to continue with your subtle negativity about Harsin is not supporting AU or the players you say you support. Not the ones that left, but the ones still here. I pick on you because I sincerely appreciate your contributions here, especially on the baseball boards (I really LOVE baseball but you may love it more than me!!!). My point is, WE HAVE TO DO BETTER, and it may start with looking in the mirror (me included). Rant over, Sorry for the long post, let’s move on.
  15. Somebody get the defibrillator ready. That coach looks like he is about to have a heart attack! He is even sweating throw his tie!!!
  16. Really appreciate Bilas calling out the horrible refereeing. Need more and more of it or they will do NOTHING about it.
  17. LOVE seeing Coach Harsin there, in the student section, with some football players, having fun and smiling! We, all of us on this board, need to support him and the football team 110%, get back the the old Auburn, show them world. It’s great to be an Auburn Tiger!
  18. Flans worst problem is Flan. His skills are there, it is his decision making. Taking too long to pull the trigger, bad passes, switching hands on an easy layup, etc. He just needs to play athletic and quit thinking. It makes him a second or two slower on everything.
  19. This should be the team motto for the 2022 season! And it needs to be OUR attitude here. We, the “fans, are hurting this team WAY more than anything else. I cringe what I read on here sometimes.
  20. Do you really think people from within the Athletic Department are going to speak to a lowly beat reported for AL.com about a former coach? Hell no. Hoke is a joke, has proven it many times over, and get most his information from forums. He probably went on a Boise forum and read some BS and is repeating it.
  21. No way AU try’s that s*** with a victory in hand. That’s bush league and I am glad Wendall went after him. I thought he was going to start a fight if they were not rushing the court.
  22. Weak attempt at the rebound by Jaylin Williams. He just needed to grab it, but he thought “Oh it is coming right to me, this will be easy.” Just f’ing weak and weak minded. Needs an ass chewing.
  23. Gotta get that f’ing rebound!!! And why not AU ball?
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